Foradil Packaging (Top voted first)


Does anyone who uses the Foradil aerolizer, who also has arthritis, find it extremely difficult to open the package to get a capsule?

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I spent about 8 minutes trying to peel the six "peel away" seals off my Foradil. I have used the product for over a year, but this last batch seems to have defective adhesive or something,,,I think if you hold the packet in your hand and let it warm up to your body temp it makes it easier, but still a pain.

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I do not have arthritis, but I find the new Foradil packaging to be very aggravating. It can be very tedious and time-consuming to get the capsule out of the package.

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I've lately found it easier to deal with the packaging if I use scissors to cut along the perforated edges of each sleeve of capsules. The only issue then is that i've got all these loose pieces. But it sure makes it easier to open most of the time!

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If you look all across the internet, you will find scores of people who are having extreme difficulties opening the Foradil packaging. ...and this has been going on for a very long time - since Foradil first came on the market.
So, what does this tell us? It tells us that the pharmaceutical company producing the drug and making BILLIONS of dollars from us, simply DO NOT CARE ABOUT US!! There can be no arguments about it. For me, it's kinda like the Walton family...Walmart and Sam's provides that family 4 of the top 10 wealthiest billionaires in the world. Similarly, the Waltons don't really care about the local businesses they have caused to close - never to reopen. Why, they don't care. Sorry to get way off course here. There is a pharmaceutical company in India called Cipla. They produce the "generic" form of Foradil with a slightly different delivery system. Nevertheless, the capsules are packaged in a plastic bottle. Just pop open the bottle, remove a capsule, place it in the "Rotohaler" and inhale.
So, why is it after all these years, people at Foradil cannot figure out a different package similar to the Indian company.
You can certainly bet on the fact that Foradil has at least one person scanning the internet every single day searching for blogs and comments and discussions about their product.
Again...why don't they gather this info and do something about it? All together now: "THEY DO NOT CARE!!"

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Yes, I keep a small, sharp screwdriver with my medication to slice open the packet.

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Well, then...the billionaire people at Foradil should include scissors in the box. i have resorted to using scissors as well.
we can open a bag of nuclear waste easier than a Foridal little pack. As mentioned earlier, this is certainly NOT a new problem. i have been using Foradil for years and packaging is exactly this same today. With the billions of $$$ in revenues they have earned, doesn't it seem as though they could have helped us out a bit? You know, just listened to us? You know why they haven't? They do not care. Foradil is my most expensive co-pay ($48/month) because there still is no generic for it in this country. For a while i purchased a generic from a pharmaceutical company in India - Cipla. It was the exact same thing as Foradil; however, much less expensive. The capusules were packaged in a plastic bottle made for easy access to the caps. The delivery system was a bit different than Foradil; but, you could use the Foridal device with the other capsules as well. Can't wait for F to go off-brand with pharm company that cares about their patients.

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I never thought they cared. They are in it for profit, the same as any other company is in it for profit. Why would anyone think they "care?" I resent that they get breaks from the government and still overcharge us but I don't resent that they don't "care."

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Doris! You are completely right. I would just hope they would take interest in addition to taking our money. I can tell you in my business (homecare for seniors and disabled adults) - or any other business - we would never get away with the greedy way the pharmaceutical business .operates.

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When I look around, it seems to me the world now operates with greed as the rule rather than the exception. We, the buying public, continue to feed their greed by buying whatever is put in front of us with little complaint, except to each other. Our medicines are just a part of the larger problem.

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Foradil Aerolizer should use the same packet packaging method as Spiriva .. Also Spiriva
Capsules don't separate upon use....

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