Gabapentin And Mood Swings (Top voted first)


Please help me! I feel like I'm losing my mind. My husband is taking gabapentin for a pinched nerve in neck/slash shoulder. He's 100 mile and hour, talks constantly (quiet before) easily angered, manic, can't sit still, cries (not a crier), happy, sad, furious, depressed, upbeat, all can change at any minute and on to the next. He has corrected me, yelled, humiliated me, and all this has happened in two weeks. I'm walking on egg shells, kinda scared at times. I try to talk to him about It and one minute he realizes that he's acting manic then the next it's my fault he's acting this way.

2 Replies

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Yes, Gabapentin can cause those types of side effects in some people that take it, according to FDA reports, along with nausea, dizziness, headache, and weight gain.

Has his doctor been informed of the problem? He will likely need to stop taking it, and try something else. My husband had to switch the medication he takes for epilepsy due to very similar problems, and Gabapentin is also an anti-epileptic, even though it is frequently used for nerve pain. Most of these medications carry a warning about the possibility of personality changes, and that one should seek medical attention, if they occur.

You are not losing your mind, this has been known to happen from the medication, and should subside, once he is off of it.

If his doctor has not been informed, yet, then you may want to call them yourself to let them know about the issues. While they are not allowed to discuss his care with you, without his permission, but they can listen to you, and share your concerns with his doctor.

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Gabapentin is a horrible medication. I only took it at night and the fatigue during the day was awful. I felt crushed and defeated all day. I only took 300 mg at night, but that was for a few years, and the withdrawals were worse than when I have stopped taking pain meds long term (3x in my life-when I wean off them withdrawals are over in a week)but I still felt messed up from
gabapentin a month later.

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