Find A Doctor In San Antonio,tx (Top voted first)


fentynayl patches - we need MDs willing to prescribe to those that suffer

3 Replies

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You're looking for a doctor in that area that will prescribe these and treat multiple people?

I really don't think it's going to be possible to a guarantee for either one.

Learn more Fentanyl details here.

Most doctors are going to shy away immediately if you're asking for a certain medication, because they'll view that as drug seeking behavior.

What is the issue that needs treated?

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Try Consultants in Pain, they were one of the first pain management groups in San Antonio. They will prescribe anything, if it is warranted.

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I was on 75 F patch +6 10/325 hydrocodone till the govt became tyrannical in the medical field. No where in the constitution does the govt get the power to regulate what doctors can prescribe. My other Dr (before I moved to san antonio) finally got the pain meds regulated to the point I could have somewhat of a life (still in pain but the mobility ability was improved tremendously). I was even losing the weight I gained from the immobility that the pain caused (I explained to my PM when the govt first started their tyranny that they only needed to put a letter of explanation in my medical record per the rules (not laws) the govt mandated, but they refused say n ya they say that till ya do it (I get that) but now that the govt admitted the mistake & loosened ""rules"", I asked about an increase but the Pa said they had a meeting & the head Dr (has several most compassionate plaques on walls) said they will not be increasing meds (I told Pa they need to remove the plaques). If anyone knows of a possibility please post.

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