Fill Oxycodone Prescription From G A (Top voted first)
UpdatedI have a Kentucky Licenses and went to a pain clinic in GA, they prescribed me Oxycodone 15mg and Hydrocodone 10mg. I have been to several pharmacies in Kentucky and cannot get them filled. Does anyone know where I can get my prescriptions filled rather here in Kentucky or out of state in GA or TN?? Please Help at all if possible, thanks!
Not everyone is from out of state. And also not everyone wants the option of surgery. Not everyone is on government assistance. I had problems filling my medicine from pharmacy techs like you that think you know everything. Just do your job and let other people do theirs. Thank you.
Inside Person - First I'd like to say I hope that college education helps you with your spelling and grammar. Second, I work in a pharmacy too. The pharmacies that are turning people away are basically telling people whatever they feel like saying. They'll tell a few they are out of em', then say we don't fill out of state scripts or just whatever. INSIDE PERSON is right, regardless of "legal dr wrote it" or you have level 10 pain " or "this is WRONG" etc etc etc, the pharmacist does not HAVE to fill ANYONE'S script if he doesn't feel it's ethical. It is up to him to decide using his professional judgement. Obviously, INSIDE PERSON has ZERO knowledge of Healthcare or the treatment of pain thru opioid medications. To assume that everyone coming into a pharmacy to fill an oxy prescription is a drug seeking junky is obsurd. I assure you, legitimate patients are being denied care simply because the DEA thinks this is the best answer. The DEA has sent memos basically saying WE STRONGLY SUGGEST YOU NOT FILL PRESCRIPTIONS FOR PAIN MEDS FROM PEOPLE THAT MEET THIS CRITERIA even though it descriminates and denies legitimate patients care. A pharmacist should "promote the good of every patient in a caring, compassionate, and confidential manner" but if he allowing the DEA to tell him how to do HIS job, there is no way he can comply with The Pharmacutical Code of Ethics. But like they say, it aint right but thats the way it is..." C.G Fayezen
Same here!! Oh you get must be a criminal and not need them cause you're in pain, f***ing pharm techs like to play god!?! I hope every last one of them has an accident and is in severe pain and can't get their s*** filled and are demonized and made to feel like a sub-human common criminal as they drive in agony from pharmacy to pharmacy TO PHARMACY burning up gas which is rediculously expensive and have to pay for it with money they don't have cause they have no insurance so all their money has to go to paying the Dr and the pharmacy....assuming they can find a pharmacy, maybe then they'll know how it feels.All this while the street prices steadily climb thus making all the drug dealers, that the DEA is trying to prevent, that much richer and the real patients suffer that much more.....yeah great job guys (DEA /Gov), makes a lot of sense A-holes!!
Not all pain patients can "just have surgery - it's not always possible". Obviously you have a very negative attitude regarding all people needing this medication and could care less about why. I too uam furious about all of the out of staters and greedy doctors who wrote their scripts. This has been going on for quite some time.However the government is punishing those with legimitate medical needs. I live with severe pain every day of my life and from the sounds of things, more pain, withdrawals and back to the wheelchair bed. I don't want anyone's pity, I pray that the author could have a little compassion for those who have to live like this.
Hey tommy, something I found out over the weekend is pretty sad. A pharmacist in my town who owned dunahoo drugs still has her license and she has been investigated numerous times. She threatened to arrest me saying I had forged my girlfriends prescription for soma. Of course I stood my ground and she didn't call the cops. Well in the paper it said in 06 she reported a pharmacy tech who stole over 20,000 narcotic pills over six months. Yet nobody was charged, arrested, and the pharmacy was still in business. On numerous occasions she filled for the same person, same Meds three days apart. She also walked infront of a moving cesna on a runway and got smashed. The pilot said she walked into her, her fiance said she was hit from behind. Then got a dui. Of course her fiance has money, she drives a 120k Mercedes of course. She had another investigation of suspicious activity on filling Meds for family members. Then another dui. And after six years finally had her license taken when she was charged with possession of 3 CII meds, 2 CIII and one CIV Meds. What is wrong with this picture. I have a three month old script that icant fill anywhere and for two months couldn't get into a new doc because I had to have the Meds in my system per the dea and the crackdowns. It doesn't matter I have script in hand I couldn't fill, but have to pass a drug test. All this crap makes me sick. Some days I can't walk because my lower back hurts so bad. Others I throw up all day because my neck hurts so bad. But hey nobody gives a crap right.
I can't believe some of the stuff coming from Inside Man or that pharmacies are turning people away. I personally have a different issue. I was injured in the military and put into a pain management program in TX (stationed there). I tried several medications like Fentanol, Morphine, Oxycontin, Hydrocodone, and finally Percocets. Ultimately I ended up being prescribed (60) 10 mg oxycontin, and (120) percocets 10/325 per month. These were the only Meds I could take and still function. Now I'm stuck in the VA system. The doctor immediately switched me to (180) 5/325 percocets. These are generic and don't quite do the job. I still hurt like hell even though I take (6) per day. I've considered switching to a private physician but I'm only insured by the VA. Therefore, I was considering going to a pain clinic in ATL living in (Huntsville, AL). I just want proper pain management. I'm reconsidering after reading this discussion. People should stop assuming everyone is dealing drugs or has bad intentions. It's not always like that for everyone.
Well inside person, I went to college thank you very much. Also my doctor is not out of state. I live right outside Atlanta and my doc is one of the few that accepts any form of insurance including Medicaid which that pay nothing and most docs won't take it. Also 2 Oxycontin a day is strung out, Cmon man really. Most of the cash docs around here will write someone 150-180 pills per month I get 60 and that was my choice. This makes it where I have to wait to fill my gabapentin which helps tons when you have pinched nerves. You probably don't know what central canal stenosis is. It hurts a lot. Since Everytime you move your lower back is involved it hurts doing just about anything. I don't get to go to the UGA football games anymore or go on vacation because I can't sit in a car all day because of a drunl lady in a dodge RAM. Did I ask for the lady to run my car over, no. I almost avoided it but she didn't. So me being legit I get lied to for no reason. Oh they won't fill mine but they fill for tons of people who do nothing bit sell their Meds and don't even need them. So how does that work out. It's pretty sad that a 19 year old who I can tell sells everything can fill their Meds of 180 count to turn around and sell and the same pharmacy will tell me they don't have them and I'm 30 with a handicapped tag with my name on it and a 5 page mri report. Please explain that logic to me. Oh and 11 pee hour is not that much. I made that fresh out of high school but since I'm good in sales at 21 I made 70k selling timeshare in Florida. So assume what you will sir and if you read what I said right you would see I don't want out of state people here and don't even like that it goes on.
AMEN, thank you Jesus! I just told my husband every point you made and then I read you're post, you got it straight my man. Keep calling the DEA, your congressman and senator and keep calling bulls*** when the pharmacist blames the DEA when it's actually them who's trying to play doctor and God.....
I completely agree with you! Not everyone wants to have surgery which 9/10 times puts you worse off then you were before the surgery. In my case I'm 26 years old and have several genetic back and joint problems and my doctor refuses to send me into surgery because of the risk of crippling me and leaving me wheel chair bound for the rest of my life. It's not just a risk to me but a lot of back and neck surgeries for anyone. So "pharm tech" no its not a quick fix and magically everyone is healed with surgery. Yet I agree there is many addicts and abusers out there of narcotics and I believe they should be filtered along with all welfare& state disability cases. But it is not up to pharmacist or pharmacist techs to decide whos scripts to fill or not too as it is illegal and would cause multi million dollar law suits against pharmacies which I would love my pharmacy to refuse my scripts id slap them with a law suit so big their head would spin. The only time a script can legally be refused is if it has been tampered with,forged,fake or doctor does not verify when called. Then there is the case that they don't have the pills in stock. I worked at cvs pharmacy as a tech for 5 years and know what I have stated above is all valid. Pharmacists are not certified to override a doctors script. I would like to apologize to everyone who is truely in pain and suffering from a permanent chronic pain and is unable to fill their scripts. Hopefully one day they will make a way for them to be obtainable like having to own a narcotics license card like they have for marijuana growers/ medical users.
To the 'legitimate pharmacy personnel' who posted about having surgery to 'fix the problem', and all persons who think the state is only filled with drug-seekers - you need to take a breath and back down a bit. This advice is going to come from a past-pharmacy technician. Who is also a Georgia native, a Georgia resident, and who has their medication filled in Georgia by one doctor at the same pharmacy every-single-month. A Georgian who is also - extremely intelligent, well versed, and abundantly read on what medications I put inside my body, as well as, new laws such as - GA House Bill 178 - which was in its final amendment and implemented as of July 2013. ( I do recommend all legitimate patients AND you do this, read the laws). You need to take a breath and back down, immediately. Why do I read so many things about prescription drugs and laws that govern them? Because, not only do I know it is to address the pill-mill problem which has moved from the state of Florida; but, because I myself am a patient. I want to know what every-single-medication does to my body. And, why? Because it is the intelligent thing to do to keep me informed and - because I absolutely hate putting these substances into my body - and, hate reading such irrational, erroneous garbage such as your statement all the while having to deal with chronic pain and horrid pill-mill debacles. Take a breath, read, and realize there are actual persons behind some legitimate conditions. You are not helping people like me, you hurt us. You hurt us with your stupidity, lack of understanding; and, obviously - being in the wrong field by holding a career of customer service. All the while, showing how utterly absurd it reads to have someone/pharmacist/tech post four letter words in a response. Who is going to take you seriously and professionally? So, let me inform you as a legitimate patient, who - has five back surgeries - which has resulted in permanent neuropathy - which has resulted in permanent muscle damage - permanent muscle weakness - sores on my legs which never heal - and, lastly, being in pain 24/7 even WITH therapy and medications. IF you think for one moment spinal surgeries just magically get rid of all your pain, you are sadly mistaken. You are living in a dream-world. You obviously have zero personal experience. Thus, when you are handing out 'advice' to people telling them - urging them - to 'fix the problem' with surgery - you are a danger. You are not a doctor. And, clearly not a patient. You are a pharmacist, sadly. And, I do mean sadly, because, when a legitimate person as myself has to get their medications filled - and, believe it or not, there are people such as myself who would rather not live their lives in 'four-hour-increments,' who would rather not have to even see another pharmacist as yourself, who would rather not be told their conditions are permanent and will only get worse - sadly, we have to deal with you as well. As if we do not already have enough to deal with already in our day to day lives. We have to be thrown in the same 'stew' as drug seekers. Therefore, you live your work-life with blinders on totally unaware of the damage you cause by encouraging surgery. Unaware of how much you make a legitimate patient feel like a criminal. Unaware as the lucky-one to pass a healthy judgement. And, very unaware you are adding fuel to a disabled-persons emotional state of unrest. And, so, when I walk into a pharmacy like yours - I am treated like a pariah, an outcast. Who do you think you are? What gives you that right? IT is people like you my friend who are just as bad or worse as the ones who are drug seekers making my life more unbearable with these new crack-downs. Crack-downs on medications which deaden my pain enough to do simple tasks such as going to the market. You need to reflect on the career path you have chosen. If you want to speak harshly against persons who are using these medications to get a high - you are going about it entirely wrong. You do not help someone like me at all. Would you go into a Parkinson's Syndrome or ADHD forum and tell all of them they were taking medication just to get high? No. When one deals with chronic pain, it is easy for others to pass judgement. They do not see any outward problems less my scars. My pain does not show up as a color for all to see. If I were to dare to meet someone with your thinking, your reckless manner, I would lift my shirt to point out the scars I bear. How dare you. You should be ashamed.
Hey. Just thought I would let you know that I heard of a litttle mom & pop pharmacy that fills GA scripts that is in Berea, KY. When you jump off I-75, go toward downtown (TR if coming North, TL coming south). Go to first stoplight and TR. It's alittle place called discount pharm on the right. Once again, not sure if this is true, but I know a friend has his filled there and gets them in GA. Give it a try!
Hey inside person---- I live in the state of Georgia and go to one of the few doctors who accepts insurance. I am given 60 30mg, 60 oxycontin 60mg, 90 soma, and 99gabapentin a month, you think your pharmacy can fill for me considering every pharmacy is out because of all the madness going on in the state. It seems the distributors have cut down what they are shipping here 10 fold. I usually go to wal mart but for 8 weeks they have not got in in. Cvs, walgreens, and publix seem to not have any problems but places that use mckesson are. Cardinal is the one who got in trouble not mckesson. All I know is several patients at my clinic cannot get their Meds filled and we all live in Georgia. I drive a little ways to my doc (45 mins) because I was in a car wreck and the place I go was the only one i found who could bill Allstate with a diagnosis code since they take insurance. So in my situation I may be screwed over for this reason. I could go somewhere closer but they are all cash pay and I would never get the amount I paid back on my settlement because of this. Any words of wisdom would help since I know the amount I'm prescribed isn't that much but I beats being out of it all the time from morphine.
I'm from ky but I had to get a ga I'd. I get 120 a mo. And I use the same phar.every mo and not one time have they been out or turned me away.So it's the big numbers on the scripts cause 3 of us get our filled every mo. You have to be from that area and your doc has to be from there too.good luck people if you do find someone that fill them,don't tell anyone where you go.dont tell a soul
Hey JP it USED to be the pharmacists job to actually compound and mix and to check for interactions between drugs. There are very few pharmacists who compound anything anymore and the computer tells them if there is a possibility of an interaction. As someone who is young with alot of pain and who shares alot of similarities with Chris I too have been lied to multiple times by pharmcists who want to play doctor and judge and basically god. I too know of people who have nothing wrong that sell their meds that the pharmacist has no problem filling for but yet for some reason I have a heck of a time and encounter lies, rudeness and being treated like less of a person. Then there are the snotty techs like the guy on this post who have never had a day of real pain in his life who think he knows it all about who needs what. His argument about hospice patients not needing the amunt as someone who goes to a pain clinc is not valid for 2 reasons first is simply everyones body chemistry is different but the bigger reason is someone who goes to a pain clinic has probably dealt with pain for years where as a hospice patient or someone who is terminal is just that terminal and they have not had time to develop the same level of tolerance. Anyways I personally think being a pharmacist is one of the most overpaid under skilled jobs you can have as the computer checks for interactions and hardly any of them CAN compound. I would say they are glorified pill counters but they have guys like the Inside person count and do the work then they just sign their name.
Msdemeanor, yes they can, I het my oxycontin in the mail every 28 days. Don't post it if you don't know the truth please.
It is unfortunate a pharmacist can practice discriminatory judgement on patients. I understand they do not want to risk their license for malice intent. However, their poor judgement obviously can interfere with the well being of some patients. I work in healthcare and I have never liked to take any kind of medication unless absolutely necessary. I had no idea getting pain medication was so difficult for those who truly need it. My husband who has never taken a tylenol had a car accident and injured his back over a year ago. He refused pain medication for a year until his back injury became worse. He recently was prescribed oxycodone and has been able to function without pain. He has the most difficult time getting prescriptions filled because his doctor who we pay out-of-pocket is located in another city and the prescription is filled in the city where we life. This is just nonsense as patients should be able to see any doctor they choose and as long as the physician is legitimate and the patient is taking the medication as prescribed no pharmacist should be able to deny him access to medication. If filling an out of area prescription is illegal or places the pharmacist at risk then I can understand the pharmacists' position. But to look at someone and without any valid reason determine a pain medication is not necessary is unjust. I watched my husband go through life for a year in agonizing pain and I can see the relieve he gets by taking pain meds. Now if you are a drug seeker or physician shopping to use narcotics for the wrong reason then the physician prescribing the drug should be held responsible and the pharmacist should not be judge and jury. If a person has to choose drug dependency over being in pain this should be their right.
yes agree with you--GA person with Kentucky ID--go to the freaking dr in your own state-people like you are jeopardizing the ones that truly need the medication and are not selling it on the streets in Covington. Go back north and see how that works for you to fill your rx. if all of you would stop trying to profit off our misery we wouldn't have the problem we are having to live day to day in a tolerable fashion
Really? So, Mr. Pharm tech expert, I'm an RN and people who are on those pain meds for years develop tolerance, NOT addiction jackass.There is a huge difference, and maybe these people are in so much pain that they can't work which is why they're on Medicaid in the first place. Who the f*** died and made you an MD? or GOD? And NO, it's not up to the Pharmacist to decide how much is too much, it's the MEDICAL DOCTOR who is a pain specialist and gets to make that call. Or the family practice guy who's been the patients doctor for 20 years. It's not the job of the US gov't/DEA to decide which doctor I go to or which pharmacy I use. AND if you're a Pharmacy Tech you don't make enough money to pay federal income taxes because I make WAY more than you and I don't even pay federal taxes; I get it ALL back at tax time cuz I have children and a mortgage; the ALL AMERICAN DREAM. Stop playing GOD and being so judgmental, pain is the 5th vital sign and the pain is what the patient says it is; it's subjective and you can't decide what constitutes their pain level and what's appropriate management, only a MD can do that. So get off your high horse, the fall is tremendous. I pray you never have a raging toothache or chronic pain to where you can't function in daily living and on top of that you can't get YOUR Rx filled. Ah, but then again I'm sure you've got friends in Pharmacist places.....not everyone has that luxury douche bag.
some people just like to talk when they dont know wtf they're talking about
Closer monitoring and a card like system is the only solution...I think you have the right answer with that one.
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