G3722 Xanax: Time Released Or Fake?


So I'll keep this short. I have 2mg Xanax or so I thought and maybe still think? Now I'm wondering are these delayed? The G is rounded and the pill is rectangular but rounded edges. Now the one thing I can't seem so find anywhere on these discussions is the side without the writing is very curved and the pill between portion the scores seems uneven like not perfect squares...possible during forgery? I don't know, but any info helps. And yes I know what the real ones taste like and these don't have much of an after taste and hard to crush. Ok please help! I hate to throw my money away.

4 Replies

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The only time released Xanax are the 3 mg Xanax XR pills and they have a different shape and number. It is a better idea to obtain this medicine from a licensed medical provider

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My post is inaccurate about XR dose availability but no you do not have Xanax XR and what you do have sounds fake

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Can someone please help me and tell me what this is? Is it fake or not? One side has a 2 on it and the other side has G3722.

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You might have a 2 mg IR Xanax. If it comes from anywhere else than a pharmacy no one can tell you for sure

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