Finding A Doc To Prescribe Oxycodone In Springfield Mo (Page 5)
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I have a very bad neck injury and I'm taking 4 x 10mg oxycodone a day for pain. I've moved to Springfield recently and all of the doctors offices tell me "Oh, our policy is never to prescribe narcotics." Even the hospitals won't prescribe it and have a family practice docs list and at the bottom of the page the disclaimer states none of the above doctors will prescribe narcotics. I need help anyone know a good doctor with in 200 miles of Springfield Mo. who will prescribe oxycodone?

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Did u get that doctors name? I really need help. I just moved and can't find a doctor. I have MRI with proof my backs a mess and I can't work until I find help. Please let me know. Thanks and god bless.

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If people would read alllll the comments on here they would see that I have given you
1. A name
2. An address
3. What you will need to do
4. What will be expected of you
I will give the name again, however, please see my comments below, it is quite lengthy.
Dr. Padda, he is on Chippewa St., St. Louis MO
Center for Interventional Pain Management
He has HORRIBLE reviews, he is horrible AND mean. But, he writes and gets u in ASAP. Doesn't ask for referrals

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I need a doctor to prescribe pain medicine in the st. louis area. Can anyone please help? Thank u.

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Thank you for helping me. I was just informed today i would have to go to
a pain management Dr to keep on the low dose i am currently taking.
I thought no one would reply to my plea; but you did. God Bless

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I was in the same dilemma years ago before they even tightened up on the drugs. Every month, I had to drive 200 miles to Milwaukee from the northwoods just to get the script filled. I tried getting a local doctor. He prescribed them without the aspirin if you will. A month later he wanted a U/A from me. No problem. A couple days later his office told me to never come there again. I spoke with one of his people who told me the lab found no signs of opiates in my body. I told them use another lab! Of course they believed the lab and I must have been selling to the fish, white tail and birds! STUPID! For another year, it was 200 miles each way. That was way back in 2009. I suppose I should have been jailed for hooking those poor deer on pain meds--LOL. When I moved to Texas, everything was different. In fact, I was just talking to my friend in Wisconsin and it sounds now like it is structured as Texas and it sounds the same for you.
Regular MDs are just not writing scripts anymore and you need to go to a pain management Dr. The last pain management doctor I had in Milwaukee did kill all my pain! Just a couple side effects. Fell asleep while driving. Would be zoned out and could not carry a conversation. You may wonder what pain management did for me in Milwaukee with 10 herniated discs: 180 MGs of Kadian (Morphine) 50 MGs Fetanyl patch and 60MGs of Oxycodone (Percocet). Never was high and only in a different world. I decided it was best to be in a middle area of pain so I could function and dumped pain management for fear of long time addiction to heavy duty narcotics. Percocet and Vicodin (Hydrocodone) are schedule 2 drugs and because of liability issues, Drs don't want to write these scripts. Even my pain management civilian doctor told me that only me and another patient were on percocet and as soon as we left his care, he would no longer be writing scripts for percocet. He told me the feds were watching every move the office made. I really wish you luck, and possibly check out a pain management clinic close to your residence. There you should have no problem getting what you need. With me, they have suggested surgery, which is fine with me, but this is a 20 year old injury and they won't guaranty anything. I have been exposed personally to 5 neck operations. Two had to get redone. The doctors consider them a success. Then why are they are on even higher amounts of pain killers? Since that is out and I am probably in the dying mode at 65 years old. They are just trying to give me some quality of life and they are. To make things worse, I have MS in which pain killers have no effect on muscle and nerve pain and when that strikes I will go to a 12 and have tears running down my face. I have been taking Gabapentin 2,700 MGs a day, but don't know how long that will work. Good luck on your neck. I really mean it. God Bless!

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Dr. Jay Baker with Ozark Community Hospital but you have to make an appointment with one of the D.O's first to be refered.

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Me too! I came from Va have All medical records and referrals for pain management with opiate medication

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Please share. I have written referrals for pain management!

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Any luck with the doctors name? I moved here from LA to Lake of Ozarks. I have MS and have all my records and a referral, just need a doctor. I use to live in Kansas before moving to CA. I saw Dr. Fernando Egea in Overland Park but he has since retired so any help would be wonderful. Last month I had to fly back to CA to get my prescriptions and I'm not having luck. I paid 346 to find out that a doctor in Cameron MO didn't prescribe Oxycodone even with full records and 10 years of MRI/pharmacy records/Med Records. I can't keep flying back every month. Any help would be a blessing. Please email me {edited for privacy}. TY

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I need a doctor to prescribe percocet and/or oxycontin in Springfield for severe back pain, as I'm not able to use doctor baker at och.

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The name of the Dr. Please... for the pain management Dr. I need a new one I just moved here

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Do yourself a favor and check out first ...In Springfield here I wish to God we had not moved here. I can give you my prayers. Stay where you're getting your meds.

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I'll give it a's the thing, currently my pain management medication profile with the VA is:

4/day 30mg. Oxycodone IR.
1/day 30 mg. Oxycodone ER.
3/day 350 mg. Carisoprodol (Soma)

Understandably that's a lot of pain medication, however I have broken my neck 2 separate times, broken my back once, my rotator cuffs have been repaired two times each-the repairs have failed and no other surgeries can be done. I have 1 prosthetic knee and the other is scheduled to be replaced this year. I have pins and screws in my R ankle and R leg holding it together. I suffer with a serious closed head injury with a metal plate in my head behind and slightly above my R ear. Currently I have a L ankle broken in three places that will require additional hardware. The VA has done everything from shock treatment to acupuncture before the meds with no significant results. I've been on this medication profile for several years, it's the only way I can function. 4 Orthopedic surgeons have advised me that I would likely be on pain medication for the rest of my life.

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Hi, I read your story and I'm in the same boat as you after we moved here to retire. I have been to the Cox medical whatever and they look at me like I'm a drug addict. I am not by any means anywhere close to that. I take two medications and that's all and I don't have that. I am finding it nearly impossible for the doctor to keep me on 12 years to keep me out of the pain level that I'm in and I hope that you would reply back to me about this. {edited for privacy}. I would greatly appreciate any info that you could give me and a name and a number. Thank you ever so much. I feel like I've made some kind of headway. Thank you for your post.

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Good luck!!! Been here since October 1 and found nothing

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Thinking on moving to MO close to Springfield, but after reading all the post about there pain management clinics I'm concerned about finding pain management! I have really bad arthritis, fybro, back and neck injuries, bone spurs, and need a knee replacement! Any advice would be greatly appreciated! I now live in MN and the weather here in the winter is intolerable!

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Dr Padda on Chippewa. Padda institute. He was prescribing me 120 10/325 hydros a month. He will have u get an MRI, if u don't have one and u have to get his painful injections. But, when I first called to make the first appt. they got me in within 2 days. Another problem is u have to go once a month and sometimes he will make u go back within 2 weeks. But, once u get through the first round of bulls***, ur in. Oh another thing. The appointments take hours, all waiting. Ur in with him for 2 min. U have the option for a speed pass, of course there is an additional fee for that 50$, the office is yucky and there is NO privacy whatsoever. He leaves the door open when he sees u, you can here everything. He's got bad reviews online. But, it's a sure thing. Plus u don't need a referral. If u need more info lmk.

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I am not in St. Louis but if I can find a Dr that will prescribe the medicine that I need I have no problem having someone take me.

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Are u in St. Louis mo? I could give u a name. Just let me know.

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I've just relocated here from Las Vegas where I have been in the pain management program for several years. The VA here will not provide the same pain management. Could you give me the name of a pain Dr here that prescribes narcotics along with other treatments? Thank you.

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