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It seems that the new replacement is fruta bio. Anyone tried it yet?

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Priscilla. Thanks for the reply. At this time I quit taking any meds. Even the Fruta Bio is shown to have the banned ingredients in it. Not completely sure.....The day I read about this green coffee bean, on this site, I went to Walmart and bought it. I am taking it now. I have lost another 1/2 a pound. Not sure if its due to the green coffee bean. I read more about this green coffee bean on Dr Oz and it states that you need to get the 100% pure green coffee bean fat burner. Thats the most effective. Its not supposed to have all the fillers in it either like the Walmart version. I went ahead and got the one they suggested to get. It states to take the green coffee bean pill 30 mins prior to eating....for breakfast and lunch....but did not say to take it for dinner. I wonder why. It may have something to do with sleep. It may tend to keep you up....Not sure. Thanks Tonya

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Tonya, I was on the slim fast diet for a few with the pills. I'm telling you though, the green coffee bean from Walmart really works, I lost 15 pounds more on it and I can eat mainly whatever I want. I eat like wheat toast in the morning with a little butter. After 2 hours, I eat a yogurt and then 2 hours later, a grilled cheese or maybe a salad with chicken. Something small, not a big meal. If I know I am going out for dinner or something, I skip lunch and just snack. After 2 hours of lunch, I eat a 100 calorie snack from Walmart, they have a lot of choices. Then after 2 hours I would eat another yogurt. I try to keep it under 1200 calories a day.

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Priscilla, What sort of small meals are successful to eat every two hours? I recently stopped taking the Meizi pill cause it was making me feel worked well however I am scared of the side effects. I started to take the Fruta Bio. If I like them, I will keep taking them until it makes me feel strange. I dont want them to cause any under lying issue to arrise.

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Thank you pricilla, I bought this pills already in caribbean beauty and they are wotkin really good. And also I will try that diet. And changing my eating habbits. Thanx for your reply. It meant a lot.

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Mara I am not taking these pills anymore but when I was on them, it did work for me. I stop taking them sometime last year in the the summer and after that I have kept my weight maintain by eating healthy food! I recently tried something different which did help me lose weight too. This way is more healthy. You start by drinking a cup of green tea in the morning with a little bit of honey for flavor. You have to eat a small meal every 2 hours to keep your metabolism going. Along with the green tea in the morning, I drink Green Coffee Bean Extract. They say to take 2 but I only drink 1. I bought it from Walmart. I then drink one cup of green tea 2 hours before I go to bed. I have been losing weight as well on this diet. Try to cut out the junk food and trust me, you'll be on the road to success. If you have any further questions, reply and I will respond a.s.a.p!
Fruta Bio is still good, I bought them in a pharmacy in Bronx, NY. They sell them online as well, you can try amazon. Look up on google how to tell the fake from the real and your set! Amazon can get in trouble for selling fake products so try it out!

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Pricilla, r u still taking fruta bio, what pharmacy do you get it? Where do you live? Im so interesting in this pills cause also I don't trust the internet. I live in San Marcos CA but I was wondering were and what pharmacy do you get it from exactly. I am 170 pounds and I want to reduce to 120. Please help

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I get them on carribeanbeauty. I've been ordering from them every day since fruta planta.

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The only thing I found was Fruta Planta on you tube by Dr. Oz not Fruta Bio.

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Where did you order your Fruta Bio from

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It works well. You may be able to get fruta bio online at frutadiets

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Maybe I need to get mines from off online. I must be honest, I haven't really changed my eating habits. I am going to try to do better and see if they work. Thanks for your response.

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I used fruta planta for one month and lost about 16 pounds in 3 weeks, then the fourth week I plateaued and out of frustration stopped taking the pill. Fruta Planta had stopped reducing my appetite, i believe i had gained a tolerance to it. I gained back four pounds and then started fruta bio (from carribean beauty) after stopping fruta planta for about a week. I have started to lose weight again at the same pace i was on fruta planta ( a little over one pound per day). My eating habits arent the most healthy, but i generally eat one meal a day..and sometimes I even feel guilty for that. The pill really makes me feel full. The thing I like about fruta bio is (so far) I am not experiencing the constipation I experienced with fruta planta. If the pill isn't working for you, it's probably because you are eating too much. really listen to your body, if its not sending you real hunger signals, don't eat.

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Can someone pls answer this question? I have been taking fruta bio for almost 3 weeks and haven't lost any weight. I take the pills before breakfast. Any suggestion? And am I do something wrong bcz all the reviews have been positive but they seem not to be working for me. Does anyone know if these pill will just generate a huge drop or if I keep taking them although, I'm not seeing results at this moment, I will lose weight. Pls if someone can help bcz I need to lose 40 pounds and cannot exercise due to an injury. Thank you and any help will be appreciated.

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Can someone pls answer this question? I have been taking fruta bio for almost 3 weeks and haven't lost any weight. I take the pill before breakfast. Any suggestion? And am I do something wrong bcz all the reviews have been positive but they seem not to be working for me. Does anyone know if these pill will just generate a huge drop? If I just keep taking them although, I'm not seeing results at this moment. Pls if someone can help bcz I need to lose 40 pounds and cannot exercise due to an injury. Thank you and help will be appreciated.

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I get mine at carribeanbeauty online

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I live in NYC and I have not been able to find Fruta Bio can someone please tell me where they bought it from. Fruta Planta is no longer the same I been on it for 2wks and have not lost an inch.

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hey which diamond girl did you get it from

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Day 30
Weight = -5 lbs.
Waist = -0.75 inches.
so far so good. only taking 1/3 to 1/2 capsule.

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There is no doubt that Fruta Bio works. I started taking it this week and from the first day noticed a major decrease in appetite. The first day I felt the jittery feeling but in subsequent days it has barely been noticeable. I have checked my blood pressured frequently and so far no increase in readings. Today is day 5. I can feel like I've lost weight. I haven't checked yet but you can tell how your close fit. My concern is not having a full disclosure of the ingredients in the capsule. If it does contain subutramine, that is a very serious drug. How can we find out? Also, I think it is very important that you eat. The temptation is to skip meals because you feel no need. That is not learning to eat healthy and once you stop taking the pills all the weight will be gained back. I think this medication and Weight Watchers is probably the best combination. Once you stop taking the pills you'll know how to eat and can keep the weight off.

How can we get a real detailed ingredient list and not guessing?

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I took fruta bio and Loved it I didn't need to take it everyday. 20 pounds dropped already and its only been 2 mo. I didn't take it everyday bc i noticed I didn't need to. I drank tons of water and started eating more fruits and leafy greens. The pills really help with the cravings. Just remember to keep yourself hydrated.

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