Gas-X Forums

Recently active Gas-X forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Gas-X and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.

My husband has these symptoms all the time. Had been told by a GI doctor to use Gas-X. I also bought baby colic drops. Nothing seems to help much anymore. Had endoscopy & colonoscopy, both normal. ## He may have abdominal adhesions. They do not appear on any type of scans as they are transparent. I had a series of colonoscopies over a 5 year period. They came up normal until the last one where the gastro dr could not get the scope through my intestines. At that point they determined the adhesions had entangled my intestines. Imagine the roots of a plant but made out of transparent material. At the least you might run an online search for abdominal adhesions. Good luck. ## Bet he has a fungal infection. Yeast overgrowth. Only thing he can do is eat a low fod map diet. ## y over the c...

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white big pill ## Where can I purchase some Enzypride? ## Should I take ENZYPRIDE before the food or after. And what is the benefit of this medicine. And last is there any interaction with alcohol. THANKS ## how to take enzypride ## Action and pathophysiology ## experiencing severe watery diarrhea with upset stomach and overall weakness. ## I recently had a hstyerectemy surgery and developed gas. I tried gas-x, beano, dica and many over the counter medicines, but nothing has helped. Can you please help me? The pain and bloating are becoming unbearable. ## I had a Hystorectomy 2008 and in 2011 I started bloating after I eat. What causes it and what can I take to alleviate it? ## Try baking soda with luke warm water.

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orange gel cap.small orange looks like jelly bean.letters gxu white writting. ## Would like to identify what a small orange pill that looks like a jelly belly..but smaller with white whiting on it G-X-U is?? ## This is an over the counter product called Gas-X Ultra Strength, it contains the active ingredient Simethicone and is used to relieve the discomfort and bloating associated with gas. Learn more: Are there any comments or questions? ## This is an over-the-counter medicine, also known as Gas-X. It releaves discomfort and bloating associated with gas and gastroenterogical pains. This medication works relatively quickly and for the most part elevates the pains associated with air bubbles trapped in your abdominal region, consequently causing pressure and discomfort.

3 REPLIES Updated