Finding A Good Pain Doctor In The Va Dc Md Area That Will Help You Out (Page 4)
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Looking for a good pain Doctor that will prescribe Oxycodone. Its so hard working two jobs with no insurance, and trying to go to school as well to get my degree. I work for a moving company and install computers all day long. Always in pain Looking for A GOOD PAIN DOCTOR!!! WHO WILL PRESCRIBE OXYCODONE!! PLEASE HELP Preferably in the Northern Virginia AREA!!!

248 Replies (13 Pages)

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I don't think so- I've always used the big chains like Walmart/CVS... and never had a problem!

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Breezy: is it hard to find a pharmacy in Frederick?

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AAA pain management in Frederick md! Sadly doctors are too afraid to treat illness that require stronger medications, but I have heard that your chances are better here than most places- you just need to bring your medical history so they have evidence that you are in fact dealing with chronic pain. Good luck!!

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Help please,

Restrictions have made it impossible to accept cash payments and we are not able to recommend specific doctors or practices.Your only option is if you do not have a pcp is to contact your local hospitals social services dept. for direction and or referal thru there service. Sorry we can't be of further help. Good luck.

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What was the name of the doc I will pay $ 230 to go to a doc n I need one bad

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The reason no one shares specific names or practitioners publicly is because some frequent these posts for practitioners that prescribe narcotics for purposes other then what they were intended for. The end result is these doctors being investigated and some forced to cease operations leaving many legit patients without medical care themselves. Have you considered getting a referral from your primary care provider? If not most hospitals have a social service dept. that can assist you in finding the care you need regardless of your ability to pay. I hope that gives you a starting point.

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Would you be willing to give me your doctors name I've been looking since october

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I'm sorry to hear of the difficulty your having finding adequate pain relief. Sadly when injuries like yours and mine heal the medical community attempts every form of interventional pain control available for some very valid reasons. Back in the day when modern techniques were unavailable so narcotic pain meds were the primary mode for relief. In some patients narcotic pain protocol is contraindicated (too numerous and technical to list here) Suffice it to say there are SOME conditions that benefit from prolonged opiate/opiod therapy but as you known it's nearly impossible to locate those providers in your part of the country.Has anyone that accused you of drug seeking behavior ever suggest the possibility of opiate/opiod replacement therapy ( i.e.; bupe,subutex,suboxne,methadone ) ??
Some are effective for pain control in addition to treating unrealized underlying primary abuse issues.Im always hesitent to recommend such potent therapy's but when life has become unmanageable and pain your constant companion it may be an Alternative.
Granted treatment is required through a specialized provider or clinic which is inconvenient at first but compliance often leads to considerable take home privledge's. This post is from some time ago but perhaps if your still searching you might want to investigate this option. Good luck.....,

P.S: Percocet 5 or 10s for your described condition and frequency of dose would only be useful for a limited time before tolerance ( oxycodone very rapidly )develops and regular upward dosing would become necessary adding the risk of acetaminophen toxicity levels adversely affecting your liver function

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What's the name of the pain management clinic in Frederick? And did you just go for endo, or was there another issue as well? Thanks!

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What's the name of the pain management clinic in Frederick? Did you go for just endo or was there another issue as well? Thanks!

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Thanks so much for posting the name of the pain management office you go to,,, it's so hard to find someone that will actually treat chronic pain!! I called AAA, unfortunately they don't take any insurance. It's $350 for the 1st appointment and $230 for each thereafter. I guess what's good is that they accept new patients so if I can't find another doctor, I have a back up plan!!

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Rex, how did it go with AAA? Did they help you? Do u have a pharmacy in that area?

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Lower back pain and neck hurts at night when I lay down

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I have an appt with AAA pain management on Dec 5, 2016. Can anyone tell me what to expect? Please respond ASAP.

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Could u please give me the info and what all do I need to go there?

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There is a good pain management Dr in Frederick, I was prescribed 140 of the 30 mg oxycodone and 90 opanas.

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What did u find out about AAA? They called me but I have not yet called them back.

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has anyone had any luck finding a pain management doc? I'm looking for one in the VA DC or MD area that preferably treats pain management properly. Any info is greatly appreciated.

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