Finding A Doc To Prescribe Oxycodone In Springfield Mo (Page 4)
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I have a very bad neck injury and I'm taking 4 x 10mg oxycodone a day for pain. I've moved to Springfield recently and all of the doctors offices tell me "Oh, our policy is never to prescribe narcotics." Even the hospitals won't prescribe it and have a family practice docs list and at the bottom of the page the disclaimer states none of the above doctors will prescribe narcotics. I need help anyone know a good doctor with in 200 miles of Springfield Mo. who will prescribe oxycodone?

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Joan.. did you see my story to you. I replied to you.

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Any ideas then for help? I have no worries that with my file I will be able to switch have Dr's. I have a referral as well as records from 2002. Just want to wade thru the BS. No Dr. Will turn his patients away for new ones unless they aren't doing what they should so you shouldn't be afraid of loosing your Dr. Any Real help here people.

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Doctors aren't going to stop writing or kick people out if you're truly in need of the meds. Trust me. Don't worry about too many people going. They are smart enough to weed out those who don't use them or need them.

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{edited for privacy}. I have filled prescriptions in MO and have a great pharmacist. So others, if you have a good relationship with your pharmacist just ask him who prescribes what you take.

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I have one in Hollywood CA. Dr. BOCKHOFF, DAVID. D.O.

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Yes. I have records since 2002. Would like help in finding a Dr. Please. Moved here from California for work. Having to fly to CA to see my Dr. is too expensive while working in the Midwest till end of year.

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I am looking for a good chronic pain dr. I just moved to the area, did the injections already and had the surgeries. If you would please help me locate this dr I would appreciate it very much.

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I actually went to see her yesterday for my very first appointment . she didn't write me any prescription s but I found her to be very sweet and kind. She is smart and really cares for others. I needed a PCP because of an accident I had 3 months ago. I was a pedestrian hit by a car and she really showed consern for me. I will definitely be keeping her as my new pcp

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It's unbelievable that the politics and DEA are telling MD's how to prescribe much needed pain relief. I believe that they want you off so you'll buy illicit drugs to support Afghanistan.

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Hey, can you please inform me of good pain doctor? I just renewed my Medicaid yesterday and now I can go to pain docs. I just don't know any doctors. Please help. {edited for privacy}. Thanks in advance.

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Suresh Krishnan in Troy MO....been seeing him for a year!!! He has depleted my meds tremendously, leaving me in constant pain...all I hear is DEA...He must have got in trouble in past. Would not suggest my dog.

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Do not talk to. MR HELP. He took what lkttle meds i had. He lied and said he had a doctor for me..i was just so happy to be getting a doctor..i wasnt thinking about what was really going on. He is not who he says!-
Young kid..was driving a black suv..said he owned the doc office. He just gets desperate people to show their meds to him..and then he took off!!

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Hello, If you live around the Springfield MO or Joplin Area please tell who we can see. My husband went to the Welcome Clinic Wellness and being all the Dr's are not Dr's but PA's and they told him he would have to go to the Urgent Care. SO he went to Ozark Urgent Care and waited for 5 hrs 27 minutes, and the Dr refused to fill his Norco or Roxicodone. His back is really messed up after 22 yrs of military service, and he used to be a runner. He is in so much pain he can barely walk. We just moved here from San Diego and never thought that Medical would be so hard to even get an appointment. Sept 6th he sees a Primary Care Dr, then will have to wait to see a pain management person. You know its takes a DR to even prescribe a medication, and now since people don't use it correctly, is making life a nightmare for patients. Don't these so called Dr's understand that people actually suffer badly from pain, chronic pain. I have lost 2 sisters to suicide from living every hour of the day in pain. They took the easy way out. I miss them terribly. And i blame the Drs in their state. Has anyone even come up with a pain medicine that can help people that don't contain opiates? Its so bad when you give your country 22 yrs of separation and harms way each day they are gone, and then be treated like a addict. Just is so unfair to the chronic pain patients, and then be told NO, I will not fill your prescription that he has been on for 3 plus years. Why wasn't my husbands back problems be dealt with a Ortho Dr? No, straight to pain management. It just is so damn unfair. God help that Dr if if something happens to my husband of 38 yrs. The Surgeon General needs to really think about what he is doing to the American people that are living a life, quality of life, and then jerk the rug out from under them. Just is not AMERICAN. I hope these Drs don't have to one day be in constant pain, and they will just have to lay in a bed the rest of his or her life. Then have to think about all the patients he told to go to hell about their painful life. Please if anyone knows of a Dr that actually understands people with chronic pain severe chronic pain, there new treatment is to lay in a bed or couch the rest of their lives. Anywhere in Missouri will work as well. This is not a joke, this is serious and someone needs to do something. I feel there should be a legal suit for Dr's who just let patients go without and go thru withdrawals and hopefully live through it all. Some don't make it. FACT!!! Please help us.

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Do you have insurance? I know of a few that can get u in quickly

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I need to find a pain management dr asap. My pain dr I was seeing in fenton, mo got in an accident and has been in the hospital and has to have surgery so the nurse called me and all of the rest of his patients and said that I need to find another pain management dr. They said they will talk to whatever pain management dr. I find to let them know my medical history. It has been hard to find a pain dr cause I am prescribed oxycodone 30mg, methadone and adapex. I have had reconstruction knee surgery and I have 3 herniated discs and 4 bulging discs in my back. If anyone knows of a pain management dr that will help please let me know as soon as possible. Thank you so much.

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Hi from Springfield, I have been to pain clinics and pain specialists, Springfield is the worst and hardest place to find caring, Compassionate, understanding doctors.

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I found your post from 2013 stating that you know a Springfield, MO Dr willing to prescribe Oxycodone to chronic pain sufferers & I realize I'm totally grasping at straws here four years later, but if by some miracle this Dr is still in practice in Springfield or close by & still willing to prescribe this or other comparable pain meds could you please provide me with contact information? If not can you refer me to ANY Drs who would? I have documented chronic back pain dating back to 1992, current MRI showing bulging disc in lower back severe arthritis & several other issues responsible for my now unbearable pain. Since injury occured in '92 I have been given rx for pain meds only 2 times, no drug seeking behavior no red flags & have current rx from family dr for hydros but had to change drs due to her refusal to complete or sign any paperwork related to my disability app & now am being refused the hydros or any other pain meds had to battle new gp to get referral to pain clinic & when she finally did she instructed the dr there who was well known for prescribing pain meds freely to documented proven pain sufferers not to give me any! At wits end.

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I'm currently looking for a new pain doctor. I have past medical records if needed. Please help me. Would be appreciated.

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Hello in Springfield try finding a pain specialist an they will prescribe you mediction for relief. I pray you get some relief soon! Hang in there!

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Can u Please give me the doctors name, in confidence. I am a 44 year old single MoM of 4. 2 of my Babies have disabilities. I do everything on my own and I have lived with chronic pain since I was 19 and I lost half of my leg to gang greene, Mrsa and necrotising fasciitis. I also had an accident a few years ago, that caused alot of permanent damage and severe pain I suffer with every single day and have for 25 years. I have died 5 times, I have had 30 surgerys, with many more coming. I am in desperate need of an understanding, caring Doctor to take me in and work with me to help me safely deal with all my pain. Please help me, I will in no way give anyone the information, I know what ur saying and ur right, it only takes 1 person to ruin a good thing for everybody. Please

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