Fiorinal With Codeine #3 (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I've been taking 4 capsules per day for migraines and pain control. I've been taking this drug for 30 years and it seems like the only thing that works yet allows me to be productive. Since the unavailability issues about a year ago, it seems like they are now not as effective. It feels like they don't have the same amount of active ingredient. I agree that Watson was the best generic I tried. Does anybody know which manufacturer may be better to get from? I find I've been needing more like 6 per day and still am not getting the same relief. Any ideas?

75 Replies (4 Pages)

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Hi Jobe, Diana and everyone .. I now have been using generic Brekenridge for about 11 months now ordered thru Walgreens. They are the best out of Watson, Lannet, brands or generics. The others either were not working or making me feel sick. The Brekenridge take a little longer to work, but they do take the pain away and are the best these days. I just hope that nothing else changes from now on. Enough is enough already.

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Hi everyone. Thank you for sharing this valuable information. I'm disabled from alz, and was very scared and confused till I found this site. Take care.

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Oh, Jobe...I forgot to mention...these names are all for the same medication:
Fiorinal with Codeine
Ascomp with Codeine
Butalbitol with Codeine
Depending on the manufacturer, they name them differently. I am so sorry to hear about your ALZ. Geez, I can't imagine what you deal with. Good Luck!

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Thanks Diana. Appreciate the info. I recall years ago like yesterday. My wife of 26 yrs has been a true blessing. Anyway, when I was 20 or so, 30 yrs ago the fiorinal with codeine was manufactured by Sandoz, and it worked very well, without a need for taking more than 3 for a headache. Nowadays, it's 6 I am glad they are still available, as my doc says he and most others will not rx them. We have a very trusting relationship, and he knows the violent vomiting with out the medicine used judiciously. Does anyone know if Sandoz still makes them?

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Hope you can get back to the Breckenridge soon, Diana. Hate to hear anyone suffering needlessly. Take care

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Hi Jobe! I just checked the Sandoz product listing on-line and don't see it under any name (Butalbitol, Fiornal or Ascomp). Sure was a good thought though! And, thanks, I am getting Breckenridge next script...there was a new pharmacist who must not have read the notes on my record. Hope you are doing well! Peace and Love...

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Hi Everybody!!! It's so nice to have support and especially understanding from people in the same situation I am in. Well, soon, we won't have to worry, because when I win the $800 million Powerball lottery on Saturday night, I'm going to buy a drug company and have them make Fiorinal with Codeine THE RIGHT WAY...for all of us!!! AND, I won't charge for your scripts. I'll be like the white Oprah...Fiorinal for you....and Fiorinal for you, and Fiorinal for ALL OF YOU!! LOL...well, one can dream. We have to keep some kind of sense of humor or we'd all be doomed. Good Luck all and keep sharing!! (And, Jobe...your wife sounds like an angel!)

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Thanks for the info, Mickey. We made sure our local Walgreens is to only fill my script with the ascomp with codeine from Breckenridge. Such a relief to not have to worry. Hope your enjoying your weekend!

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Hi. Please help me. I have been using the exact same (#3 fiorinal with codine) for 30+ yrs and have exactly the same dilemma. Thank you.

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Hi Chris! So sorry to hear about your situation. Migraines can be so debilitating. It seems all of us have had better results with Fiorinal #3 w/Codeine by the manufacturer "Breckenridge". Unfortunately, about three years ago, the generics were changed (I can't even find a "name brand" anymore) and the formulation is just not the same. Most of us are experiencing reduced effectiveness and more side effects. For me, I'm finding I need to take two at a time to get the same relief. Also, some brands like Watson and Lannett really seem to cause stomach nausea. So, almost any pharmacy will order them for you from Breckenridge if you ask. Good luck and I hope you find this manufacturer helpful. This change has affected so many of us who have been taking this medicine for 20-40 years. It's a shame the drug companies have to mess with a good thing. Peace and Love...~Diana

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Watson is the brand . They all have been weakened, but somehow we have no control of what's going on in this ole world.

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45 ask for help as I am also....pls explain. Is it financial or your health program won't insure??

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Hi Chris. Boy...what a dilemma! I'm thinking you probably are already on Medicare, since you talked about retirement. I'm not involved with that system yet, but my Mom has had to checkout many supplements to her Medicare. I'm going to talk to her and also one of my friends to see if maybe I can at least find you a lead or place to find your answer. At one time, I paid $360 each month out of pocket, for three months. Then for about two years, I paid $80 per month. Mine now are $8.00, but I am fortunate to have good insurance through my husband's work. Let me check on this...I'll get back to you in a day or so. I just hate this crap from insurance companies and drug companies. They make decisions without even a thought as to how it will affect so many people's's just not fair. Oh, when I had no insurance at all, I got them from Rite-Aid with their in-store discount/pharmacy card and only paid $80. If there is a Rite-Aid close to you, check them out. Also, call at least 4 or 5 different pharmacies...ask them about discounts or "hardship" programs. You can work on that...I'll check on supplements to Medicare. Meanwhile, try to smile, and be extra kind to will make you feel better!
Peace and Love, ~Diana

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W h a t ?? DIANA, I get it ! you saying I need to get married and on husbands ins again to get on a great program? That might be a thot, huh?,
Thank you for your time and talking with mom and friend . I sinerely appreciate it
And, your info about Rite Aid. Good lead,besides the fact of the pharmacy discountcard ( never ever thought I'd be in need of help) BUT , you know what? Besides writing appeal letters and your thoughts, Im confident I'll come across something again...hopefully find another supplement to medicare that does work with "quality of life" customers.....
Hey! Again thank you. Hope you are experiencing good things and your physician is understanding about the necessity for an increase due to the weeker formulas.

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Hi Chris. No, I'm not saying you have to get married, all I said was I didn't have the problem anymore because I have insurance now because I got married. Anyway...the only way you are going to be able to know for sure if the medication is covered is to call each insurance company you are thinking about. Everybody is telling me to go to for comparison shopping, and answers to all questions. By the way, you are aware that your physician has to submit a special form once each year because the drug isn't on most of the lists, right? I think it's called something like, "Exception for Non-Formulated Drug". The doc has to complete it and give the reasoning why you need it. Mine does it every year and there is never a problem. Good luck...sorry I couldn't be more help.

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Oohh, just teasing about getting married....just became a widow and am adjusting to this lifestyle at this time. Yes, I do now remember the fabulous coverage offered when we were all on husbands coverage....yep. Thx for info on's something I haven't tried...and yes, the form "exception for non formulary....." is filed annually and for some reason they declined any coverage this year....actually, that's where I am at at this juncture (looking for an ins company that will cover it and that 's why I joined this discussion, getting ideas). All your info is most helpful, Diana, and your time spent is sincerely appreciated. thank you again.

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Hey Chris...I am so very sorry for your loss. I just can't imagine. I've been thinking about this, and here are a few more thoughts:

#1 - If the Exception form was accepted by your insurance in previous years, I don't think they can refuse it, all of a sudden. Unless, it's the first time it's been submitted to this particular insurance. I would definitely appeal that decision, either way, because you can prove you have been using the medication for many years. Sometimes, you just have to push a little bit, and as long as your doc is willing, I would do that first.

#2 - At the same time, you can investigate on You will have to do some research, ask questions and contact different insurances to ask specifically about your medication.

#3 - If all else fails, you can contact one of the manufacturers (Watson, Lannett, Breckenridge) and they will almost always work with you to get the medication at a reasonable cost, if not free. You can find contact info just by searching the internet.

#4 - In the meantime, if you are in dire straits, you can get over-the-counter aspirin with caffeine. Then your doc can prescribe Codeine Sulfate, which is just codeine. You would be missing the Butalbitol part of the med, but you may at least find some relief.

Good Luck! Peace and Love

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These can get weaker and less effective over time on their own. Maybe it has nothing to do with the manufacturer. Your body builds up a tolorance and they don't work as well. Making it seem like they are "different". That was my experience with them.

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Hi Spencer! Unfortunately, I am in Pennsylvania, so I can't be of any help. Hopefully somebody else will see this thread and be able to help you. When your doctor passed, did they refer you to another doctor. Usually when one takes over patients from another practice, they continue with the same treatment you were already receiving. Good Luck!!

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Hi Christopher! No, I'm sorry, but I have not investigated any labs or costs involved. My plate has been quite full lately and my energies have been focused on some legal and financial issues for my disabled son. Maybe when I get out of the weeds, I'll have some extra time to investigate getting a lab, samples from different manufacturers and costs. Hope all is well with you!! Peace and Love...

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