Gained Weight On 2nd Weigh-in On Adipex
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Hi. I started Adipex under my doctor on February 18 at 180lbs. I'm 5'4". . March 18's weigh-in, I was 173.8. Last month weigh-in I was 170.1. This was my 3rd weigh-in today (I was supposed to go in on Friday last week but the Dr had an emergency) so I was told to come in today. I knew I was going to be starting my period, but reluctantly I still went. 2 days ago my weight was 168.8!. Today, however, after starting my period last night, I weighed in at 173.0. :(

Because I had gained 3lbs,despite being on my cycle, the Dr told me to come back on Friday to lose the water and be off my cycle so the weight is accurate. But now I have no adipex, and am afraid the weight won't change he without it. I need to be 169 on Friday in order to get the last 30 day dose of my prescription. Has anyone experienced this????? Will this be possible? I feel stressed!

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I used to go to Linden Medical Center. However they have since closed and Dr. Washington no longer prescribes Adipex in his clinic in Westerville.

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Hi. I'm wondering where do you go? I haven't been able to find doctor.

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Hello, DeeDee! How are you?

There are some over the counter products you can take that will help with the water weight, if your doctor approves of your trying one. Many women encounter this certain weeks of their menstrual cycle.

Has anyone else that's taken Adipex encountered such an issue?

The FDA notes that this medication used to aid in weight loss and it may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, irritability, nervousness, insomnia and anorexia.

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