Fill Oxycodone Prescription (Page 49)
UpdatedCannot fill them anywhere in Bradenton or Sarasota. Please help I have a real doctor and the pharmacy I have been going to the past year in my city says they will no longer fill out of county. Does anyone know of a pharmacy in Bradenton or Sarasota that can help a patient fill qty 180 oxycodone 30mg? Please help. On the verge of getting deathly ill w/out meds! Thank you.
I moved to Florida last year and was on 30 milligrams of oxycodone when I moved there. I was taking 270, 30 mill. And the Dr. reluctantly wrote me a script for 40 oxy and 30 methodone. My daughter and I went to 15 different pharmacies and got nothing. I had been on my oxy for 8 years and was starting to have withdrawals. My pain management doctor put me on Suboxone. I finally gave up and moved back to Kansas so I could get better relief. There needs to be something we can do to get the meds we need. Not all of us want them just to feel high. The DEA has to realize that. I'd love to see them be in severe pain and not be able to get anything to help them. I hope you find a way to get something to help but I'm afraid it won't be in Florida.
I find it completely insane that someone would need to move to her old state in order to have pain relief. I have researched all over the place to see if there is anything that we chronic pain sufferers can do. It seems not. The powers that be have made their decisions and they will not change their minds. I subscribe to a site named Clinical Pain Advisor and you wouldn't believe the stupidity of the writers and 'researchers'. There are articles that state chronic pain pt.'s should be given anti-inflammatories and some type of 'other' intervention and be sent on their way. Not one article even discussed the differing diseases or injuries that may precipitate chronic pain-It would be laughable but it's been some time since I laughed-at anything. We are being ignored or treated as if we're all trying to feel high and that is that. I have severe financial difficulties and cannot afford three different 'treatment modalities' even though I had tried before and nothing worked. Unfortunately too many kids who tried opioids to feel high, became hooked and overdosed. I totally understand the agencies getting involved in this; however we as I keep saying are the collateral damage stemming from this problem. And it appears that petitions, complaints to alleged representatives who are supposed to be representing 'all' their constituents go into a circular file. I would rather die than live the rest of my time here in severe pain. If it came to that I would write every news shows-social media and the like so perhaps someone would wake up somewhere and see the misery they have created. Guess what? Drugs flow into this country like water and the kids or those who wish to just feel high still will. Those of us with broken lives with pain we find intolerable are meaningless to these powers that be. My only source of venting my feelings are on sites like this. Doesn't help the pain however.
Your reply was absolutely on the mark! I live in RI and have a multitude of conditions. I need a doctor who prescribes, also.
Thank you for what you're doing to help...Mpathia
percet10/325 QID is better than hydrocodone. my spine has a compression Fx at L2. Extremely excruciating. pain at Lumbar 2. I'm probably theraputically addicted.Thats because severe pain in my low back. I am never taken Oxy before. I can do with taking Soma,350 BID , 10 mg.qid and of diazepam,and 10/325 percocet. The pain is horrendous.Soma and a theraputic temporarty MU agonic Tylox 10/235 QID
In Daytona ran out of meds
Need help finding some, feeling sick:(
I need to go see ur doc. Plz reply.
{edited for privacy}
I'm reading about all of you and the comments. I was blown up an lost my legs and hand had 70 surgeries. Went on pain medication for 25yrs. Then one day I said enough is enough. I went to Psychiatrist an went on suboxone and all my problems went away. My physical addiction and pain! I know your pain an being sick from not having the meds. I wake up no longer sick needing to take meds for pain and physical addiction. I say to all give it a try. The laws are going to get harder do to the people that abuse the drugs either by selling it or taking it themselves.
Call the specialty pharmacy (813-769-9094). They filled mine now for 3 months.
About to lose my home because mom and pop pharmacies want to make 5000pct. Profit and some are dirty in what they give you
If you find anywhere let me know in the same situation
Pharmacy cannot get my brand of oxycodone 20s . These are made by KVK. They want to switch me to another brand. I have tried other brands and they make me sick and headaches. These are grayish purple and have a K/ 57 on one side nothing on other side. Why if I've been taking for a yr they suddenly can't get these kind.
There's a web-based pharmacy that is real called 'injured workers pharmacy'. My husband has been filling his rx there for 5 years and never had a problem. They work with you and with lawyers but you don't have to be hurt. They send you a free mail in order, you put your rx in it and it comes back in 24 hours with your med, via ups. They will let you pay or insurance and if you got hurt at work they charge you nothing; they bill workmans comp. They save my husband 1000's.
Re: Jeremy (# 6)
My son is a 3 x gun shot victim. Some bastards tried to rob and car jack him. 6 yrs in pain and severe ptsd. (1 .45 bullet thru neck, 1 still in shoulder and 3rd in left leg). Gets rx for 70 oxycodone 30 mg. (Big guy and high tolerant). The usual pharmacist who knows about this was not in today, the lady didnt look him up to see his record. Simply put "ck tomorrow, dont have any). He is ridget in pain. Never ever asks for "earlier" fills. Hoping his regular pharmacist be in tomorrow. Just didn't feel right. I pick up his meds as he is mostly home bound and on disability.
First of all, I will tell you why they will not fill 180 30 mg oxycodone. That is too many. By law, you have to be on a long-term and a short-term medicine. You are on a point system now and each pill adds up to so many points but the funny thing is is that it metabolizes into a morphine point which doesn't compare to oxycodone! This country has gone nuts with this war against oxycodone. It's mostly the young people that are sticking a needle in their arm and are overdosing. It's horrific and disgusting for people who are in true pain. Everyone has been cut to 84 a month and as I said you should have a long-term medicine like morphine, Oxycontin, Etc - which the prices are outrageous! They are doing this to shut down the pain management doctors. They have caused a pandemic (not an epidemic) for illicit drug use and people are dying left and right because Lord knows what is in the drug! I know that young kids are in pain too but I don't believe these kids need the amount of meds that they are being prescribed. I used to get 240 oxycodone 30mg a month along with 56 40mg oxycontin and I am now cut to 84 30mg oxycodone a month and one 80mg oxycontin a month. I have no lower spine. Every lumbar has an annular tear which means that the discs have dried up and collapsed on top of each other and now I have a tumor on my sacrum. They feel that I am over-prescribed on meds and want to cut me again. Now this is the reason why nobody will fill your 180 a month. You are on a point system. The government has done this and don't be surprised if you're cut in half within the month.
Re: Donna Ratliff APF leader (# 60)
The DEA and Pam Bondi are a lot of the reason why people are turning to illicit drugs. They're easier to obtain and cheaper.
Re: The DEA is the New Hitler (# 959)
Hi guys, I'm from Australia and I follow your posts regularly as I am a fellow chronic pain sufferer. Its astonishing what is hapening in the USA with the whole opioid war. I do understand why the government needs to better regulate certain aspects of opioid prescribing. But treating every patient like a drug seeker is just ridiculous. Its a one size fits all system that ignores personal circumstances. Why cant there be a framework for approving opioid therapy for patients that truly require it. Rather than forcing doctors to treat every patient the same and reduce or cut out meds irrespective of their condition or length of time on pain meds. Doctors are trained to make such decisions, so let them. Have a system whereby another doctor must approve/agree with the first doctor's diagnosis to avoid innapropriate prescribing and to weed out dodgy people. How can it be legal or even ethical for a patient to have their pain meds reduced/stopped when they have serious health issues that are proven and documented and cannot be disputed? Isnt that a breach of patient rights? Human rights? Medical negligence? I agree the system needed reforming to weed out dodgy doctors and pill mills, and innapropriate prescribing practices, but to punish every patient irrespective of their circumstance just doesnt seem fair or reasonable in a democratic society.
Re: Bebe (# 971)
Try this new pharmacy called Apollo Health Services in Ruskin, FL at 813-938-1868 and see if they can help you.
Re: Polly 110 (# 972)
That's what they did to me. I moved all my meds to another pharmacy and all of a sudden they got them for me. The others have fillers in them causing migraines and horrible heartburn. I put kvk brand only or I don't fill them with them. I have no problems anymore. They are more expensive is why they are doing it. Good luck...
Re: Comments (# 3)
The FDA needs to come out and tell what changes have been made to these pain meds people are taking (list it on the bottle). It's like the FDA doesn't have to play by the rules and post these changes and the people taking them don't need to know what they are taking. The FDA is allowing Mallinckrodt to make a drug inferior to the name brand that is hurting people and cant make them take it off the market because Mallinckrodt filed a lawsuit. The FDA is not working for the people but working for the big pharm. co.
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