Fill Oxycodone Prescription (Page 2) (Top voted first)


Cannot fill them anywhere in Bradenton or Sarasota. Please help I have a real doctor and the pharmacy I have been going to the past year in my city says they will no longer fill out of county. Does anyone know of a pharmacy in Bradenton or Sarasota that can help a patient fill qty 180 oxycodone 30mg? Please help. On the verge of getting deathly ill w/out meds! Thank you.

1005 Replies (51 Pages)

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Carlos I'm so sorry to hear about your experience; its not right, nor is there any regs or laws that are requiring your doc to cut you by 30%. In fact, I'm sick of hearing many of these stories from supposed docs and pharmacist about so-called new policies. There isn't even a law saying you have to be in the same county; these are personal decisions Drs and pharmacists are making to cover their own arses.

My buddy lives in Winter Springs, sees a doc in Kissimmee and fills his Rxs in Lake County. And he does this because its the only combination that works for him. I have a Walgreens practically across the street that I've used for 15 years but because of their new policy on quantity, I have to fill my Rx at the Walgreens in Orlando. It's ridiculous. It's sad but if you find a good doc and pharmacist you should have no problem getting your full Rx.

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Carlos, instead of asking if med is in, try calling for a price quote, or ask if u used them would they be willing to order it, ask anything that would let you know they have it, but they all do and wont answer that question for fear of getting robbed. I made nice chit chat with my pharmacist for a few months before finding an oxy doc and presenting them with prescription. It helps to transfer all your prescriptions to one pharmacy and Walgreens LOVES when you ask about their reward points. Try even calling to see if you get points from r script. Yes it may take a few days for them to contact doctor and get insurance approval but if you can be patient just once, the following months will be a breeze. Make the pharmacist your friend, tell him your name when you call, buy vitamins and toiletries and other crap when you pick up ur script. Make them ur little store--remember opiates, insulin, heart medication--its all just medication. If you are confident that med is for your, there is no shame. Opiates have been used for thousands of years, for everything from menstrual cramps to fussy babies. We need to help remove the stigma by not feeling the shame that a paranoid and ignorant society try to put on us.

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Is anyone curious as to the number of Suicides committed by ChronicPain Patients who lost access to their medicatjon, Oxycodone, and could not get adequate Pain control ?? I lost mine, then got it back thru Mail Order. I have 3 lumbar pinched nerves that even two 30 mg of Oxycodone at once often do nothing for the searing pain thru my legs. If I ever lose my ability to fill my script again, and get stuck on that nearly worthless morphine, I wont live another day. A Life where every move you make HURTS SOOO BAD.....IS NO LIFE AT ALL. And to those who took the only drug AWAY that came close to controlling the People...the DEA, the Governor, and the Drug Addicts....YOU ARE MURDERERS...Because of YOU...Chronic PainPatients must choose Stop the Pain

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Pharmtech...if you were so sick of seeing dirtbag drug addicts with prescriptions from dirtbag Doctors, you would've stopped this long ago. The sad fact is, you're just as culpable as these pill-mill doctors because you did nothing to stop this abuse until after the DEA started targeting pharmacies. You're Holier-than-thou attitude stinks of hypocrisy...and is even worse, as you now over-compensate for your mistakes as legitimate patients suffer.

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Pharmtech. I do not know you, and being relatively new to Fl I can not speak with authority as to what has been going on here several years back with mills To respond to your inquiry, in NY my oncologist and neurologist worked together to treat my pain from stage 3 (c) cancer. I had believed there would be a similar situation in Fl.. When I first saw my new oncologist in Lakewood Ranch across from the hospital, he mentioned how in Fl "pain doctors" handled the treatment of pain for outpatient cancer patients and sent me to a doctor whose name I will not mention. When I am an inpatient during/after procedures I am on the pump which I assume is authorized by my onc.. This is all a bit off topic. Getting back on topic, what is important in my opinion is that there are people in pain that are either unable to get their meds or are made to feel like criminals as they search for a pharmacy to fill their meds. You must realize not everyone seeking pain meds is doing so strictly due to addiction. Certainly even cancer patients develop a reliance on these meds after several years of treatment, however they allow them to exist at a somewhat restored quality of life. Perhaps because of my current situation in life I have a different view than I otherwise may have, but I would ask you to weigh your opinion based a bit more on those legitimately in pain vs addicts coming from other states to score drugs. I hate to say this because it sounds syrupy even to me but it is true, I do not want to spend even one minute of my life searching for a pharmacy that will fill a legitimate prescription when I could be spending that time with my family, fishing, reading a book, anything. Also, if you have ever been seriously ill you know it is a fairly humiliating situation. You give up much of what made you who you are, your job, dignity, unable to even use a restroom without help during bad times. This whole prescription deal is just another embarrassing situation we have to deal with. I don't know what else to say. Be well

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Hi all,
Its been awhile since I have been here.Its all so depressing.I have Medicare(Disability approved!!!) now and I choose Express Scripts as my mail order(big mistake!!).I know as of Oct. 15th I can change.Does anyone know of a good mail order I can get thru Medicare?Also how in the heck can we calculate 80/20(ER/IR)?My Dr. said that is the rule for mail order.By the way there is a great Website that I found for Chronic Pain Sufferers.they do lot of good work.Also it was recently Pain Week,google pain week to get that site,alot of good videos and articles.It will give you hope there are Dr's and Pharma out there pulling for us.PROP aand PROMPT two orginzations.Group is called "Fight for Florida Pain Care Action Network".We have to get invovled here guys,these people are making positive has served as a great support system and positive news(for a change).God Bless you All.We have to ban together to get things done.

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Florida has created a horrible situation that harms disabled law abiding citizens in an attempt to lower abuse by criminal elements. Is it proper to, in an attempt to prevent abuse by unscrupulous individuals, pass laws and enact regulations that harm law abiding citizens. It is as if we prevented the sale of alcohol to all in an attempt to prevent DUI instead of punishing those who abuse alcohol.
There is something wrong with this.

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Debra, it is sad that one of the highest hurdles we face in our treatment is not fighting the disease or finding a good doctor, but finding a pharmacist who treats us with respect. A year ago had I read your post and witnessed how ecstatic you are because a pharmacist filled your rx I would have thought you had issues. Regrettably, today I fully understand your relief.

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Having the DEA on your speed dial probably wont help ur chances of getting assistance from folks here.

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i know a pharmacy that will fill your script located in bradenton.

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after reading your message it pretty much as the same experience that I have had in Florida. A sick person who need pain medicine and who has had all the required MRI eyes xraysand seeing a qualified Dr I have to drive everywhere to try and fill I haven't tried Walmart and they told me they didn't carry pain medicine I have heard every excuse from pharmacists I wish they would just be honest and say we don't want to fill pain medicine. my father is dying of bone cancer he is in the fourth stage and they give him morphine time release which causes him constipation. Also we have trouble getting him his pain medicine a 76 year old man who has worked all is life and now is dying of cancer there is no sympathy or empathy for Humanity to give relief to a dying patient because some whining parent had a spoiled child who overdosed. that child or teenager would overdose on something else if pain medicine wasn't available because there an addict and an addiction is a disease . why are people being punished who have all documentation to prove there pain yet are denied pain medicine relief? Even tooth aches now, adults have to suffer the pain! I hate pharmacys who r playing dr.

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Obamacare is a joke. Obama has made it his mission to take narcotics out of the hands of everyone, legit pain patient or not, it's so much easier then going after the criminals. Isn't it amazing that all these problems started 4 years ago. He has already made it harder on the elderly because they are a drain on the system. Obamacare is not a guarantee of anything except more government oversight of our medical system, and hasn't the government done a wonderful job of everything else they have put their paws on. Now it's just a way for the IRS to take more money from you, yet it's not a tax. How stupid is the American public becoming?

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This is what they are doing to save "the drug addicts" real pain sufferers will be euthanized by suicide. We need to SCREAM OUT and REVOLT. If Martin Luther King could go against nasty racist cops, then we should stand against the DEA and STAND NOW. They can't stop ALL of US

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WESH 2 did a half hour special Friday at 7:00p called State of Pain, Rx Crisis. It was the first special from our POV--and how difficult it is for legitimate pain patients to fill prescriptions. They followed several patients, including a quadriplegic and cancer-4 patient who couldn't fill their Rx's.

Everybody blamed everybody else for the problem, but what was evident is that pharmacists are just plain scared to fill any Sch-2 narcotics because of the DEAs pressure. Despite what pharmacists say (according to DEA) there are no quotas, no distance restrictions, no regulation on IR and ER combinations, as Walgreens often requires. While the distributors may adhere to their own guidelines on amount dispensed, there is no set limit by the DEA.

Sadly, it is this ambiguity that has everyone scrambling in fear, turning away perfectly legitimate Rx's. Pam Bondi has wrote the DEA asking for clarification so that pharmacists and wholesalers can have a better grasp on what these rules are so that the DEA just can't arbitrarily shut someone down.

It is only obvious that with a rapidly aging population of boomers--not to mention Florida's destination as a retirement locale, that there will be a greater need for pain Meds in this state than in some others. And while Bondi can now gloat that Florida doesn't have any of the top narcotic dispensing Dr.s in the top 10, the situation in Florida has not improved for the suffering pain patient--and this despite the pill mills that have been closed.

WESH is going to follow up on this story so I suggest that all of you who still have problems, email or contact WESH and tell them your story. It appears that someone is finally listening to these problems--but keep the pressure on them until they make the changes needed.

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This information is great. I was involved in a near death car accident in 2006. After 5 surgeries, dozens of diagnostics and inj's. my Orthopedic Dr. Recommended to do pain mangt rather than getting cut open again with unknown results. I have been on the same pain medication for over 6 years now with little changes to doses or mg. he has just made minor adjustments due to tolerance. I am a officer in a large company and both myself and my Dr. know that I have to be at work everyday, and I also need to have my wits about me.

I have never abused my meds, came up with excuses to get a refill early etc so in my own opinion I do not have "drug seeking behavior" the bottom line is I need this to sleep, and take during the day during very wet damp weather. I understand what pill mills, people selling their meds and forged scripts have done to cause this epidemic, but here I am going into a pharmacy that I have dealt with for years and they treat me like a junkie. Before they process my script and check inventory they say "we are out of it and we don't know when we will get it back in" and even worse, when I have to go to a different pharmacy I even get treated worse.

My Dr. Has spent a lot more time being educated that a Pharmacist, but I feel that they are playing God with people who really need this medication to help with daily pain.... Who are they to have this power to do this? Rather than fill out forms and make complaints that will probably fall on deaf ears I would wish nothing more than for one of these Pharmacists to live in my body for 1 day, see what I have been experiencing for the past 9+ years and I bet they would have a different outlook on making judgement on people. Again, I understand a lot of people have caused this problem, but the ones truly suffering are those who legitimately need the medications prescribed.

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I always use CVS near my home to fill my medications but this past year they are frequently out of stock on my Oxycontin, and naturally that's the ONE prescription you can't go without. A one-day delay is fine but the last time they were out of stock it took a full WEEK before they got more in. Because of this I went across the street to Walgreens to have it filled. I was open and honest with the pharmacist and told him I always use CVS across the street but they were out of stock and wouldn't receive their order for another week and I couldn't go that long with no medication. The pharmacist was a young twenty-something kid and he just handed my Rx back to me and stated, "I wouldn't in good conscience fill this prescription". Having no clue what that meant and why he even said it, I asked why he said what he did. He then proceeded to tell me he couldn't help me and that I'd have to leave the store. No explanation, no reason, no NOTHING. Bear in mind I'm a man in his early 50's with a neat appearance, well groomed and nicely dressed. I have Parkinson's Disease and my right hand shakes badly and because of the disease my speech is rather slurred and slow. As such, I walk using a cane and can only take very small shuffled steps. I can no longer drive and had a family member waiting for me in the car. The pharmacist had ZERO reason to deny filling my Rx but he did it simply because HE COULD. I gave no indication or reason for him to to deny my Rx and I can't imagine that he would have used the fact I have Parkinson's as a reason to deny filling a prescription. I gave no argument and merely asked why he refused to fill it. After being ordered to leave his store I eventually found a CVS that had the medication but it required aimlessly being driven around the county wandering from one pharmacy to another looking for drugs to find the medication I needed. This in itself makes you feel like an addict driving around looking for his "fix", and the DEA is to thank for that because they were the clowns who came up with all this baloney you have to go through just to get a simple prescription filled. The next day I wrote a return-receipt letter to Walgreens headquarters explaining how one of their pharmacists denied filling a much-needed medication on a valid Rx from a local doctors office a mile from the store in question, and refused to give any reason whatsoever for it. Walgreens was so concerned over this incident they chose to never even bother responding to me, EVER. It seems Walgreens could absolutely CARE LESS when they make poor decisions or exhibit bad behavior. Apparently they can treat you however they want and won't bother with any accountability for the things they do. Because of this I no longer go into Walgreens stores and my family refuses to deal with them as well - not that this will make any difference, but it does illustrate how those clowns will treat people like complete DIRT and think nothing of it. And the thing is they never even had a reason to treat me the way they did. Good ol' Walgreens...

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I find it completely insane that someone would need to move to her old state in order to have pain relief. I have researched all over the place to see if there is anything that we chronic pain sufferers can do. It seems not. The powers that be have made their decisions and they will not change their minds. I subscribe to a site named Clinical Pain Advisor and you wouldn't believe the stupidity of the writers and 'researchers'. There are articles that state chronic pain pt.'s should be given anti-inflammatories and some type of 'other' intervention and be sent on their way. Not one article even discussed the differing diseases or injuries that may precipitate chronic pain-It would be laughable but it's been some time since I laughed-at anything. We are being ignored or treated as if we're all trying to feel high and that is that. I have severe financial difficulties and cannot afford three different 'treatment modalities' even though I had tried before and nothing worked. Unfortunately too many kids who tried opioids to feel high, became hooked and overdosed. I totally understand the agencies getting involved in this; however we as I keep saying are the collateral damage stemming from this problem. And it appears that petitions, complaints to alleged representatives who are supposed to be representing 'all' their constituents go into a circular file. I would rather die than live the rest of my time here in severe pain. If it came to that I would write every news shows-social media and the like so perhaps someone would wake up somewhere and see the misery they have created. Guess what? Drugs flow into this country like water and the kids or those who wish to just feel high still will. Those of us with broken lives with pain we find intolerable are meaningless to these powers that be. My only source of venting my feelings are on sites like this. Doesn't help the pain however.

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Honestly its not a problem for the 15 mg u can go to walgreens for those its only the 30mg with the problems. Because the pharmaceutical companies get paid cash for these at mom & pop pharmacies who pay cash for the pills. They don't supply walgreens or cvs anymore because 95% of customers use state Medicaid or medicare. I feel your pain it sucks.

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Hi Donna, I can't find the group page that you are on. Can you send me a link. I would like to join you. I have been in pain management for years and currently take oxycodone 30 mg. I have not been able to fill my scripts, and am facing horrible pain and sickness. I live in the Fort Myers area, and would appreciate any help you could provide, as I am desperate. Thank you! Michele

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Folks, look under groups when you search for my "American Pain Foundation Action Network For Florida Residents" group listed above in the post.If you have no luck there then leave a message for me on "American Pain Foundation Action Network Florida." That is a page. So look under page for that one. I am the Admin on both. The group and the page. So, I will find you. They won't let me leave my full name on here. But you can add my first name then look for Ratliff. You can find me by combining both of those names also.

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