Found Peach Oval Pfizer W/25mg On One Side


peach oval pill with pfizer on one side and 25 mg on the other. Any ideas what this is?

9 Replies

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I am having trouble finding a listing for this.

Was it found in the U.S.?

It's odd, because it hasn't even popped up on our site, before.

Does anyone else recognize this?

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Are there any other markings on the tablet at all? It would definitely help to figure out what this pill's country of origin could be. Could it be from Pfizer Canada?

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i do recognize it, but i cant tell you the name of it as I dont remember but What I can tell you is that It is a pill meant for cats. As i have a few of them too. i just cant remember what they are called.

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It is an antibiotic for cats. I cannot recall the name.

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The oval peach pill with the pfizer on one side and 25 mg on the other and scored. It is a veterarian med known as Zeniquin, and antibiotic that can be used in soft tissue illnesses, in dogs and cats.

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Right, cat medicine.................for infection

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Re: Merika (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Bottle I have says ZQ for the name. Same pill description.

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Re: Merika (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Antibiotic for dogs

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I am looking for info on the exact same pill. I found several in the same bottle with other antibiotic pills that were prescribed for my cat.

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