Fill Oxycodone Prescription In Detroit (Top voted first)
UpdatedI was hurt in car accident but, I have prescription for 30 mg oxcodone can't find pharmacy to fill them .I can get to surronding suburbs near detroit.
2 Replies
Sorry to hear about your situation. From what I've recently read from others under similar circumstances, there are rumors going around that Oxycodone in all its forms are gradually being taken off the market by the FDA. This would explain why very few people are having success finding a pharmacy to fill it; especially in Florida. I haven't found any official announcements that verify this claim, but I think the vast number of people unable to fill their scripts speaks for itself in many ways.
Have you talked to your doctor about this? I'm not sure he or she would continue prescribing something if it can't ever be filled. Otherwise I would just suggest asking for a different prescription altogether. One that is at least easier to obtain when you might need it most.
If anyone else has more specific information on the future of Oxycodone availability please do share!
How about we type out a contract for our pain docs to sign? . State that our dose is higher than the doctor agrees to prescribing and due to our taking a higher dose we will not hold them liable for addiction, overdose or death as a result of our continuance or higher dose should he agree to prescribe what the patient deems a higher necessary dose for adequate pain relief. Or state that instead of kicking to the curb, doctor will grant adequate time for patient to reduce dose and become compliant if indeed it is merely a condition of compulsive use. Doctor will provide all remedies possible to assist patient including but not limited to counseling, necessary withdrawal aids such as clonipin. Valium etc. Basically if our dose is higher than the damn 4 per day, which most are we agree to not hold doc liable if they give us OUR RECCOMENDED DOSE. WHY ARE WE PAYING TO KEEP A DOCTOR COMFORTABLE. Shouldnt it be the other way around? We pay them to make us comfortable!! If they refuse to increase doses then they ahould recommend a doctor who will.
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