Fluconazole Side Effects
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I would like to know any and all side effects to this particular medication. I have been experiencing stomach ache, headache, low backache, palpitations, taste, nausea. Are these normal side effects? and if not, should I stop taking them. Of course, you can't reach a doctor over the weekend. I have taken 9 doses in 10 days. I forgot to take my normal dose on Friday night and felt great the next day but took one last night when I realized that I had missed a dose, and woke up in the middle of the night feeling sick again. This has been going on for the last 3 or 4 doses. The reaction usually occurs 4-6 hours after taking the pill.

75 Replies (4 Pages)

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Do not take it if you are expediting those side effects. I too had a racing heart rate I ended up in emerg from it

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Re: B (# 46) Expand Referenced Message

How on earth did you stick it i take 600mg for three months but i have to stop i feel so ill

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Re: Phil (# 22) Expand Referenced Message

I have been on this for three months 600mg a day and it is killing me. Muscle pain is so bad unable to sleep nausea diarhhea i cannot do this anymore i really feel as though i am dying this stuff is horrendous

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Re: czkramer (# 53) Expand Referenced Message

Hello. Did you ever get relief from the heart racing symptoms ? I too have that from fluconazole . Thanks

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Re: Kristin (# 12) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Kristin, did you ever get relief from your heart palpitations from fluconazole ? I have the same thing .

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Re: Sonia (# 68) Expand Referenced Message

Did yours go away ?? I'm experiencing the same thing.

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Re: Kristin (# 12) Expand Referenced Message

Did you ever get relief from the heart racing side effects ?

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Re: czkramer (# 53) Expand Referenced Message

I also am having my heart race from this drug. Did your symptoms go away?? How long did it take?

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I was given three Diflucan (fluconazole) for my yeast infection and was instructed to take one on the first, fourth, and seventh day. I took it on the first day, and haven't taken the other two. It's been about a week and a half. Am I okay to take the fourth one today, and the seventh one in three days?

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I'm on the fifth day of my 10-day course of fluconazole 100 mg tablets and it seems to be not working, yet I have been on this before and it worked on my second dose. Now I'm going crazy and don't know what to do?

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I'm taking fluconazole 150 mg and it's making me pee a lot, specifically at night time. Is this normal? Thanks!

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Hi omg same as me took it yesterday afternoon, now have very bad stomach ache, feel really sick, I'm hot and dizzy

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Diflucan allergies. Yeah my wife had the same symptoms. She felt weak, tired, she broke out with red rashes over her face and body, fever. She ended up in hospital. She's now taking panafcort 25mg to get better.

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You are experiencing the candida die off.this is notmal.sorry no one told you.I've dealt with thrush for years due to high dosages of antibiotics.Bactrim and augmentin are the culprits.don't take them without a strong probiotic that are live and active from a reputable maker.hope this helps.

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Hair loss is listed as a side effect. You should contact your doctor.

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Try molasses for ringworm. Kills it dead! Good luck

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Nystatin is an alternative and many doctors don't know about it. Try a candida-free diet if you don't want to do another drug.

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1 dose of 150mg Diflucan/Fluzonazole caused major abdominal and testicular pain for me.

3 weeks later, I am still dizzy and fatigued. It is a dangerous drug. I would avoid it if at all possible.

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been feeling all your symptoms too, took fluconazole 100mg daily for seven days for ringworm. stopped after those symptoms and now my period isn't coming.

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Why did the doctor give me just one diflucang? Mg were150. Hope that was enough

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