Gabapentin Causing A Metallic Taste In Mouth (Top voted first)
UpdatedI recently started taking gabapentin to alleviate nerve pain from fibromyalgia, but now I am having a metal taste in my mouth and all the teeth brushing in the world doesn't stop it. I am also eating myself out of house and home with this med.... anyone else have this problem, and if so, how do I stop it?
I have been on Gabapentin for 11 yrs. I have never had the metal taste from them until this last order I received. It's terrible, the metal taste even gets in the water from the water glass I take the Gabapentin with. Not once in 11 yrs has this happened, but now with this latest batch it has. Makes me wonder if something is wrong with this shipment of pills or if I should continue to take them.
I'm having the same problems with that metal taste in my mouth
I took this med for one week and stopped. Side effects are horrible. Been off for over a week and still have metal taste in my mouth.
I have been taking it going on 3 weeks I have metal mouth and no appetite. I am taking for nerve ending numbing and tingling.
I also get a bad metallic taste and also a loss of appetite.
Hi Stefanie
This truly sucks, I too have the Metalic taste in my mouth... I don't and won't take ''this pill" as of today ..nothing taste right.. even tooth Doc needs to help me another way ...
Re: Verwon (# 1)
I also started developing a metallic taste in my mouth and the only thing I can relate it to is starting Gabapentin. I take it for menopause symptoms. I’ve had it for almost 4 months. I will be talking to a pharmacist soon. I think I would rather have hot flashes and insomnia. This taste totally destroys the flavor of all foods.
I started taking gabapentin, (300mg 3X daily), 4 days ago, for constant pins & needles in my left hand, from a nuroma in my left wrist from a damaged median nerve, after failing to manage suicide, 2 years ago. I have that vile metallic taste in my mouth all the time. I've been thinking it was from the Clarithromycin I've been taking for a UTI. Thanks for the info. I've also been suffering from insomnia since I started the Gabapentin. Is there any other drug which doesn't cause the taste, but has the same effect as the gabapentin? I also take 200mg of tramadol, 1600mg of ibuprofen & 4000mg of paracetamol a day, for pain relief from injuries sustained in an RTA in 1988.
Re: Sunflower (# 12)
I feel the same but I have more nausea, metallic taste, and having breathing problems.
If you want to avoid narcotics, you may want to ask your doctor about trying Oxcarbazepine.
The FDA lists it as an anticonvulsant, also, so it's in the same category as the Gabapentin, but it's not known to cause as much weight gain, as a matter of fact, in some people, it actually causes weight loss. The other possible side effects are very similar.
Alternatively, narcotics would be another option.
Does anyone else have any other ideas?
I also have a metallic taste, I can't get rid of.
Worse with dairy.
I also have increased appetite, unusual for me, since I had gastric bypass.
Re: Verwon (# 1)
I want to take it as needed for nerve pain for a pinched nerve in my neck and I have to seem nasty taste in my mouth I don't know how to get rid of it guess I have to stop taking the medicine but how long before it goes away?
Yes, I have metal mouth since starting on gabapentin for nerve pain. I’ll have to stick it out or go back to intense pain from fibromyalgia.
It gave me a horrible metallic taste in my mouth as well. It also seemed to increase my want of things sugary which I do not usually crave much. I had to quit taking them as I couldn’t stand the taste anymore and they were causing mouth and tongue sores also.
Re: jojo (# 10)
i have had a suspicion that they have been changing their formula because had taken them a while ago and it didn’t feel the same.. i felt SO off. then i developed a stutter that lasted a day and a half so i stopped taking them. now i’m taking them again and have a metallic and soap tase in my mouth that WILL NOT go away no matter what. i hate it so much!
Re: Sd (# 7)
Hi Sd, any updates after stopping Gabapentin for a week and still having the metallic taste in your tongue/mouth? Just want to know what to expect if I will also have the same experience after I stop taking it. Thanks.
Hello, Strephannie! How are you? I'm sorry about the problems that you're having.
The FDA does list these issues as possible side effects of taking Gabapentin, along with dizziness, headache, dry mouth and mood swings.
However, most side effects do tend to improve, as your body gets used to the medication, but it may take a month or so. But weight gain is a problem that most people have when taking this medication and that doesn't usually change, as long as they are on it.
Is there anything else I can help with?
For the constant hunger- try lemon water. Just quarter a lemon and squeeze it into some ice water. Works like a charm!
Hi everyone, been on ganapintin for a year and a half, started off 300 several times a day gradually went up to 600 6 times a day, funny JoJo said not until this last batch here was a metal taste, I just started new bottle and this was first time having that metal taste...any ideas why?
Taking 300mg Gabapentin 3 X a day. The last week's dose has left a nasty metallic taste that gets into the nasal passage so I constantly smell it. Nothing alleviates it. Any suggestions? Stepping down to 100mg 2 times a day. I hate this med, getting completely off as soon as possible. Prescribed for a chronic cough. Lifelong non-smoker.
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