Fluconazole Side Effects (Page 2)


I would like to know any and all side effects to this particular medication. I have been experiencing stomach ache, headache, low backache, palpitations, taste, nausea. Are these normal side effects? and if not, should I stop taking them. Of course, you can't reach a doctor over the weekend. I have taken 9 doses in 10 days. I forgot to take my normal dose on Friday night and felt great the next day but took one last night when I realized that I had missed a dose, and woke up in the middle of the night feeling sick again. This has been going on for the last 3 or 4 doses. The reaction usually occurs 4-6 hours after taking the pill.

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I just took my second dose of 150 today a week later. I was a little scared because last week was so tough. But this time there were no symptoms! In my case I think the symptoms were due to die-off of the candita in my system. Perhaps this is true for others as well.

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Male 68: I have had systemic yeast problem for 20 years . Felt foggy a lot. Played golf like Tiger Woods one day and Mr Bean the next. I have had a white tongue for this time.I have used 3 lac and Symbion and they were the best probiotics.I just tried Diflucan - 50 mg for 5 days and 100 mg for 4 days. I ended up being semi depressed with aching muscles and joints- could hardly walk. I think this stuff is deadly.Has it cured systemic yeast problems for anyone? Can anyone who has cured themselves of systemic long time yeast infection advise how they did it?

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I have been taking Fluconazole for a while now and I have just noticed here within the last month that my lips and nose area are feeling all tingly and on fire. Is this a normal side effect, is there anything that can be done to make it go away?

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Hi, I'm the one who posted about ringworm and having horrible side effects of the med. Turns out, it wasn't basic ringworm (which explains why it wouldn't respond to OTC or otherwise remedies), I apparently have candida overgrowth. This also causes most of my so-called illnesses and strange symptoms like foggy-mind, sinus infections, etc. When I took this med I thought it was either poison or I was severely allergic. I felt horrible!!!! However, after doing some research I discovered that my symptoms from the med were actually candida die-off! It may amplify whatever issues you are experiencing while the die off occurs. Candida is hard to get rid of and can ravage your body when u try. My advice to those suffering from this med, look into candida overgrowth and candida die-off!!! Your bad reaction to this medicine may be the toxins bring released as the candida dies. If u think this could be your issue: try a yeast cleanse. One with all natural ingredients. I am taking a pill form and had to cut back because they due off symptoms were so strong. I now take half a dose and I'm coping much better. Once u complete the yeast detox, find a good pro-biotic for the long haul. -good luck!! Hope that helps someone!!!

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It is listed as one of the less common side effects. read it on the leaflet that came with the fluconazole that I had

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This is the first time I have had a yeast infection. Had it for 3 months now. Pessaries did not work. Was given 150mg of fluconazole (liquid form..cant swallow tablets) did not have any side effects with this dose but it didn't get rid of the yeast. Was then put on 50mg a day for 7 days. was ok at 1st but after 3rd day started feeling really nauseated & could only eat dry stuff, bad tummy ache early every morning..made me feel awful..not even sure if the yeast infection has gone still getting some burning..can anyone offer any advise please?

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You are right, Ct112. I was just going to address this until I read this post. I had severe candida overgrowth and I went on the anti-yeast diet and took probiotics etc. all without taking Diflucan/fluconazole and I had all of those same "side effects" that are listed for the drug. It is the effect of the yeast die-off in your system! This drug is an anti-fungal that is prescribed for chronic yeast infections. This probably means that there is a more systemic yeast problem than is realized and severe die-off reaction is to be expected. If you are consistent it does get better!!!

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How much flucanozole should you take and over what period? I have a yeast overgrowth and cannot seem to shift it with diet alone?

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Hi all... Diflucan is a Horrible medicine... Dr prescribed it to my husband for a month just for a little tiny rash and this medicine has ruined our life... He's in severe depression now with the reaction of this med and he's having hallucinations, stomach cramps... He cannot eat anything now ..anything he eat get reaction and it feels like something crawling all over his skin... It's been 2 years now and we got married also 2 years back and since then he didn't recover.... :( he also get panic attacks... We went to GI dr and he said tht max dose for diflucan is just 2. Weeks and that also only for cancer , HIV patients... We are very upset ... My husband was such a caring lovely and happy guy... He's a musician... But this med have just ruined him... Plzzzz if u feel that any med is reacting on u ..stopp taking it at all... Just dont listen to any Dr jus stop taking medcines... And pray for us...

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yes it can. I read it in the drug side effect list given to me by CVS pharmacy when I got my prescription a couple of days ago. My stomach feels so gross, almost nauseus and have been taking for 2 days, any idea is this will be as bad as it gets or does it get worse the longer you take it?

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everyone needs tp stop b****ing im take 400mg daily im ony 2nd month and ya i het headachs stomach problems be jeez grow up deal with it..o and did i mention i have to ne on 400mg daily for at least 6months..

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..... Says the person who is posting on a side effect website they probably discovered from googling "why is my medicine making me feel crazy?"..... Sorry you are on the medication for 6 months. Hope you get better soon (maybe the chip on your shoulder will dissolve by that time).

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I took it for 6 days and on the 6th day started have stomach cramps, gas and dirrhea a little then had it so bad for three days and had to get an iv at the hospital due to dehydration. It's seems to be getting better but am still having some dirrhea off and on. This has been going on for almost a week now. I was told by the dr that fluconazole can stay in your system for 10 days.

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Twice now I had a horrible allergic reaction to this medicine: pain & swelling in ALL of my mucosal membranes (eyes, nose, mouth, vagina, anus). Red, swollen, itchy, searing pain in all of these areas. I cannot talk (lips & tongue is swollen & in pain) or sit (vagina swollen, painful, itchy) or therefore go to work during a reaction. It does this to me for 4 full days. I have to get a prescription for Predisone (steroid) & take 50mg of Benadryl every day in order to be functional by day 5. Appetite goes away, complete loss of energy as my body is zapped from the full strength auto immune system reaction to this nasty medication! During the first reaction a doctor at a walk-in clinic told me there was no way Diflucan could have given me this reaction. He was wrong! The below webpage shoes that a very small portion of people given this drug had the same reaction as me. During my 2nd time taking it I also experienced hives on my arms, trunk & legs. I will never take this medicine again. Good luck ladies!


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Hi! I have taken 2doses of funzela tablet(200mg) and I noticed on the second day that I am spotting until now. I'm a bit bothered..is this normal?please need your help.

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I drinked 15 beers yesterday, I wanted to know can I take my FLUCONAZOLE 150 mg. What are some no no's, my doctor didn't explain anything about it he said for me to take it and my yeast infection would go away, also how many days can't I have intercourse, its just a one time dose?

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Diflucan side effects have been horrid. I took on 150mg pill on Thursday and now 8 days later I have tingling in most extremities, numbness is legs and arms, palpations for the first 4 days after eating a meal and now twiching in legs in face. I stopped after 1 pill, got a steriod shot from the doctor who prescribed the medicine and have taken 200-400 mg of benedryl a day to lessen the symtoms. Avoid Diflucan if at all possible!

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did you get any help for the tingling? i have this on my face and it's reddish as well.

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I am on the one dose and have had afib episodes for 3 of four days following, headache, fevers, chills and aching in my abdominal and pelvic region nonstop. Tomorrow morning will be day 5 of these awful side effects. I am being told it's the flu, but I don't buy that at all. This drug is powerful and can remain in one's system. I'm going to try and find out how long.

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I took diflucan same thing as fluconazole. The first day my liver hurt, the second day I felt like I had the flu and still liver aching, My MD suggested milk thistle and by the third day I still had flu like feeling and I started to have cramping in my pelvis I never get cramps , I called my OBGYN thinking it was something going on that is female related . Then I looked up the side effects for Diflucan cramping body parts like arms legs stomach and pelvis. I'm completely done with antibiotics after taking clindamycin and having to deal with the yeast infection , stomach inflammation and candida overgrowth that is why my doctor gave me diflucan to kill thd candida . I called my doctor and they said that if I took four days worth that should still keep killing that candida so don't take anymore and that I'm in the clear. Well I've already called my chinese medicine doctor who is and herbalist /homepathic and will continue with a simple gentle effective candida killer that will not try to kill me in the process of making me well.

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