From Experience, Can Someone Tell Me, Will Fentanyl Show Up In A Urine Test????


From experience, can someone tell me, Will Fentanyl Show Up In a urine Test???? Its just my gen practitioner, and he only prescribes me xanax??

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I recently was given IV Fentenal for a spinal epidural on Jan 26th I will be given it again on the 12th of Feb for the second epidural shot the on the 19th of Feb I am going to have a carpool tunnel surgery being sedated then on Feb 26 will have the third in the series of sedated epidural shot. I am pain managed and have an opioid agreement with my regular pm Dr being sedated four times in a month will I have any problem passing a urine drug test for pain managment on the third of March?

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Fentanyl WILL NOT appear on a simple Five Panel immunoassay as ANYTHING. Won't show up. Period. Source: just passed with a 75mcg patch, all tests negative. Happy testing! Also, note that if testing for opiates, hydrocodone breaks down into the metabolite hydromorphone AKA dilaudid. So it can be argued if taking the harder stuff like Dillies and Fent should present no issue.

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I hate to disagree, however the amount did not show up, but it did show up as an opiant. Maybe it was just me, however, the doc wanted to make sure it was in my system. Good Luck

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I too have taken test in the past with fent in my system and past, but I had taken some in the morning and took a test that afternoon, should I be alright ?

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