First Day On Subutex.


I woke up in WD and took a Subutex immideately. After about 45mins I still didn't feel too well, so I took another and feel much better now. Is this okay? I just read of people taking QUARTERS and it kinda freaked me out. Hah. Is it just that I may have a higher tolerance?

3 Replies

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What dosage have you been instructed to take, or are you trying to self-treat?

If you're trying to self-treat, you should be aware that Subutex contains a very potent narcotic, you can learn more Buprenorphine details here and it can be very dangerous.

Usually, the dosage is very precisely calculated to help prevent withdrawal symptoms.

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I'm self treating but I immediately went to just taking one a day.

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I forgot to mention that I was coming off of H. From doing a little less than a g to 1 Subtutex a day, is pretty good if you ask me. It's been over a month since I've touched dope. I'm about to start taking half in the morning and half at night so it'll be easier to ween off of it.

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