Fluoxetine 20 Mg Northstar
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I have taken Prozac generic fluoxetine for two years. I rec'd new prescription from Northside. Since I started taking this drug, I have been hyper not sleeping, major reflux and heartburn, and today started with diarrhea. I am planning to return this drug to the pharmacy for another brand. I suffer from Celiac disease and don't need the addition issues with stomache problems.
6 Replies
hi I've been on fluoxetine for 10 years. northstar is by far the BEST GENERIC. BUT here's the trick !!!!! it will not give you any acid reflux diah. etc IF YOU WILL TAKE IT WITH ENSURE!!! I take a big gulp of milk chocolate ensure ( the $7 ... 6-pack regular ensure) with each capsule and it works so great)
I am a pharmaceutical chemist and knowing WHAT to take with meds is so important!! with fluox capsules... don't take it on an empty stomach... you can drink tons of water with it and you still may get gas and an upset stomach (it will depend on what's already in your stomach) and if one day you don't have any Ensure on hand and u have to take it with just water you will find that an ice cold coke or Pepsi will help dissolve it.
Hope that helps-- Ensure is the answer
Ever since I switched to this brand of fluoxetine I have not been able to lose weight with a lower-calorie, increased exercise regiment. I have also been feeling more anxious, have a hard time waking up in the mornings and have had increased headaches.
I have been on 20mg fluoxetine capsules for 3 years, recently my last prescription was a different color The one i have now is Northstar 20mg lightblue and dark blue A106, ever since taking this I have has painful acid reflux and diarhia, Is this unusual??
The pill is a two tone capsule of navy blue and a dark royal blue. It does have the A106 marking on the capsule.
I did not see any markings on the capsule. It is a two tone capsule that is navy blue and a darker royal blue in color. I could not find any information to see if it contains a wheat binder, which could be part of why I had adverse reactions to this brand.
I am very sorry that you're having such problems.
There can be slight differences between generic medications and it may contain an inactive ingredient that you shouldn't take with with Celiac disease.
Are there any markings on it?
That would enable me to check it further for you.
Learn more Fluoxetine details here.
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