Fill Oxycodone Prescription (Page 4)
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Cannot fill them anywhere in Bradenton or Sarasota. Please help I have a real doctor and the pharmacy I have been going to the past year in my city says they will no longer fill out of county. Does anyone know of a pharmacy in Bradenton or Sarasota that can help a patient fill qty 180 oxycodone 30mg? Please help. On the verge of getting deathly ill w/out meds! Thank you.

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I have hit it here on the Gulf Coast several times were the Pharmacies were out of any kind of OxyContin or Norco or whatever - had to drive to several Pharmacies to get it filled - and it happens more and more - I do not understand the shortage or the rules that seem to govern the Doctors now that may prescribe it - I can get it free through a Mail Order Pharmacy but that does not work well when they count out the exact days before you come back to get a new script - and they are never refillable - it has become a terrible worry and very frustrating to have to find a way to go to the Doctor every month and then find a Pharmacy - and all that only makes us suffer - the ones that are in constant pain - somehow on the streets there is no shortage and drug trafficking is well and keeps on going - so why all the restriction on Doctors that put you through the ringer with u/a's and make you feel like an Addict to even prescribe something for chronic pain? Something is not well with the current system.

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Honestly, that's the most assignign thing I"ve heard in a while! I work for a huge pharma comp. We get paid the same whether it's cash, check or cc!! It's your drugstores that decide what the difference is between cash and insurance. Whew, guess you can't fix stupid!!!

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Yeah don't be going to dirty doctors. You don't need roxi 30s. You can take morphine or dilaudid and you know that but you sound like a drug abuser and since you're asking for a doctor who will write oxycodone 30s because that's what you want, how about find a legit doctor with an MRI and you'll get what the DNA analysis tells the legit doctors about what medication works the best.

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Mike, any pharmacist can refuse to fill any rx using their professional judgement under federal law
They are not required by law to give a reason. But, often young pharmacist just out of school are more inclined to do this because they don't have the judgement that work experience usually brings.

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I always use CVS near my home to fill my medications but this past year they are frequently out of stock on my Oxycontin, and naturally that's the ONE prescription you can't go without. A one-day delay is fine but the last time they were out of stock it took a full WEEK before they got more in. Because of this I went across the street to Walgreens to have it filled. I was open and honest with the pharmacist and told him I always use CVS across the street but they were out of stock and wouldn't receive their order for another week and I couldn't go that long with no medication. The pharmacist was a young twenty-something kid and he just handed my Rx back to me and stated, "I wouldn't in good conscience fill this prescription". Having no clue what that meant and why he even said it, I asked why he said what he did. He then proceeded to tell me he couldn't help me and that I'd have to leave the store. No explanation, no reason, no NOTHING. Bear in mind I'm a man in his early 50's with a neat appearance, well groomed and nicely dressed. I have Parkinson's Disease and my right hand shakes badly and because of the disease my speech is rather slurred and slow. As such, I walk using a cane and can only take very small shuffled steps. I can no longer drive and had a family member waiting for me in the car. The pharmacist had ZERO reason to deny filling my Rx but he did it simply because HE COULD. I gave no indication or reason for him to to deny my Rx and I can't imagine that he would have used the fact I have Parkinson's as a reason to deny filling a prescription. I gave no argument and merely asked why he refused to fill it. After being ordered to leave his store I eventually found a CVS that had the medication but it required aimlessly being driven around the county wandering from one pharmacy to another looking for drugs to find the medication I needed. This in itself makes you feel like an addict driving around looking for his "fix", and the DEA is to thank for that because they were the clowns who came up with all this baloney you have to go through just to get a simple prescription filled. The next day I wrote a return-receipt letter to Walgreens headquarters explaining how one of their pharmacists denied filling a much-needed medication on a valid Rx from a local doctors office a mile from the store in question, and refused to give any reason whatsoever for it. Walgreens was so concerned over this incident they chose to never even bother responding to me, EVER. It seems Walgreens could absolutely CARE LESS when they make poor decisions or exhibit bad behavior. Apparently they can treat you however they want and won't bother with any accountability for the things they do. Because of this I no longer go into Walgreens stores and my family refuses to deal with them as well - not that this will make any difference, but it does illustrate how those clowns will treat people like complete DIRT and think nothing of it. And the thing is they never even had a reason to treat me the way they did. Good ol' Walgreens...

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Hi I saw yuor article and Honestly my Doctor Retired and I'm urgently searching for a Doctor who will prescribe me which is Oxycodone 30mg! Can you PLEASE tell me the Doctor that your going to or any Doctor that you know would HELP me in anyway? I would so APPRECIATE it! And I also can HELP you as well with your Problem :) Take Care Steve

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Patrick, if that were true, chronic pain patients who receive those benefits wouldn't have some of the problems they have. None of this is new. But no successful legal cases have been filed because lay people don't fully comprehend what the law says and that federal law gives each pharmacist the legal right to refuse to fill a rx using their professional judgement.

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They don't care about reporting it to the board of pharmcies because it thes pharmacies that make the decision

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BL, any pharmacist that denies a valid on time script for a person who is on SSID, Medicare or Workman's comp is violating the Americans Within Disabilities Act of 1964, and is a violation of their Civil Rights. It is a shame that people who have abused narcotics are making it near impossible for those who truly need them to get the pain relief they need and they are the true victims. As far as laws, patients should contact Government and State offices to file complaints on Pharmacies and Pharmacists who do abuse their power.

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Knowledge, there are no laws stating what you are saying. It is up to each pharmacist and pharmacy the conditions, if any, they put on filling rxs.

If someone told you these things are Laws, you need to ask them for the Federal and/or State Statute reference numbers. They will give you an excuse as to why they don't know them or tell you to look it up yourself. If these were actual laws the person telling you would have no problem with giving you the reference numbers.

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You can no longer fill #180, and with insurance you can only fill #120. Without insurance only #90 - you can fill any benzodiazepines with them, and they will know if you try to fill at another pharmacy (they will see in the computer also you can't fill multiple narcotics anymore). Most pharmacies won't carry oxy 30 anymore and there's a jurisdiction issue also you cant fill no more than 10 miles. Best thing you can do is switch or get off oxycodone - it isn't the only medication out there....I was taking it 30mg ir, now I take morphine. But if you refuse to change it just sounds like you're wanting it for abuse and not pain because if you were in pain you would take anything.

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Patrick, this time of year there are a lot of new phramacists that just graduated. They don't have enough experience to have good judgement so they go by the book and what those over them tell them. It is always a good idea to try and deal with just one pharmacist that knows you. If you call a few days before hand and if the pharmacist can put a face with the name, they might tell you when they will be there on the day you nedd to get your rx filled.

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This information is great. I was involved in a near death car accident in 2006. After 5 surgeries, dozens of diagnostics and inj's. my Orthopedic Dr. Recommended to do pain mangt rather than getting cut open again with unknown results. I have been on the same pain medication for over 6 years now with little changes to doses or mg. he has just made minor adjustments due to tolerance. I am a officer in a large company and both myself and my Dr. know that I have to be at work everyday, and I also need to have my wits about me.

I have never abused my meds, came up with excuses to get a refill early etc so in my own opinion I do not have "drug seeking behavior" the bottom line is I need this to sleep, and take during the day during very wet damp weather. I understand what pill mills, people selling their meds and forged scripts have done to cause this epidemic, but here I am going into a pharmacy that I have dealt with for years and they treat me like a junkie. Before they process my script and check inventory they say "we are out of it and we don't know when we will get it back in" and even worse, when I have to go to a different pharmacy I even get treated worse.

My Dr. Has spent a lot more time being educated that a Pharmacist, but I feel that they are playing God with people who really need this medication to help with daily pain.... Who are they to have this power to do this? Rather than fill out forms and make complaints that will probably fall on deaf ears I would wish nothing more than for one of these Pharmacists to live in my body for 1 day, see what I have been experiencing for the past 9+ years and I bet they would have a different outlook on making judgement on people. Again, I understand a lot of people have caused this problem, but the ones truly suffering are those who legitimately need the medications prescribed.

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You van report Pharmacists to your State Board Of Pharmacy. But don't expect anything to come of it. The pharmacists are following the law as it is written not what you think it says or means

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Hi there-we certainly shouldn't be squabbling among ourselves; I understand about individual practitioners refusing to do certain things they have a personal belief about-however it has to be rational. Even religious beliefs are not always respected as in the last hospital I worked in certain persons who refused to work on particular days due to their beliefs were simply told they could not be employed and were told that it would be unfair to other personnel who would always have to work those days all the time for them. One woman threatened litigation based upon religious persecution and discrimination-she couldn't get a lawyer to take her case. The hospital covered itself by stating in it's employee policy book that every person in the nursing staff HAD to work every other weekend. The lawyers told her more nursing personnel would be discriminated against if this policy were not in place. I realize there are a lot of legalities in legal flux at present. Try reading Steve Arien's discussion #924-it is enlightening and gives links for complaints. As I said of course a pharmacist can refuse to fill a prescription based upon certain factors but not because you may be missing teeth or haven't showered in a few days-(maybe you showed up disheveled because your pain was too extreme to allow you to take care of ADL's and driving around for days trying to find a pharmacy to fill your scrip.)

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Thank you for writing me back. Where would I report him?
Yes, he certainly is playing doctor, which as I said upsets my doctor as he has had to put in many years to become a doctor and spends time with the patient in order to know what is best for that patient. Thee pharmacist does not.

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Andy I am a nurse as well, and spent most of my career at a very large county facility with a med school. It was very culturally diverse, and I know of instances where due to cultural or religious beliefs staff members were not assigned a certain patient, or were excused from certain procedures. In this day and age of being culturally aware things are changing. As far as the pharmacist he has a right to refuse to fill any prescription he is uncomfortable with. Just like if a patient was ordered an injection and was already sedated you wouldnt give them another injection and over sedate them. Things are crazy out there, and there are lots of changes going on, medicine isnt what it was when I first went to school 35 years ago..

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Cooresponding Authority under federal law doesn't state anything regarding another pharmacist filling a rx is one has refused. The situation in a clinic setting is not the same thing. Read the federal laws.

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For BL; you are confused as to the law. As a Registered Nurse I understand what you are trying to say-However a medical professional cannot willy-nilly decide to do what he/she does or doesn't believe in doing without getting another pharmacist to take care of the pt. Analogous would be an O.R. nurse who does not wish to participate in an abortion procedure-there must be a policy in place so the pt.'s legal desires are met. I wrote something similar to this recently which has been verified by Mr. Steve Ariens-take a look at his post-quite informative. Thanks.

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BL got any info on why the price of generics has skyrocketed? Might as well get the name brand. thanks Karen

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