Flunisolide Forums
Recently active Flunisolide forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Flunisolide and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.I have been using Syntaris / flunisolide in the UK for some 20 years. Since it has been discontinued I have tried others recommended by a doctor but both dried up the nose with very irritating results,. Can anybody suggest an alternative Flunisolide that might be available in the UK, or elsewhere by post ? ## Blocked nose ! Acute Rhinitis. Syntaris / Flunisolide has made it bearable for about 30 years but SYNTARIS is no longer available. Alternatives suggested by my doctor have caused a dry and uncomfortable nasal condition. I don't want an operation either ! Any suggestions about Flunisolide upon which I have relied for so long ? ## Hi, just come across ur post as my partner is experiencing the same thing after using it for 20 yrs. Nothing seems as good. Have you had any luck with ...