Find A Progressive Pain Doctor
UpdatedI don't know how to go about finding an MD in Chicago or the surrounding suburbs who's liberal with pain meds. Vicodin is what I've used with great success in the past. I've had two major injuries and one surgery to my left shoulder but every once in a while the pain gets pretty bad. All the Rx Nsaids don't do squat.
2 Replies
Hi Bax,
In regards to finding a local pain doctor, I have listed below a couple websites specific to locating pain management doctors in a given area. All you have to do is input your city or zip code for narrowed results:
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You can give this other page a try too if you come up with different results for some reason or another:
Many of the results you find (in one or both of the links above) also list a phone number for that specific doctor; I'd consider calling up a number of them to see if they are accepting new patients; some aren't, but most usually are.
I hope this info helps and wish you good luck on finding the right care!
Thanks David,The first list has a couple of Docs who are fairly close to me. I'll make some calls tomorrow.
Thanks again,
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