Gain Weight With Thyroid Medication (Page 3)
UpdatedI have been on 50 mcg of levothyroxine for 5 months and I have gained 15 pounds. My doctor tells me that it should be the opposite and that I should loose weight. Is this possible? Have any of you taking this drug has experienced the same?
I lost 50lbs BEFORE starting 50mcg of Levothyroxine 2 years ago. Sure enough 2 years later after starting it the weight cane back a little at a time. It didn't make me feel any better and I believe I didn't heed it in the first place. I had 3 labs done that year and they were all good besides the 1 that was a little off so they thought I was hypo thyroid. Makes no sense, I felt fine before levothyroxine and I was losing weight. Now I need to try to get off it and need to find out the best way. I asked my Dr. But she loos at me like I'm crazy. Could someone please tell me how to safely stop it and if it v would of hurt my natural thyroid since I believe it was fine before this
I have gained 40 lbs since on meds. I feel like I have gotten worse. My stomach is so bloated I look pregnant. My body aches. I work out and eat healthy??? So confused. Meeting with thyroid doctor in 3 weeks. Should I go off meds and have levels checked then? I feel like meds are not helping me just making me fat! Help!
I was on some 'natural' (non synthetic) thyroid medicatino and gained 11 pounds in less than 2 months!! I went off of it and still cannot get the weight off. My doctor was never 100% sure that I even had an 'under functioning thyroid' but my symptoms mimicked it, so he thought we should try thyroid medication. I am convinced if you don't really NEED thyroid medication it has the opposite effect and you gain weight. It has been 3 months and I still cannot lose weight. I am worried my thyroid is screwed up now and my metabolism is permanently damaged.
Hi I absolutely know where your coming from and I was naughty I was on 75mg of levothyroxine and I was intolerant to it I turned the exact same I was a nice size 12 went to a size 16. I had less energy levels and needed to sleep during day with 6 kids. this wasn't helping. I took myself off it. read the the book "the thyroid diet" and changed my eating to only little things like Brazil nuts, just 2 in morning and noticed foods that can worsen the thyroid so avoided those and added the ones that were good ..I then visited a consultant who advised me to go on liothyronine. .so I thought it give it a try. I had blood work done before I started the meds, collected meds and started medication again made me feel awful. I had already in between when off everything lost a bit of weight and looked more like me. started gaining again. The doctor called 2 weeks after I started to say that my levels were 14 when I stopped the med's but my levels when I had the blood work from consultant were 5.8! So I had brought my own thyroid down. she suggested I talked to the consultant to discuss my dosage to see if I could have it lowered, so I did. no reply I took myself back off and I have never felt better I'm now 5 months off and feel like me I'm no longer fuzzy headed tired moody and lethargic and my weight is going down ..I'm not saying come off them. everyone is different but you have the right to say this is not working for me and that you would like to be reassessed and don't give up ..good luck xx. ;)
I am taking natural Thyroid for 6 months now. At first I seemed to loose a few pounds but now i have gained a total of 12 lbs. I was diagnosed with Hashimoto. I exercise 3 times a week and eat healthy. Has anyone had a similar experience?
i can relate I have been on 100mcg for over a year and have gained 70 pds and have tried everything to loose the weight and I cant
I had a throbbing in the left side of my neck (it was a throbbing in the caratoid artery). It started when I was given 60mg of Cymbalta and I was also taking 88mcg of Levothyroxine. My doctor did not take my complaint seriously and I was having other strange side effects from what I believed started with the Cymbalta. I worked myself down to 30mg of Cymbalta and all those strange and annoying side effects went away including the throbbing in my left artery!! My doctor kept asking if I had injured my neck and wanted to do an X-ray. I told her that this symptom started when my Cymbalta was upped to 60mg and Ithought it was too much for me and I in no way injured my neck or anything of the sort. Sometimes, they just don't "hear" us. I know my body better than anyone and I knew the throbbing began when the med was increased. I was right.
I had a throbbing in my left neck.
My eyes would twitch
I had sharp pains up the side of my head among other side effects from Cymbalta. I still take it for pain but at a lower dose.
hi i'm experiencing weight gain... and joint aches and pains. i feel fat and even more sluggish... i think i will end this medication.
i've been thin all my life i'm now 61 5'7" and wt 135 before medication... i will check my wt... omg! i feel bloated most times too! my stomach is poochy...
i was told i'm under active?
i have... i don't know how much i've gained but i'm feeling fat... and rolly... i've always been thin... now i have a roundish pooch? gross! my dose was at 75 i take half... i was having black outs... i'm taking myself off and going to break it down even more like every other day...
Yes I am on the same pill and I was 220 and now I'm 240 like what is really going on with this pill
I've been taking levo for 16year..and can't loose a pound Lmao about to stop for a while to see if I can loose weight. I eat 1 meal a day and sometimes no meal in a day..
I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism 12 yrs back and was started on Eltroxin 50 mcg and it has moved up to 150 mcg over period. My weight has been a big problem and it has moved from 82 KGS to 95 KGS. Though it should have dropped down from 82 but it kept going up. Blood work parameters are in control. I have reduced my intake but no effect. Doctors are clueless about the weight gain.
Yes I've gain so much weight since I been taking the thyroid medicine
Could it be lyme.? Google it and its co infections and no... I never had a bullseye yet the nasty bugger was living under my bra strap engorged for who knows how long.???
How is lowering the dose supposed to help you loose the weight? I'm going through the same thing.
Same happened to me but over the years i was on levothyroid. i loved to walk but would get burning feet after 1 mile. i put on 50 lbs. in last 10 yrs. Good luck with finding a Dr. that will listen to you. U can see from from these on line sites what people deal with on thyroid meds but most drs. refuse to connect the 2. lately have been on 'paleo' which helps a little on weight. And spent a fortune on shoe inserts so i can walk w/o i'm losing hair. Dr. said take biotin??
I'm trying to get answers here. Was on armour gained 8lbs in 3 months when I stopped gained 5 more. I'm on naturethroid and was loosing 3lbs when stopped armour now back I'm on 4th doctor endo. I spar western box and Muay Thai. Judo power lift etc macros 150 30 carbs and 70 fats. I'm a master at dieting living on ketosis why would these stupid stupid pills make me gain why? Naturethroid sucks worse I'm still cold
I was put on levothyroxine and cytomel after Armour was reformulated and since then, I have put on 64 pounds. The weight gain was in a matter of months. To lose weight, I went vegetarian and am now down to 450 calories a day just to maintain my current weight. No weight lost but have finally stopped gaining weight.
Bonnie, 450 your damaging metabolism more I damaged mine. btw doing 1100 low carbs higher fats with fighting. I'm also a Muay Thai coach. This is insane. These doctors don't know wtf they are doing. My endo gave me phentermine 37.5. I'm not taking it yet. What I did was just start hcg shots 20 units 650 calories x2 months colon cleansers, no exercise and fat burner liptropic shots. I will loose this s*** ass weight over armour and it wasn't just weight, 3 inches all around breast, under breast, belly, like I look like a short f***ing balloon. So now I'm on T3 only n skeptical of that. Did they check your night cortisol? Mine is to the roof. When I work out I gain weight too. Freaking ridiculous. I'm so vain. I'm 41. I don't need this bs. Do me a favor get off that 450, do the hcg at 800 calories, the shots, not drops. I promise it will shed off that hormone. It's worth the money. Then go vegetarian to keep weight off. I might do shakes too for the rest of my life after this. No more pills. I'll buy guarana or pop phen phen before I ever take thyroid again. Do u think cytomel is a fat gainer too?
You know what it's not even the doctors it's these pharmaceutical companies not making this crap correctly combo drugs for thyroid is bs and generic is bs. I remember when I use to compete synthroid use to fly under table before hgh and I never seen people shred fat off synthroid just Racing heart beats I never took it but all of us as I was key word was body builder would now I have muscle wasting due to low carb 20yrs hypo u can't eat any carbs u can do carb cycling twice a week 100 grams as us being hypo we can't tolerate too much
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