Glyx-13 Discussion (Page 4)


There seems to be some demand for a GLYX-13 discussion (now known as Rapastinel) so I would like to start one here.

111 Replies (6 Pages)

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@ John- I was in a Ketamine infusion study in Chicago suburbs 2 summers ago. Took me until after the 3rd infusion in the week before I responded and then it worked like MAGIC!! It was truly amazing. After that I was able to sustain the remission with one infusion per week. Then the study was over and I crashed. Doing better now with add-on Geodon and weekly therapy. Still wish I could feel like I did with the Ket. The world was my oyster. DON'T GIVE UP! Tell Dr. Feifel. 0.5 mg/kg dosing, M-W-F. The miracle! Serious. Good luck, get back and tell what Feifel says!

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Yes, I just completed participating in the GLYX-13 Phase IIc study. I received the therapeutic dose each week for 7 weeks. Then, beginning with week 8, I was selected (double blind) to go through a phased withdrawal for the remaining 10 weeks (the study lasted a total of 17 weeks). The withdrawal phase involved receiving 1 therapeutic dose the first week, then skipping 2 doses over the next 2 weeks (placebo). I withdrew from the study after week 15 because I couldn't take the severe headaches that were seemingly caused by the on-again/off-again regimen.
The first 7 weeks were remarkable, in that I seemed to completely lose the depression. After 6 weeks after leaving the study, I'm still in what I would call "remission". The following 5 weeks during withdrawal however, were pure hell.

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Hi Everyone,

I was in the double blind AZD6765 study last spring and summer. I reported here that I noticed a big improvement in my depression. On December 31, I was notified that I had received PLACEBO.

I was totally stunned by the news, as I not only felt better during the study, but different than I ever had before. Has anyone else here had the same experience?

I was also told that the study sponsor, Astra Zeneca, has no plans to start an open label study at this time, no explanation as to why (I was previously told that they might conduct an open label study after the phase II trial ended). So that was disappointing, too.

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Hi JohnL

It's good news to hear that you had a complete remission during glyx-13 infusions. I would like to ask if you experienced any side effects during the period you were on it, and if there were any withdrawal symptoms besides headache. Also, are you sure you were on the drug and not on placebo?

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Good question, lol :-)

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My problem has always been severe hypersensitivity to the side effects of the antidepressants. I tried Fetzima a couple of weeks ago, and it hit me like a ton of bricks.

I'm about to try Brintellix, another new a/d, but I'm hesitant because I don't want to be disappointed again. Has anyone here tried it?

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Tomorrow will be my 10th "treatment" in the glyx-13 study in Chicago. I have not experienced improvement. I am told the open label study is a bit behind the original schedule but on track for an April start. I wonder why Astra Zeneca is not going forward with an open label study at this time?

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I just read (on Wikipideia) that Astra Zeneca has stoped development of AZD6567.

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I had no idea that it had been discontinued. Thanks for posting. I guess glyx-13 will be the one to watch from now on.

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Do you think you're on placebo?

Thanks for posting about the glyx-13 trial delay. I've been checking periodically because I'd like to try to get into the new trial when it begins.

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The first dose is either a low dose or therapeutic, as I understand it. I felt nothing. After the first dose, it is double blind. I concluded that I was either on placebo or that it does nothing for me some time ago. The lack of hope along with the winter months made the depression worse. I have little to lose by starting the open label study just in case I never had A therapeutic dose. Also, when I finish the study, the open label should just about start. I will post any info I get.

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I've never heard of that--a clinical trial with an arm that combines a dose of the real drug with placebo. Hopefully you're on placebo.

Thank you in advance for sharing what you hear. I don't know whether I'll qualify for the open label study, but I'm definitely going to try if they run it here in San Diego.

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I shared the protocol somewhere here.... ketamine thread probably. It is a three phase trial in which they measure your ability to motabolize the drug and study withdrawal. There are only a few of us left as it winds down.

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well I had 2 last june and felt better , recently just had 4 over the last month in NYC and they were spaced out but did not get that same feeling and am pretty disappointed sine that was 2,000 , I have just heard about GYLX infussions from a girl on this site and tring to do some research, has anyone know about this

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Thanks for your reply I will follow up with my guy who is DR. Brookls at NY Ketamine , The other question I have is a saw someone mention that they have bought Ketamine Online, I tried that is early January and got burned. Does anyone know a good supplier

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I'm curious as to whether you got a reply from Dr. Moskal?

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I heard from the Chicago GLYX-13 study site this morning. Still no protocol for the open label study but I am told it is still planned. I am trying to find out if I was on placebo or not without luck.

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I keep looking for a new glyx-13 study on, but haven't seen anything so far.

I was told that some sponsors unblind their studies and some don't, but it seems like if you were going into the open label study, they'd tell you what you were on in the previous study?

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@daisy. The local study center manager doesn't believe he can tell me (which makes no sense to me). I finally insisted he consult with those running the study. I am waiting to hear back.

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Right, it's supposed to be the sponsors who decide whether the study's unblinded. Hope you find out.

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