Fluorometholone Forums
Recently active Fluorometholone forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Fluorometholone and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.I was just wondering if anyone had any information on the current generic FML shortage/unavailability? I can only find info on the ophthalmic ointment, but nothing on the ophthalmic solution. We have been unable to get it here in Tucson for the past 2-3 weeks. No info on when it will be available, or if it will be available. Any information will be useful. I work for an ophthalmologist and we have many patients on a maintenance of FML, if it will be unavailable for a long time we will need to come up with a long term solution. ## For the ointment, the reason is listed as there being a shortage of the raw materials, so if that is specific to the actual drug ingredient, it would only make sense that it would also affect the solution. They do say that it should be resolved by the end of th...