Fill Oxycodone Prescription (Page 4)
UpdatedCannot fill them anywhere in Bradenton or Sarasota. Please help I have a real doctor and the pharmacy I have been going to the past year in my city says they will no longer fill out of county. Does anyone know of a pharmacy in Bradenton or Sarasota that can help a patient fill qty 180 oxycodone 30mg? Please help. On the verge of getting deathly ill w/out meds! Thank you.
I understand the need for some sort of regulation when there are young people overdosing because they have been handed a script for 300 OC. i have seen the posts from people wanting to know how to 'smoke' a pain pill- jeez!!!! But what about those of us who live and or vacation in Florida and cannot fill prescriptions that are needed so that they (me) are not in considerable amounts of pain so we can enjoy our lives- I cannot do back flips because of my meds but I can sit and have dinner with my family instead of having it brought to me in bed- Thankfully the weather is turning here so i am not in a rush to move but I cannot go through another cold winter with all this metal in me. that is why i was looking at returning to Fl. Mexico is another option. I know of several that are crossing the border during the winter instead of Fl. That may be where me and my purse end up next year if things do not improve in the US.
You only left your first name. We can't search for only Donna lol. I'll sign up for our rights
You know i really feel bad for you guys down there, Its a shame that people who do not have pain screw it up for the ones who really do need those. I have read the reason you guys are having problems getting oxycodone and oxycontin are because of those quick fast pain clinics writing for people who dont need them and for people who drive to florida from all these other states trying to get them so they can sell them, So now the DEA and state officals are making it hard to get those because they are being so highly abused in Florida. Those people have made a bad name for the state of Florida. I truly wish it were different so the people who need them can get them;
the only reason so much is happening to change things is because those who wanted the changes came together and gave their concerns and their 'wants' a voice through media and whatever means available... we, those of us who rely on pain medication to get through another day, should not be forced to suffer!!! We need to have our voices and cries heard too!
Monica, My name is listed right above my last post before this one. I am Donna Ratliff. You can also find me on Listed as your state leader, under find your state leader. You will find my name and email address. This web page is for the American Pain foundation. If you live in Florida, I hope to hear from you soon. I also have a facebook support group.
My Name Is Jill and I live in GA, I Have a Legit prescription (me and my hubby) from a neurologist, and I have NOT been able to get my roxicodone 30s and or His methadone 10mg filled. Ive had pharmacies that Ive gone to for over 12 yrs tell me they don't want my business (due to no insurance) and others to tell me they Just dont want my business. and then the ones (like Kroger, Publix, CVS) to tell m they dont have it and DONT know when they will have them! I called and gone to several places and NOBODY has or can order them! WHAT IS GOING ON????? I read all about FL but what about GA (north GA; North of atl). Is there any pharmacies that are legit online or in canada that i can order from?? Just need HELP in a hurry since Ive been out few days and In Serious Serious Pain. Thank You for your Help!!
To "Someone Who likes to Help When Possible". Hi, it's Leah . I've posted a few times re: the difficulty filling my rx in Ocala from my Dr. in Orlando . I finally got insurance and LOVE the sound of having my rx's DELIVERED to my home! Just what is Express Scripts ?? Also , with my new insurance packet a brochure and envelope were enclosed to send my rx's to their contracted and it seems my rx's fill the criteria ( licensed Dr.., etc.). Do you think they'll fill my #170 30mg oxycodone script ? Looking forward to your reply.
I called everyone I know I live in citrus county can not get anyone to fill oxy script they say they do not like my doctor Called the walgreens and spoke to them agrees answer was sorry for all your pain I just can not help u the said the doctor was fishy
@Leah If i were you I would get as much info as possible before sending your "hard copy" script anywhere! if you read other posts down..some people are switching to morphine for the pain and they are not having as much trouble getting that filled .Good Luck
Donna , thanks for the advice . Do you or anyone else know anything about "Express Scripts " and their home delivery that i was enquiring about ? Or mail order pharmacies ? Also , i was reading what Jill said about places like Publix that say they "don't have, don't know when they're going to get, etc."...I may be naive but is that not true ? My guy @ Publix and a few others I've used in the past plus a few walgreens pharmacists have said they're not able to get, etc. and i always thought it was strange how some places can get/find yet others in the same can't it's bs ?
@Leah.. For Oxy's i don't trust by mail/Express Mail etc.. no way.. too easy to be "lost".. your decision..
in Pinellas Co. FL.. there are Pharmacies that are still having a difficult time getting shipments(usually the more popular ones) in..Apparently there is an amount that is allowed per the DEA..I don't know how true that is..
BUT..I do know that things have slowed down in Florida at least and RX's are getting the pills..
The best way i know is to drive and walk in to the RX and ask them instead of calling because 9/10 times they will say "we do not have any".
You may have to go for 6 hrs driving around town jumping in/out of your car but you will find One Pharmacy that will fill your scripts.If you have insurance you may be limited.
We finally found a different Walgreens to go to that did not judge my husband or swiftly say No.. even though he is 51y/o, 2 back surgeries, works over 40hr wk, been w/Walgreens for over 10yrs at the same RX mind you.. and same meds except the Oxy's..which is not as strong as what he was taken(fentanyl)..which is great for him..
Then the pill mills came along and there was a shortage of meds. We even had a Pharmacist (at a Walgreens) tell us to our face "I have the meds But I Choose Not To Fill Them for you!!" yep I called the Board of Pharmacy on that remark for sure. lol I think he must have been "fresh" out of school ..
I was told by a Pharmacist that if you have a script that is #210 of oxy's ask your Dr. to lower them to like #180 and have another or more scripts to have filled and Not just the one for oxy's..
Good Luck ..keep looking you will find a pharmacy
@Kate You're going to have go to another Dr. what else can you do?
Doctors have been "flagged" all over the State Of Florida.. Time to find another Legit Pain Management Doctor.
It was on the news that now the pill mills have moved North of FL (thank god!!) but they are in GA, TN, KY, and moving into OH... it's a long road if you have legit pain folks..
having to be drug sick AND in pain because you can't find a Pharmacy to fill oxy I mentioned in another post some are switching to Morphine..
I was forced to use a mail order but it was thru my insurance. I sent it next day and they had to sign for it. If you can't do it thru your insurance I would not do it. I just don't trust the others.
yes, it's true... i spoke with my PM dr in TN and mentioned that I may have to move south to fl and what did she suggest I do to locate a reputable Dr- she said I should look at websites to make sure they offer the same sort of treatments that the one I go to offers, and not 'Just pills'. then to call area pharmacies and introduce myself and ask questions before i move... for now, i will stay where i am...
on a side note, i was given oxy 60 yesterday as i was told the opana that i had been on had been pulled from the shelves while they are also coated with the rubber substance of the new Oxy. I woke up with a sever rash along my hairline, swollen glands and a sticky film on my left eye causing it to stick shut... anyone know what the new oxy's are made of to cause such a reaction? I have a fear that in a few months there will be class action suits on us ingesting rubber. I am allergic to latex, glues and plastics and with what I am experiencing after taking the new OP, it has me concerned!!!
leah, please let me know how u fare with the mail order as that is what I m thinking of also... I found a pharm-mex, but scared...
@RAE the oxy 80mg the green pills can not be crushed snorted, smoked or run.. it turns to a gel like substance..
The 15mg and 30mg are not like that at all.. yet...
Here in Florida Pharmacists are more suspicious.. you can come in looking all nice and sweet etc and they will tell you just like they tell everyone else and treat you to no better no worst than the druggie that walks sucks but true.. so your Tenn Pharmacist is not City It hasn't Hit there yet but it probably will.
Get a referral from your Dr. in TN for a Pain Management Doctor In Florida you will probably pay about $150 or more for your Dr. Visits at least you will know that you have a legit Dr. that Pharmacies will fill scripts from..there are Dr.s that RX's will not fill scripts at all..
Donna , you said the pharmacist looked right
at your husband and said "I have the pills but won't fill for you"...when i came to Ocala to see my dad before he passed , the pharmacist @ the walgreens filled my #179 30mg oxys from my Dr in MIAMI and then again when i first moved here a few months later when i brought my rx from the sister clinic in Orlando he was pensive and gave me a list of the pain management dr's here in Ocala ( which is totally opposite from s. Fla - You HAVE to have a referral AND insurance !) for the next month ..when i went back the next month i told him i couldn't go to Ocala doc cause i didn't have insurance and he told me it was the last time he'd fill it...the next month I tried anyway but he told me he wouldnt fill my oxy rx from that clinic BUT he filled my ativan and Somalia scripts from that clinic !!! I went to the walgreens a few blocks over and the girl said she couldn't fill it cause it was another county and i showed her a paper i got from my clinic that said they couldn't refuse because of county (amongst other things but i later found out that the the state Is aware of this bogus paper that's made its way around and that the pharmacist can do whatever they want ) and she filled it..and the following month she said it was the last time cause she was uncomfortable with the clinic . Same thing we the other walgreens they have the meds at the 3 walgreens within a few miles from my house but choose not to fill it. Unbelievable ! Just thought I'dshare since your words were the exact ones i was told . :)
@Leah exactly they can choose not to fill.. but not on morality like for Birth Control Pills that is different(they have to fill those)..
but is so wrong that they have put every person that takes oxy for legit pain in with the druggies..
but like I said it is getting better at least in the Tampa Bay area to where people are being able to get their scripts filled unlike 4 months ago.. eeks that was a nightmare
I feel for the Northern States they have not a clue what is coming their way soon.
yikes!!! i am in a northern state- well, north of tampa anyhow- nashville i just spoke with my pharmacist and he gave me a number to purdue to ask about what the top coat is made of and the pharmacist at perdue stated that it does not have laytex but, could have a glue base which would account for my rash that is getting worse and sticky substance in my eye. She said she would have to report my symptoms and asked for my zipcode and suggested i ask my dr for morphine next time if still out of opana. so... if anyone else is having symptoms call and report to purdue at 888-726-7535
WOW Like I said it turns to a gel substance.. I'm glad you called them good for you..
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