Finotop 1 Tablets (Top voted first)


I have been sold Finotop 1 tablets saying that it is Propecia from Canada Meds. I know this medicine is purchased from India.
Can anyone tell me if i have been sold something wrong?

2 Replies

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I tried locating some information regarding the drugs in which has been sold to you. The only information I located was stating that Finotop was the generic form Propecia. I also located the active ingredient which is Finasteride. If the medication you have has the same ingredient then you should be ok. I am not completely sure if you have the drug you want, I would try going to your nearest pharmacist and ask them if they would have an idea what your pill is. They may also have a difficult time telling you what your pill is, since you purchased them online. What is important that the website in which you purchased them is a reputable online pharmacy.

To learn more about Propecia click on the link below...

Do you have any more questions or information to add? Please post back if you do.

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Finmax was received for an order of Finasteride from Zenlabs Pharmaceuticals, which has a Canada & India address. Is this really Finasteride?

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