Fruta Planta (Page 2) (Top voted first)


Dryness of the mouth
Fast heart beat

297 Replies (15 Pages)

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I am taking the 2010 pink version from mynicnaxs and I have no appetite but now 1.5 weeks later my throat is so sore. I have had dry mouth since taking them but now my throat is sore when I wake up and now is getting sore during the day. Maybe im not drinking enough. I am never hungry so im drinking 100 calorie protein shakes every 2 hours and I lost 5lbs so far. I almost want to stop because of my sore throat. Eeeek

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I believe the original version of Fruta Planta is no longer available; however the Pink box 2010 version is carried by MyNicNaxs. I am taking the Pink box 2010 version and I have not experienced any adverse side effects.

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As a medical student, I would not recommend taking this pill. I have been doing research on this pill as some friends have started taking them. One of them ended up in the hospital while others seem to be losing weight with no side effects. However since your on an antidepressant, I would not even consider taking this as it could lead to life threatening consequences.

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Here are some ingredients and product specifications. They don't make complete sense, probably because they are translated from a foreign language.

[Ingredients] fruit lemon, fruit gum, bitter gourd, Papaya, benefit fruit, spiral [Specification] 400mgs/grain×30 grains [Directions] one time per day, 1 grain per time, before or after breakfast with boiled water Applications 1. Simplicity fatness, youth-hood fatness, post partum fatness. Recommended by PandaBuy). Those who have failed many times in reducing fat and easily get rebound. 2. Constipation, acne, facial splash. Functions & Characteristics 1. Locally reduce fat; mainly reduce fat in abdomen, buttocks and arms; 2. Really solve fat problems and remove the rebound thoroughly; 3. Remove body accumulated substance and beautify skin; 4. High concentration. [Storage] place in a cool and dry place.


30 Capsules @ $6.99

Please post back with any questions or if you can add to the above description...

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I started taking Fruta Planta after I noticed my neighbor lost 30 lbs. I lost 8 lbs in two weeks, however I did have dizziness, strong headaches and end up in the ER with a Urinary infection and a Kidney infection. I did not know this was related until my co-worker who was also taking them came to work with antibiotics because she also got a UTI.

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Hi Lisa,

The serotonin reuptake that Fruta Planta has is sibutramine. From what I read, this ingredient can be fatal.

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Hi Samarcus, I've been taking it .. you can interview me if you want.

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Jessica - thanks so much. If you send me an email:

I can send you my phone number or you can email me yours and we can talk.

You help is much appreciated.

Stephanie Marcus

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Reduce Weight Fruta Planta 100% Authentic has changed the ways to loose weight in the United States. Imported directly from China, Fruta Planta will help you loose those pounds fast, safe and effectively. Don't wait any longer.

Fruit Plant Weight Loss, also know as Chinese Pills is made from natural ingredients such as: lemon, balsam pear, radish fruit and spirulina powder therefore the side effects are minimal or none for some people.

- Reduce fat in abdomen, buttocks and arms.
- Minimizes or no rebound after the treatment has been completed.
- Helps remove body fat accumulated and beautifies the skin.
- Highly concentraded capsule with all the ingredients making it easy to take and maintain a regular treatment.

Each box contains 30 capsules of 400 mg each, to be taken after breakfast 1 per day with warm water. Drink at least 8 glasses of water during the day to help eliminate toxins.

Persons who suffer from high blood pressure, astherosclerosis, heart diseases or any chronic illnesses and/or women who are pregnant or lactating should consult their doctor before taking these capsules.

Possible side effects
As with every supplement, Reduce Weight Fruta Planta might cause some side effects.

- Dryness in the mouth. This causes the person to drink more water and this way eliminate toxins through the urine.
- Dizziness. Some people reported this problem but for the first few days. After that it goes away.
- Trouble falling asleep. It is recommended to take this capsule very early due to the increase of energy that it produces.

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Hello Smarcus, i am taking the Fruta planta pills and would like to share my experience with it too.
Im 23 years old and around 5.3, my weight before taking the pill was very close to 170lbs, today i just finished the 1st box and my current weight is 150lbs. (no workout or excercise at all). This pill gives me energy, and controls my cravings but one of the side effects that has been bothering a lot is the persistent dificulty falling asleep, and extremely mood changes, i can go from happy to sad in just 5 minutes, many times i have found myself crying for no reason and i have to say that normaly im always laughing and cried only in funerals.

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Hi Courtney,
Have you gotten a reply yet from your doctor?

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INDIRA- hi. i just bought the pills and i see you lost 20 lbs and didn't excersice does your body looked toned?? i'm always very busy and dont have time to go to the gym.

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Can I take 2 Fruta Planta Pills in one day?

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i been taking fruta planta for a month and i only lost 8 pound but my clothes is loose , is this normal is like im melting but i dont lose the weight and also if i walk im sweeting a lot, please answer

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please answer

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Courtney - after reading all of this I am curious as well - any results yet?

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Hello, i had just started taking these pills a couple of weeks ago and had been trying to find out what these pills are really about with no luck. This seems to be the case with many people, but i have found these posts to be helpful so i thought i'd share as well. Was shopping on one day and came across these pills. At less than $5 a box, i thought i couldn't go wrong so i bought a couple. When i received them i hadn't read any of the reviews at all so didn't know what to expect. Took my first pill in the morning and left for work and was completely surprised. I felt my energy level go up and up and as did my mood. By the time i got to work, i felt i was so energized that i couldn't speak clearly, as if my mouth couldn't keep up with how fast my brain was going. I work a very active job delivering boxes all day and this morning i can say i was flying all over the place. I thought this was great and i had discovered this awesome pill that i just happened to find. Not to mention, i had absolutely no appetite what so ever. Thought this was great. The first week i lost 5/8 pounds and felt great. Although, i did notice something wasn't right with my urine. Its color was different than usual and as was the oder. I understand urine can change color depending on how much liquid you drink, but i was drinking just as much, if not more than i usually do. I made an appointment with my doctor after looking up the symptoms and figured i had a UTI, which was indeed the case. At 27, i had never had a UTI before but didn't think it had anything to do with the pill. After reading some of the posts on this discussion, i guess i'm not the only one who has experienced this. Not absolutely positive that this is what caused my UTI, but before reading that others had experienced the same, didn't think the two were related. Along with that, i also experienced many of the symptoms many have listed. Dry mouth, trouble sleeping, constipation and mood swings. There was one morning I had forgotten to take one before i left for work. I was quite pissed, thought my day was ruined. Almost felt like i was going through a withdrawal. Felt like a fiend. The feeling passed and later was glad i had forgotten to take it that morning because i could still feel the effects from the pills i took the day before. After that morning, i thought i had to be more careful with this stuff, whatever it is. I've been trying to control my weight for quite sometime and sometimes are easier than others and many of you probably know how frustrating it can be. To actually see results is a great feeling. I can say that I will probably continue to take these pills even though i don't feel they're the safest. I know nothing is worth risking your health but i also assume many of you know how frustrating it can be trying to loose weight. But i can say i am going to be very careful. That is my advice to all, just be careful. Also, find this discussion to be very helpful because there doesn't seem to be any other truthful background information on this product, so keep the reviews coming.

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I too am experiencing the sudden overwhelming sadness unable to control my crying. This came out of no where. I've had no weight loss and have been taking the pills for 17 days.

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When started the first week couldnt drink the warm water so i took the pill at room temperature water, later on a friend recomended camomilla tea with a bit of honey every morning and it is working with my constipation. To reduce Dryness in the mouth i've been drinking lots of water and its not so bad.
*Important fact*
My sister's weight is 200 and 5.5 , started the pills and couldnt continue, she was having severe tachycardia and a sort of a low pression headache (painfull feeling in the lower back of the head, as if it was too heavy your neck couldn't support it) She got really scared and stopped using the pill. I think when it is more than 40 pounds you need to get rid of then this pill will do more harm than good.

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