Filling An Rx For Percocet, Same Dr. Prescribing (Page 4)


I was issued 2 scripts from the same Dr. For 10mg/325 Oxycodone. Due to Surgery last week total Hip Replacement! I know I will have to pay out of pocket cause my insurance just filled at beginning of the month. He gave me 2 due to tolerance & going through PHYSICAL THERAPY 2 to 3 times a week! Why won't a pharmacy fill this for me if I am getting them from the same Dr?

90 Replies (5 Pages)

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Re: LAK (# 35) Expand Referenced Message

Someone came into my pharmacy today and said his pain dr will only write his pain meds for one week now instead of a month supply

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Re: Maria (# 61) Expand Referenced Message

Some doctors do that. It may be a new patient, a new med, or the patient requested it.

When I started on Suboxone for pain management, I started with a week supply for a month. Then I was given a Rx. for 2 weeks, finally for a month.

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Re: Kristyne (# 43) Expand Referenced Message

Like I said, my hubby gets three prescriptions and they are post-dated for the next 3 months. I live in Ohio!! Maybe it's different wherever you live. But it's legal here.

Post dated prescriptions for 3 months is legal here in Ohio. Unless my hubby's doctor is doing wrong and I don't think he is.

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Re: Me (# 62) Expand Referenced Message

Not in this case. The man was upset that his dr was doing that and has been getting the meds for years and he was asking us if we still fill these meds for a month supply. It's all due to the CDC and government cracking down on C2 pain meds and the overdoses. My pharmacist was saying that more doctors will follow suit and start doing the same thing and my dr even said pretty soon they will send everyone to pain clinics to get these meds. CVS is now limiting patients that r new to taking these meds to only being able to get a week worth of meds filled even if the dr wrote it for more and people r saying that more pharmacies will probably start this too

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Re: Me (# 62) Expand Referenced Message

Hi, Somewhere I heard that will become law or maybe already in some states. Like you said though, for new patients. I think it may be a good idea but could be a scheme to rid them completely. The reason it may be a good idea I think, is for tolerance sake to prevent OD's. If he is a regular, it is a bad idea. I hope he hasn't developed a big tolerance and has transportation.

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Re: Maria (# 64) Expand Referenced Message

Sorry, I didn't see your second post. From what I heard, it was supposed to be for new patients. From what you said, I'm probably right about the scheme from what you are saying. Do you know if the pain mgmt. doc's can write more or is it just for other doc's? Under my insurance network, I would be very lucky to find even a pain doctor to write me an opiate. They think all of your problems will be solved with shots. So that's what I wanted all my life is to get stuck with needles all the time. Are they trying to make a junkie out me? Don't chronic pain patients do enough suffering? Now we have to get jabbed with a bunch of needles to get minimal relief. I know that if they do not get the right spot on the shots, IT WILL NOT WORK! I'm not directing this at you Maria, so please don't be offended. But just think, they will save my life at the cost feeling dead with pain.

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Re: Maria (# 61) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Maria, Yes a lot of pharmacies started only dispensing certain pain patients their meds in portions about 3 yrs ago. For example, a patient with a script for 90 hydrocodone would receive 45 tabs to last for the exact amount of days their Dr wrote their Rx for. If the patient ran out of their meds early they wouldn't be able to pick up the remainder of their prescription until the date their pain meds should have lasted. Also, certain pain patients would only be able to pick up the rest of their meds after having a U/A or blood work @ their Dr's office/pain management clinic first. I saw this happen mostly with patients who's Dr's required this because they suspect the patient isn't really taking their meds & Dr thinks they're selling their meds or suspects the patient maybe using street drugs. Pretty much every patient Dr's required this from didn't usually return back to the pharmacy I worked at more than 1-3 times because they failed their drug panel & were kicked out of pain management. I had a few patients return back months later with a script from a new Dr, but again most of them didn't return because they came up dirty or didn't have meds in their system.

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Re: Why (# 63) Expand Referenced Message

Ohio allows a 90 day supply. Why would he "post date" for the following 90 days?
It makes sense your husband would have to go back in 3 months for the next 90 day supply. I get 90 days in CT, because my insurance told me, if I do it that way, I have no co-pay.

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Re: Why (# 63) Expand Referenced Message

Under Federal Law a doctor can write Schedule II prescriptions for up to 90 days. That is 3 separate prescriptions for 30 days each.

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Re: Kristyne (# 68) Expand Referenced Message

My husband has to go every 3 months. He gives him a prescription that day to get filled. And then 2 go on file for 2 months. And he post dates the ones that are on file for him. Sometimes he puts a date on them and sometimes he does not. So that means he can get them one day early here in Ohio. But he rarely does that. In Ohio a 30-day Supply is a day early. It used to be two days early. But not anymore. A 28 day Supply they can do one day early but not usually, usually they make you go 28 days. JS. I know I get these every month for him.. But his family doctor does this. He's an amazing doctor.
Who cares and helps his patients out. So that is a total of three. One he can fill that day. And then 2 go on file. Kristyne.... I'm not sure what you're trying to say? Do you think I'm lying to you? Because if you do. I'm so not. Why would I?

What I'm strictly saying is there are a few good doctors still left. His prescriptions are for Percocet 10. (His count is 120) He could make him go to pain management of course. But he has known my hubby for quite a long time. And like I said he is a great doctor. He has a heart. And he's definitely not afraid of the DEA or any type of rules. But he is following the guidelines to the T. My hubby did ask him was he putting him in any type of Jeopardy because of the new laws. He said no you fall under the guidelines to where I can do this for you. He said I'm not worried at all.... (I can handle them) My hubby crushed his heel. Plus he has so many other issues.
Unfortunately he is not my doctor. I wished he was. Lol, I have to go to pain management. I have a great pain management doctor. It's just a pain in the butt. It's about a half hour drive for me. When my hubby only drives 5 minutes.
Hoping you have a great day. ????

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I feel for you. I know so many people are so stressed out over the new laws. Including myself. And they're only going to get way worse. Because of so many of our youth dying. Where I live they bring in portable morgues to handle up to 18 bodies. Yes I said portable morgues. How sad. That just breaks my heart. I will walk a country mile if it will save someone from od'ing But, they are cracking down really hard on the people that are doing the right thing. I guess they cannot tell who is doing it right and who is doing it wrong. I was told by my pain management doctor they just can't tell who is doing it right and who is doing it oh so wrong. So they just decided to blanket everyone. There has to be another way there just has to be. I will be 60 September 30th. And it's rough on so many of our elderly that just cannot walk right or whatever the deal is. I've been pretty lucky in that aspect. Some of our elderly people getting where they need to be on time and going to the pharmacy and just all of that is just crazy. And sometimes the pharmacists look at you like you have a third head. There has to be another way.
But like I said. I would walk a country mile if it saves one childs life. I was told by the nurse practitioner that they have more trouble with the grannies and the older people. Like they had a granny and they nicknamed her crack granny. And she was thrown out of the program of course. But they did give her two chances. And that surprised me. So I'm just holding my breath that everything gets better.
This epidemic has to stop. We have to help all of these people somehow someway. Do I know how no I don't. But I'm willing to help anyone. Within reason as long as they're willing to help themselves.

Have a great day.

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Re: Need to help (# 71) Expand Referenced Message

They say Granny's are the worst because they have grandchildren who take them for themselves or to sell them. If they fill 1 week at a time patients will know by looking at the bottle if some are missing, than a 30 day supply.

Another reason, the Elderly are treated like crap, by working all their lives, to now be treated awfully by the State and Government. They are basically living in poverty, and may sell a few of their 30 day supply, just to get by.

They may also give them to family members, who con them into them into giving them "a few pills".

All this because Granny loves their family, and doesn't want her family to be in pain. She may only take half of her supply and "help" whoever doesn't have health insurance.

**NeedToHelp, I in no way suggest that you do any of the above... My Aunt, who passed in February, used to give her son pills, but they were really for his wife.**

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Hi everyone~
Can you get withdrawals when you stop taking kratom? Some people say you can some people say you cannot. So I'm just asking can you get withdrawals when you stop kratom? Thank you!!

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Re: Kristyne (# 43) Expand Referenced Message

Post dating is LEGAL, the dr can give patients 3 scripts at the same time as long as they are post dated. Some pharmacies will hold the post dated ones and put them on your file and some pharmacies, like the one I work at, will tell the patient to hold onto them and bring back on the date that says when they can fill it.

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Re: LAK (# 67) Expand Referenced Message

At my pharmacy if the doctor writes for a certain amount of pills if we partial them then the patient can’t come back later to get the remaining pills cuz this is considered a refill and by law you can’t have a refill on a C2 med. This is only for C2 meds. Some insurance companies won’t pay for the full amount and when this happens, we can either just fill the amount the insurance will pay for and the patient will have to forfeit the remaining pills or the patient can pay cash for them all.

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Re: Paul (# 66) Expand Referenced Message

This script was from a pain clinic doctor. But we are seeing a lot more scripts from regular doctors that are only prescribing one week worth of pain meds even on Tramadol. I hope they don’t start doing this on people that have been taking these meds for years. That would cost people a lot of money and time

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Where are you seeing this doctor? I live in NYC. I need a prescription for oxycodone for lupus pain and arthritis. I can't move.

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Re: Need to help (# 71) Expand Referenced Message

The way medications metabolize in your system changes when you become a senior. Usually seniors take more medications than younger folks do. This can cause problems. Usually seniors have more health problems that can affect their ability to breath. Which can make it easier for them t overdose.

If your doctor won't prescribe you pain medications you need. You need to find another doctor. If you aren't seeing a pain management doctor. You need to start. You might have to see several doctors before you find one that is the right fit for you.

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i don't understand what you mean by your doctor having given you 2 prescriptions due to your "tolerance and going to PT a few times a week". 2 of the same prescription, one to fill now and the other is post-dated and you already have it that way for next month? you can't get more than one narcotic/controlled substance prescription filled within a 30 day duration of time. No pharmacist would fill both. If it is a matter of "tolerance" as you say, I take that to mean you are suggesting your doctor is comfortable with prescribing you this medication, which is his right, of course, however, he would still need to make this just one prescription, and of course modify the quantity and/or dosing instructions. I don't understand why your doctor wouldn't prescribe for you the desired amount and dosage, but logically in one prescription instead of 2. The one Rx is useless. All prescriptions for controlled substances expire after 7 days, so if it is not approved & filled at pharmacy it's void.
Even if it is a situation where perhaps you are getting more than what is considered the appropriate or average prescription, that is business between yourself and your doctor and even if some pharmacist wants to give you the ol stink eye and look at you as if you are some kind of raging drug addict, if your Rx goes through, that's all that matters. In addition to whatever Pre Authorization you have on file with your insurance company, which I imagine you have for this medication since I'm pretty sure a PA is needed for all CSs, normally one is good for a year if your doctor is normal and knows you don't need the hassle of having to keep updating expired PAs, he may have to add a clause or note to your PA on file with your insurance company stating why your dosage is of medical necessity, just to keep the Drug Nazis happy. I went through this with a different medication and it was quite a dance and I had to learn the moves and man it took a while, and it wasn't even anything questionable, but you know. I'm sure insurance provider is a factor, as well, especially if you have Medicaid AND live in blue state. God help you, ya know?

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Do you reside in NYC? I'm looking for a physichan, that will prescribe, oxycodone 30mg, for lupus I'm in severe pain abd my current doctor, wants to prescribe my 5mg percocet, I'll be in the hospital with pain

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