Finding A Doc To Prescribe Oxycodone In Springfield Mo (Page 2) (Top voted first)


I have a very bad neck injury and I'm taking 4 x 10mg oxycodone a day for pain. I've moved to Springfield recently and all of the doctors offices tell me "Oh, our policy is never to prescribe narcotics." Even the hospitals won't prescribe it and have a family practice docs list and at the bottom of the page the disclaimer states none of the above doctors will prescribe narcotics. I need help anyone know a good doctor with in 200 miles of Springfield Mo. who will prescribe oxycodone?

345 Replies (18 Pages)

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Hello hope you doing well. Are you still going to that doctor. If so who is he ?? Thanks for your time!

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If people would read alllll the comments on here they would see that I have given you
1. A name
2. An address
3. What you will need to do
4. What will be expected of you
I will give the name again, however, please see my comments below, it is quite lengthy.
Dr. Padda, he is on Chippewa St., St. Louis MO
Center for Interventional Pain Management
He has HORRIBLE reviews, he is horrible AND mean. But, he writes and gets u in ASAP. Doesn't ask for referrals

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Re: Tenile (# 331) Expand Referenced Message

PS. Mr Help is a scam. I read a post on here about how he is scamming people out of their pain meds but they didn't give much detail. But I would avoid whoever it is. Sorry

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Thank email is {edited for privacy}
again..thank you!!

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Can you please send me the doctors information, I have been trying for quite sometime. My email is {edited for privacy}

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I also would like name. Chronic pain and now have. To have hip replaced and. Only. 34

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I have an answer for number 53. Dr Maria Carter. She's absolutely beautiful. Just take in your records, or prescription bottles. ONE rule of exception. If you ever go to the hospital , sadly I have to a lot I have CVS and am kinda a frequent flyer there, once you see the dr. she will U.A you, and it's really not her policy but she has to let you go. The hospital had me on a morphine pump and it doesn't matter where it comes from, just DONT let the hospital give you a thing. K- onto the next question lol. It's a shame I know so much about this but after two surgeries, a knee replacement gone wrong, arthritis CVS and seizures life is good right ! haa..that was meant to be a joke.

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Iv heard Dr. Lueking in lake saint louis is amazing and dr kershen (sp?) Is good as well i heard he writes... writes... writes. He is also in st louis. However w no insurance I can not afford either. Hope that helps someone.

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Dr. Kershin (sp?) Is in st louis. 3 offices, ofallon troy and wentzville. U have to have a referral and do ua and he will cut u off over ANYTHING 2 friends WENT there and was cut one because cannabis was in their system other because her meds did not come back in her system because she had been out for 2 days before they got her in for her next appt.(that wasnt even her fault) .. and he will not listen to a reason he will send a nurse in to tell tell u u have been cut off.his staff is really rude too... As for the Waynesville doc.... I mean honestly just for 120 10mg percs its almost not worth what u have to go through to get them. Blood, ua, being there 12 hours and u cannot see another doc or even go to an ER for anything or he will cut u. Iv heard hes even called the cops on ppl... so idk. Anyway an fyi ... lueking wld b a good start for someone to get a referral to kershin. Now can someone help me out. I need doc in columbia mo area thats worth going to for legit pain and will give smtjg that helps and not push surgery on me. Really wish we cld post phone num and emails so we cld contact each other to exchange info. I have alot of helpful info.

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Mr help is the spfld Dr still available my Dr has moved I'm a chronic pain can't find Dr accepting new patients

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lol seems all the crack heads want your docs info. be careful... be vewy vewy careful.

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Blah blah blah. Most of u r crack heads n mr help told me about tht situation n they ripped him off and they r nothin but dope n crack heads. He has been helpin me for months. Thank The Lord. Wish u all the best

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95 nailed it right on the head! Mr.Help..and any one who does business with him are corrupt! People like this is the reason people who really have pain can not or has a really hard time getting proper treatment! This site is for all of us who are suffering from a daily life of severe pain. If we just wanted a damn pain pill..s*** people..people sell the s*** all the time!! But no..we want treatment!! Treatment from a doctor! ! We want to take it day by day.. in as little pain as we can get! But we are not going to be criminal's to get it. We are on here to ask for help and advise!! We are not asking for any numb nut to be our damn drug dealer!! Mr.Help is a scam..thief..low life piece of monkey s***!! And if you dont like it..well you are in a cloud of smoke..waiting for him to take you for all he can get!! How many of us have either dealt with him..or heard all about him?? We cant all be wrong..and you be the only correct person on here! Wisen up sweetie!! He is bad news!! Take it from all of us!! Before it is too late!

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You are begging for help finding a doc that will give you pain meds but the doc that was gonna give you something you don't like because he wasn't giving you Percocet and oycontin. Beggars cant be choosers. If you are in that much pain you should take what you can get. I bet you are either a junkie or you sell your scripts for money to pay for your marijuana habit and the car payment you are now behind on cause you lost your pill supply.

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hey mr help {edited for privacy} i am in need. was released from a pain clinic cause i wouldnt take oxycotin, i only wanted hydrocodone here in springfield mo

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i would suggest checking out pain management clinics and NEVER mention oxycodone !!instead,try to get them to give you trigger point injections to help cut down on the pain meds you need,but you need some kind of strong enough medicine to deal with it while you are getting the injections working good,and ask if they will give you methadone and lessen the doses as needed!!the injections help a lot,and they used too i dont know anymore about up there,but they let me make payments!!the shots burn,but just for a short time and help you reduce the meds you need,and the more you deal with the SAME dr,they used to work with you as long as you are strait up with them and pass UA's!! do NOT use anything illegal,or you will be cut off!!!good luck,i know it sucks,cause i am going thru that in arkansas!!

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I think I may be able to spare a few if your in need that badly.

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Danny, and anyone else that's to ignorant to know the laws and are part of the reasons for making it as complicated and responsible for the stigma attached to pain medication and loss of good doctors.... Don't be offering prescription drugs that are for you!!! And if you are so stupid to be doing it, I hope you get everything you deserve!!! It is not the laws and regulations or enforcement that is the problem it is dumb a$$ people like you, I hope that you get as offended as I have for arguing with doctors and nurses and all of the other scrutinizing individuals because of the fact that I have pain and the only thing that treats it is pain medication and dumb a$$'s such as you who abuse it, by not being compliant!!!!

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hello to make a long story im a small girl , my daughte was only 6 pounds but seperated my pelvic bone while giving birth and i had extensivepainfonyearcouldnt walk without ppain mehorrible pain for yeare ithenhada car accident and broke my back in 3 spots and shattered my pelvibone i have horrible pain and i need a doc to write my pain pills with no problems i dont have insurance so cant afford to pay for doctor visits and not get what i need i live in sedalia mo but will drive whereever as long as it a pretty sure chance to get medicine i need please help if anyoone knows a doctor that could help. it would litèatlly give me my life back if i could just find a doctor that would give me the pain management im looking for.thanks

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Dr Padda on Chippewa. Padda institute. He was prescribing me 120 10/325 hydros a month. He will have u get an MRI, if u don't have one and u have to get his painful injections. But, when I first called to make the first appt. they got me in within 2 days. Another problem is u have to go once a month and sometimes he will make u go back within 2 weeks. But, once u get through the first round of bulls***, ur in. Oh another thing. The appointments take hours, all waiting. Ur in with him for 2 min. U have the option for a speed pass, of course there is an additional fee for that 50$, the office is yucky and there is NO privacy whatsoever. He leaves the door open when he sees u, you can here everything. He's got bad reviews online. But, it's a sure thing. Plus u don't need a referral. If u need more info lmk.

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