Fill Oxycodone Prescription (Page 50) (Top voted first)


Cannot fill them anywhere in Bradenton or Sarasota. Please help I have a real doctor and the pharmacy I have been going to the past year in my city says they will no longer fill out of county. Does anyone know of a pharmacy in Bradenton or Sarasota that can help a patient fill qty 180 oxycodone 30mg? Please help. On the verge of getting deathly ill w/out meds! Thank you.

1005 Replies (51 Pages)

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RPhJoe, thank you but i still need pain killers! I was on morphine sulphate 2X a day and roxicodone 30mg 4X a day , i was in school and had a normal life! Argued with a new physicians assistant who didn't even work for my doctor and i got booted out. My next pain management put me on dilaudid 8mg 3X a day along with the morphine. I kept complaining about the lethargy, wound up with a DVT that they couldn't break up, now on bloodthinners and they booted me out for going to ER in pain pver the blood clot (that no one knew about yet). I am punished for their negligence. Now my new pain management put me on 7.5 mg percs 3X a day. WTF? If he doesnt up it at my second visit I will hand him the discharge letter I am typing up. No other pain doc takes my ins. Now i have to pay $400 cash for a doc who MAY OR MAY NOTwrite me an adequate script.

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My pharmacy is out of stock! I feel so bad turning away drunk stinky dirty kids at 3am.

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if you read all your posts, you all sound like a bunch of junkies with each different opinions...sad...I have same issues and founf my roxies via mail order and not a problem since this became real bad last summer. I get 120 30mg roxies every 90 days like clockwork. my advise, search andsearch and then search somemore. it took me 2-3 months and my ssdi attorney to finally get me into a doctor who faxes the rx to the company. just read some of your stuff..quit whining and get a doctor and if teres not one where you live, move...sorry but that's what it comes down to. write yourelected officials is your answer...that may take about 20 yrs and mostof us will be dead. cmon man!

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Walgreens nationwide just instituted a new "good faith dispensing policy." If you go to Walgreens, take a copy of your diagnosis code with recent physical evaluation. Walgreens is under a lot of pressure from the DEA. If you have any questions about what you need to do before getting a Rx filled, call them. It sucks, but if you work with them, they will fill your Rx.

And BUY BITCOINS and order drugs online, LOL!!!!!! jk

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Hello to everyone in pain in DAYTONA,PORT ORANGE,ORMOND BEACH
I suffer from "TURNERS SYNDROME/osteomyelitis" im actually missing bones in my hands from birth. When i wake up in the morning i can even open up a cap on a bottle or hold a tea kettle until
I take my pain meds.

Im going to give you actual pharmacies that have filled for me.

1)DAYTONA: ormond beach pharmacy in strip mall on GRANADA (between nova/ridgewood) next to "print your own business cards place" will fill anything some times
2) DAYTONA- BEVILLE rd WALMART for loratabs,norcos all the time 2hrs etc.
3) BEST PLACE EVER if your not a junkie (i say that because i saw someone with scabbed up arms have the pharmacist turn away) is the MEDICINE SHOP in EDGEWATER its in the middle of nowhere and small but they have every pain med. also THE MEDICINE SHOP in port orange on NOVA rd south of dunlawton
4) WALMART port orange clyde morris i used to go to but i moved,but they used to fill in about an hour-2hrs
5) walmart,wayyy out in new symrna on Route-44 i think exit 258 off I-95
6) MOM AND POP pharmacies, DO NOT CALL 1st ,do not try and use discount cards

Yes its really annoying/frusterating trying to get meds for a disability and they treat you like a junkie.
Its not the pharmacies business to tell you,YOUR DOCTOR doesnt know what he is prescribing.
If your an adult and YOUR DOCTOR WRITES YOU A MED,they should treat you with respect and fill it.
Everyone on here talks about complaining,but the best course of action is BOYCOTTING those stores and tell friends and family not to buy anying from there.
When the place loses 30-40% of their business that is more of a wake up call than a customer complaint,they dont give a s***, they still make millions and your still in pain or SICK from NO MEDS.
We need to start a website without all the chatter and just names of GOOD QUALITY REPUTABLE DOCTORS AND PHARMACIES that will FILL.
I posted these to help you ALL. Because when i first moved i was sick for three days without meds and my doctor was out of town and couldnt change meds and it was morphine sulfate.

PLEASE POST PHARMACIES for OXYCONTIN,OXYCODONE,DILAUDID and OPANAS, those are getting more difficult to find "IN STOCK". Its all bulls*** they are making 4-5x the amount and wont take insurance nor discount cards.

Post pharmacies address or directions, this was 42pages of unanswered questions.
I hope i helped.
God bless you all and VOTE against the global banking cartels.

Educate yourself,watch free documentaries:
and a good movie to see why meds are hard to find is:
OXY-MORONS, true story of boston pill ring robberies.

To keep this short

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I found out yesterday that as of this past Oct 1, many of the opiates cant even be prescribed unless in a hospital setting. My goo d doctor also mentioned the pain relief implant that came out a few years ago. The corporations asked him to use it. It gets placed in back of neck and block pain impulses. He felt uncomfortable placing anything i side of folks so he declined. Found out it was not that effective for pain and was actually a govt. tracking device. As a Christian I hate to behave rebelliously but our best bet is finding a corner H dealer as back up when all the meds are gone. Fema camps are in Ohio, Md, Texas and lots of other places and yes we are first choice to get tossed in there since we are sick and a drain on sustainable living. I hate to through my conspiracy theory in this forum but we usually stay so sidetracked with our meds that we neglect to see the big writing on the wall. I think thats thhe main reason our meds are dificult to get. Its all govt distraction from new world order impementation.

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I have determined that after 8 years of being on pain meds. I went to a pain clinic for 5 years and get 180 30s 150 dilaudid (sometimes 180 dilaudid when doc felt like giving me a bonus) 56 morphine 60s and various other bs. Florida decided that they would make it nearly impossible to get good pain meds at the doctor and force people to the street to purchase "non pharmacuetical grade meds ordered from india and pakistan" (which are in fact much better but running out has become the problem these days and we all know how much that sucks whether your a junky or a legit pain med user. I have been going to some crappy pain clinic since mine shut down and now only get 90 hydrocodone 10s which is nearly the same as takeing aspirin. Oh yes and my pain is real, wont go away without highly invasive surgery and I have just had to learn to live with it because doctors are scared and I really don't like the oxycodone search. However, by simply going to a doctor that treats addiction with suboxone or preferrably subutex you can just say your an addict cant quit, wha wha wha bla and walla you get up to and usually 24mg of "bupe" per day which is equal to 80mg of morphine for every 2mg of bupe. You do the math. And the added benefit is that the pain killing property only lasts about 6 hours but even though you begine to feel the pain again the bupe stays attached to your pain receptors for 19 hours so you wont get the added and dreaded "withdraw". I find that structuring it to a whole strip in the morning and then a half of one every 6 hours and WALLA no pain, no withdraw and no wanting and chasing. FYI keep around 20 or so strips stashed away every month because periodicly the doc will disappear or come up with some other bs as to how you didn't do something and then they will kick you to the curb. Same story as pain docs (most are). Having 20 stashed away for 6 moths will give you enough time to find another clinic and start over. when you start over tell it like this, doc cut you off of them and you tried for weeks to stay clean but relapsed and blah blah blah. And always get a prescription for chantix to stop smoking because it has the added effect of slowing down your brains reuptake of dopamine so you get the added value of being happy longer. For real, In Florida getting good pain relief (your right and In my opinion should be available otc) has come down to saying it hurts bad doc and here's my documented proof only to hear "well the dea is coming down hard so f u, here is some tramadol or some bs" OR hey doc I'm hooked life sucks blah blah I got hooked because of my back etc but now I have been buying them (yes just say it they dont care) and you will hear Well blah blah blah I am going to prescribe Suboxone or some other bupe now that suboxone s patent has expired. You get the added benefit of looking at a complete HIPOCRIT of a doctor forced by policies to prescribe a much stronger opiate to someone in order to avoid having them withdraw. But act like you don't know that. Even better is that most insurance including medicaid pay for it all, icluding the chantix dont forget the chantix. You can read about the added benefit of chantix and opiates on your own. Google it. I am not a doctor so don't take my advice because that would be stupid.Oh B4 I go, be sure to say you are taking 7 or more oxy 30s per day inorder to get the full amount of 24mg per day. It does suck setting there saying "IM a addict" but hey what do you think the pain clinic that only took cash thought? 20 mg of bupe and 1mg of chantix per day is truly better than 7 oxys 4 dilis and 2 morphs. Can't you tell, I've been rambling for an hour. SEE ya.

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I'm 30 minutes outside of Knoxville.I get 2 60 Mg. Oxycontin and 2 Oxycodone a day.I was getting 2 30 MG Oxymorphone(instead of Oxycontin)Generic and they worked great.I had accident in 2001 and died twice on table.I have a lot of medical problems but my Dr.said the generic Oxymorphone has been linked to kidney failure but the funny thing is I have a neighbor who got his generic 40's Fri.&3 family members who get the 15,20,30's and they had no problem filling them? The name bring Opana ER 30 MG cause my stomach to hurt and I think I have some kind of Latex Allergy(I break out in rash when I take Rubber Oxycontin& Opana name brand)I have been on oxymorphone for over 2 years and it helped me tremendously.My Pharmacy is no help at all and treat me like a full on needle junkie(some thing I have never done or appreciate people judging me that is GOD's decision.)Will your Dr. See me ? I can be in Your town in a couple hours and that's a small price to pay for good pain Managment! Please help me.

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I was wondering the same thing: could it be due to her age? Though, I understand and do not understand why a person with a legit prescription cannot get it filled. What gives these pharmacies the power or authorization to fill or not to fill a prescription. I can think of only one reason, but I would prefer that they be absolutely sure: I believe that if a pharmacy suspects abuse they can deny but when you have a ligit script and you come with a new one on the exact day and not a day early why should they deny? Once pharmacy was filling my oxycodone & oxycontin and out of nowhere suddenly said they don't have any and won't be getting any. I was dumbfounded and had no idea why. I had just broken my femur bone and part of my hip and it was replaced with a metal rod and screws.............It was also found out that my osteoporosis (as I have had many fractures from simple falls) had gotten extremely severe................anyway, I have been fortunate to find another pharmacy who does fill my prescription every 28 days when I do come in with a new prescription. I had no idea how thankful I should be................Still though don't know why the first pharmacy suddenly said no...........AND it's the same Company, just a different store..............I wish you the best in finding help.

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Under Federal Law a pharmacist doesnt have to fill a rx he isn't comfortable with.

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Andy I am a nurse as well, and spent most of my career at a very large county facility with a med school. It was very culturally diverse, and I know of instances where due to cultural or religious beliefs staff members were not assigned a certain patient, or were excused from certain procedures. In this day and age of being culturally aware things are changing. As far as the pharmacist he has a right to refuse to fill any prescription he is uncomfortable with. Just like if a patient was ordered an injection and was already sedated you wouldnt give them another injection and over sedate them. Things are crazy out there, and there are lots of changes going on, medicine isnt what it was when I first went to school 35 years ago..

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Laughing At Ignorance, it is up to a dr what the do and don't prescribe. Although if a patient doesn't like what theri dr prescribes, they are free to try and find another dr. You must have medical records to prove that you have a medical reason that can cause pain severe enough for the pain meds a dr writes.

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Please, all of you having problems with your Pain Management and/or problems filling your medications. It is time to start getting together so our voices can be heard. One foundation I know of, The American Pain Foundation, is a good place to start. ( Find your leader for the American Pain Foundation by going to the the website, click get involved. A drop down list appear, click leaders. This will take you to a map of the country and click on your state. Your leaders email address will be shown.

For Floridians, the Leader in Lithia/Tampa area is handling this situation. Email her and she will fill you in on what's being done about our problem. There is also an APF Florida Facebook page, for support and and working together to be heard. Also run by the FL APF Leader. Search for American Pain Foundation Action Network FLORIDA- Go to the group page. You will have to be added as a member. This is a closed group for privacy. Make sure you choose the GROUP page), Hope to see you there. I have post this way because we can not give contact info on here.

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Please. Call need help can not get meds filled

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Let me just make a few observations. When you go to your pain management appointment don't bring your car load of friends and relatives that like to hang out in the front parking lots of the Drs. offices like they are at a head banger concert. It makes everybody associated with P.M. loook bad. And if the Dr. has to hire a security guard it's even worse. Another thing that might help is when a news crew asks you questions about the Dr. you just saw it might help if you don't bad mouth the medical professional that just helped you. And finally it may help not to sprint to your car with your scripts in hand as if you are an olympic high jumper. My humble advice is don't attract negative attention to P.M. and it may help the cause

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WOW Like I said it turns to a gel substance.. I'm glad you called them good for you..

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Okay, first to explain, due to the extremely high risks of being robbed, yes, some pharmacies have stopped stocking high risk medications. Even though it can be an inconvenience for their customers, there is nothing that obligates them to do so.

And yes, in cases where you are from out of the area and they might have problems verifying the legitimacy of your prescription, they can get away with refusing to fill it, even if they have it in stock. They are allowed to do that, if they have any reason to be suspicious, whatsoever.

I am very sorry for all the problems this causes those of you that have legitimate prescriptions and legitimate need, but these are just the plain facts.

Just as an example, there are some counties in the state of Maryland where the regular pharmacies do not carry any controlled substances. There are only a couple that specialize in it, which have special security measures in place, so you have to locate one of them to get such prescriptions filled.

Now, the next question is, how are you all checking to see if they have them in stock and will fill your prescription?

If you are just calling around to various pharmacies, you are not likely to get a straight answer. Due to the same risk of being robbed, most of them will just tell anyone that calls that they cannot fill it and do not keep such medications in stock. If you just call, they have no way of knowing whether or not you are a legitimate customer with a need, or if you are a potential thief.

Therefore, to get an accurate answer, you actually have to go to the pharmacy, with your prescription in hand.


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And please ignore typos ... I am tired and can't sleep due to shoulder pain. Trying not to overuse my Hydrocodone so I am a tad sleep-deprived and making typos one right after another... Also, if I ever seem to get on someone for not trying to stay "sober" and letting the drug ruin their life, it is because of what I see in my girl and how horrible addiction really is and how difficult to kick the habit... It leads to street drugging really quickly! Sorry.. I am over-wound and over-tired!

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Donna, how did the call go today?

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