Frequent Urination From Eliquis (Top voted first)


I was prescribed Eliquis because of AFIB. I work 12 hour shifts, mostly sitting at a computer, and have to urinate often. I'm also gaining weight and my ankles are swelling. But the worst part is I can't get a good nights sleep because I wake up 2-3 times to urinate. I feel exhausted. Is this caused by the AFIB or the Eliquis?

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Re: Mel (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

I’ve been on eliquis for 2 months now and also wake up twice a night to urinate. Perhaps more studies should be done by FDA to determine if it should be added to the list of possible side effects.

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That can happen as side effect of many medications, according to FDA reports, however, there is also a chance that you have a urinary tract infection, which is another known side effect. The other issues are also reported as being known to occur with this medication. You might need to try a different one.

Have you informed your doctor?

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My cardiologist ordered the U/A and it came back clear. The frequent urination has slowed down some. Maybe it's a combination of the Eliquis and Metoprolol.

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My boyfriend just started taking Eliquis over the weekend. He is complaining that he is up at least 4-6 times during the night urinating. Is this common? Any way to rectify?

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