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gold/brown lescol ku 118 ## I'm trying to help my Mom with taking her prescriptions, and she had an un-labled bottle full of these pills and she doesn't have any idea what they are. They are capsules, one side is white, the other is gold/tan. The marking on it says KU 118. Have any ideas? She believes that they were some OTC item she bought a long time ago and just placed it in one of her old prescription bottles, but she is not for sure. So is this OTC, or and actual RX? Thanks for your help! Austin ## Theese are not OTC they are 20 mg Omeprazole ## That identification is correct, however, they are now available over the counter in the U.S. It is most commonly used to treat heartburn, gastritis, and ulcers. Its typical side effects may include nausea, dizziness, dry mouth, flat...

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