Find A Doctor For Oxycodone In Arizona (Page 2)
UpdatedI am looking for a doctor that prescibes pain meds like oxycodone n oxycontin. Please help
Hi I'm in Gilbert and looking as well have all records just can't find a good dr
My problem is, I am a MMJ cardholder for my Multiple Sclerosis, so I am unable to find a dr other than the ER that will help me with severe pain due to Spinal Stenosis and several herniated discs. I have all my Imaging to prove all this of course. However, one cannot have both in this state. I wish Cannabis was a fix all, as I do not like to take narcos and such. Unfortunately, its not. I don't need narcos often, but would be nice to be able to have them when the Stenosis flares up, because that aggravates my MS. So if anyone knows a small dr. office that is open to this, please let me know. I have been researching and to no avail.
I'm looking for new pain dr or any dr that will write for oxycodone. I used to be on 30mg when my pcp wrote them for me. I was referred to a pain dr & finally got him to prescribe 15mg, but that dr left his practice & another dr was writing them until last month. My new pcp will only give me 60, and I'm used to getting 120 month of 15 mg, but would prefer 30mg if you know a dr to do that for me. I'd appreciate any info.
Need Help, if you can help would greatly appreciate it.
Does any know where I can find 30miligram oxycotin in arizona? Please help
Really need a pain doc. Been receiving injections for 3 years and I now need more. I live in Prescott. My number is {edited for privacy}. Thx
Looking for a pain doc in the Tempe/Mesa area for bursitis in my shoulder. Would love a connection!
Did you find anyone! I'm also looking.for someone to prescribe Percocet 10 or Oxy 10. Thank you!
My husband is a combat vet many times over and pain management wont communicate with the orthopaedic surgeon, or see him while hes having multiple surgeries(given them the # TWICE) the and said aome very disparaging comments about vets! He served 15 yrs special forces! We are in phoenix. But willing to drive a bit to a near by town to see someone actually capable, understands this level of injury and chronic pain and some respect! Besides, hes a bear when hes hurting, and no we will not go to the VA. Bunch of hacks and quacks. Help is appreciated.thanks.
Hey there, I was just reading your post and I just moved here to Arizona from Oregon and have been on oxycodone for the last 8 years and I have had the worst time ever trying to find a new doctor here. I know your post was last year in July but if you could share with me some information that would be great. Thank you. {edited for privacy}
Hey there I need to find a doctor can you pls help me???
Hey if you still have the name of the Doctor in surprise I would really appreciate it. Thanks
Hey there, my Dr of 11 years just had his pain pill licence taken away for a yr bc some ***** patient of his decided to take 15 benzos at once and overdosed. Now I'm being affected by this. I've been on 6-7 30mg oxycodone a day for the past 6.5 yrs. I need to find a Dr who will write me my same prescription for 30mg oxys. I have 18 left which will last me 3 days but after that I'm gonna be extremely sick and need to find a Dr asap who will prescribe me the meds I've been on for 6 years. Can anyone please help. I have 3 beautiful boys to live for and I'm scared when I run out I'm gonna go into severe depression and be extremely sick and don't want anything to happen to me.
was seeing a doctor named Fernando he lost his license now I have to find a new one myself
if you could help me out id greatly appreciate it
yes please I'm looking for a new Dr to prescribe me the medication I've been on for 6 years now. my Dr had his license taken away for writing narcotics and nkw I'm in pain, sick and don't know what to do or where to go. any help would be amazeing. I'm in mesa but will travel to find a good Dr who can prescribe me the 210 30s a month I was on
I lost my doctor a month ago because he got his license suspended now I'm looking for a new one that writes prescription for 30mg oxes and somas and fentanyl patches 100mgj I need a doctor in the Phoenix area.
Hi. As many people out there are aware, lots of the younger generation are overdosing n selling different types of opioids like oxys n what ever they can get their hands on. So yeah people like myself n those that maintain their pain with pain meds for many years are having to suffer!! Like being taken down mg. or off one of the other medications that a person has been on for years also, not to mention those meds r the only meds that have worked for that or those certain people that deal with pain 24/7 for many years. So instead of making the people in constant pain etc..the Pain Mang. ownership n all concerned, should get an MRI and ongoing Dr's statements about that person 1st off, then by the first appt. the Doctor has enough info on that patient, thus they should already know why you were sent to a pain management in the 1st darn place! Oh let's not leave out the prior pain meds that person had to be on prior! That's my True Story and I'm Sticking to it!!! Good Luck To Those That Are Going Through All the Above.
Hey i really need help finding a new dr... I just moved to the mesa area. I have legit issues and all the medical records to back it up. If u really know of a dr that will prescribe my pain meds (oxycodone 30mg, and oxycontin 30 mg) in mesa/near mesa please let me know. You would seriously be a life saver and i really would so greatly appreciate the help!!! Please & thank you.
I am fed up trying to get my percots prescribed by a new Doctor. I have been on a regiment for 15 yrs and know what works for my pain. I am not addicted to them and at this point will not become addicted. I am 61 yrs old and have been suffering something terrible and not feeling well. I find this to be cruel and inhumane treatment . I don't need a run around any longer I need relief from the suffering. Know of a doctor who will take care of my needs and not their agenda???? Debra live in East mesa
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