Fill Oxycodone Prescription (Page 2)
UpdatedCannot fill them anywhere in Bradenton or Sarasota. Please help I have a real doctor and the pharmacy I have been going to the past year in my city says they will no longer fill out of county. Does anyone know of a pharmacy in Bradenton or Sarasota that can help a patient fill qty 180 oxycodone 30mg? Please help. On the verge of getting deathly ill w/out meds! Thank you.
Please, all of you having problems with your Pain Management and/or problems filling your medications. It is time to start getting together so our voices can be heard. One foundation I know of, The American Pain Foundation, is a good place to start. ( Find your leader for the American Pain Foundation by going to the the website, click get involved. A drop down list appear, click leaders. This will take you to a map of the country and click on your state. Your leaders email address will be shown.
For Floridians, the Leader in Lithia/Tampa area is handling this situation. Email her and she will fill you in on what's being done about our problem. There is also an APF Florida Facebook page, for support and and working together to be heard. Also run by the FL APF Leader. Search for American Pain Foundation Action Network FLORIDA- Go to the group page. You will have to be added as a member. This is a closed group for privacy. Make sure you choose the GROUP page), Hope to see you there. I have post this way because we can not give contact info on here.
I got lucky today, and got my methadone filled 480 tablets, right before that i stoped by a pharmacy bay life pharmacy on belcher road Baylife Pharmacy
Not Rated Not Rated
2090 Gulf To Bay Blvd, Clearwater, FL 33765
(727) 216-6374
The guy was real nice said yes i have your methadone and 30 mg oxycodone, for 480 methadone he wanted 380.00 you read that right 380 bucks and then it came to the oxycodone 8.50 a pill i get 180, i told him i have insurance cash only. i said how can you justify charging that much i am in pain and you are price galjing and he told me that is the price and he does not make a dime on it, he went on to say the manufacturer set the price, i got mad and said i wish you the pain i go through every day, and if you were in a gutter on fire i would not pee on you to put it out lol. so i go to my dr office and she was very understanding and wrote me something to get my head on straight as my blood pressure was stroke level and i have had many heart attacks, went across the street and low and behold wallgreens had my dones 54 bucks out the door but no oxies or k-8 but at this point i feel blessed to have my methadone.
Please. Call need help can not get meds filled
same problem here. People who do not suffer from chronic pain have no idea what it is to live with this affliction. they just want to point their fingers and call you a drug addict.
This is terrible. I thought people that suffer with chronic pain had rights to treatment.
I tried physical therapy for a year to treat a very painful condition from an injury which was no fault of my own, until one day I came home from physical therapy, sat in my chair and tears began to run down my cheek. I do not cry, I did not even cry when I cut my finger off many years ago.. I am a fifty year old man that has tried everything possible to treat my pain without using pain meds. Nothing worked, it only became worse. I have MRIs that shows I suffer with three diseases and a compression in one area of my lower back. Severe Stenosis, extensive sclerosis and arthritis (Arthritis affects my entire spine). My neck has 4 compromises, three compressions at the nerve root and a ruptured disc. There are times the pain is so bad that I have blurred and double vision.Without medical treatment, I can not get any sleep. The muscle spasms in my upper back makes it hard to breath. When I wake up at night, my hands are throbbing numb and my neck muscle spasms are bad enough that it is possible to actually see them sticking out from my neck.
I can almost reach completely around and grab a hold of the muscles. There are also times when it hurts to even swallow. It takes about two weeks of relentless treatment (pain meds, muscle relaxers,inflammation meds, heat) to get the muscles to settle down so I can swallow. I tried everything possible not to take pain meds but, it was to the point of too much, I had to do something for relief. The constant pain drains the life out of you and hurts my family because all I want to do is sit in my chair and try not to cause the pain to increase.
I had finally worked out a routine of keeping the pain down by preemptive treatment and not letting it get real bad before trying to stop it. Up until recently, I was doing ok and functioning as normal as could be expected.
I have to constantly hide the fact that I have problems because no one will want to hire someone that is hurt.
My day consist of going to work, paste on a smile, do my job ( and come home and by the time I get home, I have to limp into the house and just sit down.
Now, I have no relief because I can not get my legitimate prescriptions filled at the same pharmacy I have always gone to. It is very embarrassing, not to mention a waste of time, gas, and money having to travel to every pharmacy in the area only to be told "NO" we are out and we do not know when we will get more.
I do not understand the "High" that everyone talks about and why so many people that do not need the meds wants to go to such extremes and break the law to acquire it. I do not drink alcohol, so is it the mixing of alcohol and pain meds that gets people "High"
or what ? I just do not understand what it is that attracts people and causes them to go to such extremes to abuse these meds. I do not feel "high" when I take them, all I know is it certainly helps stop my pain, not completely all the time but, it does help considerably to stop my lower back and legs from throbbing and helps with the awful neck and shoulder pain accompanied by head aches. I can actually get some sleep.
If I do not get help and the meds I need, I will be unable to work and support myself and family. The people that depend on me will suffer as well. I had six people working for me until this economy has made it so damn hard to get work, now I have to work by myself because I can not afford to hire anyone. I am barely hanging on as it is. I do not want or believe in "hand outs", I believe that if a person can work and has the opportunity to work, there should be no excuses for not working.I have worked my ass off my entire life and in fact, I like to work and have no problem doing so. Not having any help, I have to do everything now and my work is physically demanding.
So why and who has the right to interfere with my treatment that enables me to keep going ? I feel like my rights and my doctor patient confidentiality has been violated. YES, if someone is breaking the law and has no legitimate reason for taking pain meds, than they should be held accountable, they should be held accountable for not just abusing prescription meds but, also for all the pain and suffering they are causing the people who are in need of medication. Now, because of their actions, a lot of people are in pain and suffering needlessly.
Pain medication has been around for hundreds even thousands of years for A REASON and that reason is to help people try and have some quality to their lives. It is not prescription medication that ruins lives, chronic pain and drug abusers destroy lives. By taking my meds as prescribed, I can function and carry on with my life, there are some days I actually feel fairly well.
The fact that my medical treatments (which I pay dearly for insurance, deductibles, co-pays) are being denied, my rights are being violated and the fact that I have never broken the law by not telling the truth abusing or selling my meds,doctor shopping etc. I am made to suffer.
Four different specialized doctors and the stack of paperwork have all said the same thing and the diagnoses are all the same, my conditions are very painful. The only treatment that has offered any relief is pain medications. Believe me, if I could change my situation, I certainly would because this is such a burden, having to go to the doctors office every month, chasing around pharmacies to find my meds, always having to remember where they are, scared they might get lost or stolen, O yea don;t let them come up missing, you wont get more, even if someone breaks into your home and steals everything, you will not get them replaced. I had to buy a safe just to keep my meds safe. But what choice do I have until something is done to correct the situation.
Now we have a whole new criminal organization to deal with. Not only the Drug Abusers but, the people involved in the organizations who are once again, trampling on our rights as U.S. citizens. Our rights of doctor patient confidentiality and our rights not to be forced to suffer and deal with the hassles caused by criminals. Law enforcement needs to focus on the criminals and leave the innocent alone. The people who suffer every day of their lives have already enough to deal with and do not deserve to suffer and pay for the crimes committed by others. I can promise you that, and I'm sure I can speak for the majority, we did not ask for nor want to be in the situation we are in but the reality is, WE ARE, it is already bad enough so why do you choose or feel that you have the right to make it worse ? You really believe you have the right to take away our rights ?
As a note to people who do not suffer with chronic pain:
If you do not understand what it is to live with this condition, just keep in mind that people that are in pain commit suicide all the time. So, you had better hope you never find yourself in this situation, and if you do, wait until you see how it feels to be looked down upon, be forced to run in a rats maze, have your rights trampled upon, (again) and have your legitimate necessary medical treatment denied by a non-medical professional...... when all you want is not to suffer and have some sort of quality to your life.
WHY AM I MADE TO SUFFER because of the actions of others ??
well im in this boat too im termanial patient in west pasco county florida new port richey area and have been on oxycodone 30mg tablets since 2007 everyday of my life and now in nov 2011 a tech. at florida pharmacy on james st . npr florida told me in late dec that they could notfill this medication for the amount they are getting paid by the state to supply it.
my medicade ins covers this medication at florida pharmacy in new port richey florida claiming that medicade will only pay 69.00 for 180 tablets and that that would be enough according to tech that was working there on 11/28/2011
now the place has been restaffed and new staff says not able to fill it there for 3 weeks now
claims they are not
***getting the medication in there orders** ..
well do they realize the dea has info on every pill recieved by these places and to deny that orders are coming in is wrong and we can prove with help from state and goverment agencies that the mom and pop pharmacies are cashing in on these issue of avalibilty
mom and pop indipendants pharmacies are not stupid they are smart they want the most for the pill they can get
the less the recieve the more money can be made charging higher prices to cash buyers
well thats sick and should be illegal
it's funny this place is where i filled them for 4.5 yrs each and every month with 8 others medication without complaints from techs of the cost
seems as if its a money thing at the mom and pop places here prices are being hiked up now again due to this game playing with peoples life
i have been told that 998.00 for 180 tablets is current price at the neighborhood pharmacy sr 52 hudson if they have them
thats insane
profiling now being used at walgreens at sr 52 and majestic blvd hudson florida as well on tuesday last week last time i was ejected
profiling is or was being used there 12 days ago
we made complaints to walgreens corparate heads.
they had the medication last tuesday
but do to the fact
i had not been thereas a customer for last 6months prior i was told i couldnt get it filed there
make note this is our needed legal rx's and and they can be verified as well !!!
now the place in holiday like walgreens in holiday is writting on the rx's tellin customer to come back in 30 min when you return for pick up they say a mistake has been made by front counter girl and the medication is not instock
but they are pharmacies are writting on your rx's now making un fillable anywhere else
then your stuck going store to store being rejected
told to bring the rx back to whom ever wrote on it..
and this i complained about at the us 19 and darington road walgreens until i complained to corparate now they swear they dont write on them unless they can fill the rx
not the case
there corparate heads lookin ito a video of my last visit
tech claims she didnt write on it but she did on video but i have to wait as long as 10 days from last week to hear from a district manager after he veiws the video of tech writin on rx
they have video at walgreens and should beable to see where the tech wrote on the paper
its for security and is over head
well if they work itold corparate it will show myself complaining about the writing all over my rx when it was returned to me
instead of myself being handed back an rx which was legal and told by head pharmasist i could bring it to other phramacies and they could try to fill it but she was out and girl just made a mistake .
well im sittin now 12 days no medications for my servere pain and my ins. wont help the doctors are being bombed with phone calls making it to where they are losing time and money over these issues
is there any light as to why or where a pain patient can get there medication ?
small pharmacies are charging 3 to 8 $ a pill now if they have them
they dont want to except ins for them and they are medicare and medicade places for every other pill they have but not the lil blue pills that keep my pain levels tolerstsble
sick that this is all about 1 money
2 doctors who started out this pain management in wrong manner issuing pills to younger person and now we older termanial and disabled persons cant get the medication we need
well im seeing profiling /refusing to fill rx's unless you been going to same place 6 months"walgreens" majestic blvd hudson florida
techs writting on rx's at walgreens excepting rx's then when you come back they say a mistake was done they are out,and hand you back an rx with writting all over it making it clear to all other places you been looking for the medication and they tell u to bring it back to the place that wrote on it
well play doctor till a person dies or something serious happens
this is insane to make a person go without the medication a lic. doctor cert. doctor issues his or her patients
now if the medication is not avalible the doctors would not write it
thats common sense
why percrib a medication 1 cant get.
this is local and state and federal agencies doing
the doctors wont stop writing the medication so the person are attacking patients this way they try to discourage patients of narc
ins companies arent helping to explain how 1 can see an insurance doctor and not get the medication they precrib
well it's sick
1 fill the rx's till the fix is made but until then there are thousands of persons being injured by this crimanial act thats taking place to stop some that helps person live a quality life because of a hand full of dealers and addicts to lazy to by street drugs and choose this drug to sell and use thats not our fualt were are disabled and in constant pain
thing is if the pharmacies tech family member is sick they get there
this is not a football ticket
stop persons who didnt study medication and medical from playing doctor in west pasco county florida
help us plz donna mikey d
Hello all, I posted info before about the American Pain Foundation (will include again), BUT, PLEASE TAKE A MOMENT, and visit this link to sign a PETITION to support our rights to fill LEGAL PRESCRIPTIONS in the state of FL, and PLEASE FORWARD this petition to as many people that you think would support this issue that is now a crisis.
Link for Petition:
The second link is for a SURVEY to convey the issues you may have had with pharmacies in FL. This is very important to make sure our voices are heard.
Please, all of you having problems with your Pain Management and/or problems filling your medications. It is time to start getting together so our voices can be heard. One foundation I know of, The American Pain Foundation, is a good place to start. ( Find your leader for the American Pain Foundation by going to the the website, click get involved. A drop down list appear, click leaders. This will take you to a map of the country and click on your state. Your leaders email address will be shown. The one in Lithia/Tampa area is handling this situation. Email her and she will fill you in on what's being done about your problem. Do not believe what your pharmacy is telling you. For those in FL, there is also an APF Florida Facebook page, for support and (run by FL APF Leader-Search- American pain foundation action network florida- Go to the group page. You will have to be added as a member. This is a closed group for privacy. Make sure you choose group NOT page. ) and working together to be heard. Hope to see you there. I have post this way because we can not give contact info on here.
I only heard today January 31, 2012 that suddenly most pharmacies NOT filling oxycodone 30mg.claiming "they are out of them." How can they just let ppl go into detox and withdrawl?IDC who ur, if you take daily as prescribed and suddenly nothing, you are in for some withdrawls that can land u in the ER! Esp elderly and those w/not so good health as blood pressure lowers etc..Can anyone enlighten me as to what is going on and will this lift? This is as insane as the NDAA law just signed W/O our knowing of that either. hmmmm
What about NJ AND PA???
This is not just happening in FLA. I heard it's all propoganda tho but in meantime, NJ and PA so far, that "I" know of are pulling same.I thought first oath of dr. is "DO NO HARM?" what about the pharms. and rx. ins?They are doing a lot of harm and may hv class action suit -hope right person reads b/c if you hear of 1 death! 1 person hits streets out of desperation of running out of meds and gets locked up-HV TO TAKE THEIR BACKS. yes it's extreme, but how much do u wanna bet how many people, yes even elderly hit the street to get God knows what from some damn dealer and just made him a hell of a lot of $$? Makes me sick!!
Very very good post! Again i say i thought Dr oath was to "do no harm"-I said how many ppl already did illegal hitting streets and just made some drug dealer rich w/all the unfilled LEGIT SCRIPTS-who wants to go to streets when u hv a legit script?You sure said it. I've been treated like a criminal b/c I live both in NJ and still PA-my doc in PA and I won't leave him. was w/other docs 18yrs-I am w/him now 6?I stick w/my docs and even pharmacy except sometimes if I can't take that hour drive b/c 1nce my son was sick I chose to go here in N and they made me wait till 31st day! How do you ensure ur scripts are filled in if on that 30th day, they are out, when you should be able to fill at least 3days ahead, car cld break down....they hv got to change this and stop "harming patients" DO NO HARM! Sounds like class action law suit to me. everyone shld keep names, dates., how many pharmacies you had to run to, did you withdrawl, get sick, end up in ER and I pray that's it. I HOPE was being a bit sarcastic about hitting streets, but don't put past some,b/c I sure don't want to suffer and at same time, oh ooops now u can go to JAIL. Isn't that nice? WOW. This is America? really? Good luck everyone!! God Bless and help all of us.
thank u!!!Z
Below is a list of numbers to call.they have been bombarded but that's okay! call them leave a msg on the voice mail sometimes the receptionist will answer.
we do not have to tolerate the rudeness of Pharmacists and their and their holier than thou attitude.
Dr. H. Farmer (850)- 245-4444
press 9 at 1st menu and 7 at 2nd menu
Mark Whitten (850)-245-2492
OR (850) 245-4339
there are a few Walgreens that will fill your script! we got lucky and found a Pharmacists that charges what they are suppose to be. But that was looking a few months of frustration of going to every Pharmacy in the area not calling, but walking inside because they will not tell you if they have them or not over the phone.
you can print out a FREE RX Card online that Walgreens uses. we pay $135 for 210 with the card.
I had a Walgreens Pharmacist tell me well I have them in stock but I "choose" not to fill them for you!
Been with Walgreens for over 10 years and taking the same meds for just as long.
I have been trying to figure out where to leave you a message. I have been in pain management for 4 years after 2 failed back surgerys. I can not get my pain meds anywhere. I was with a pharmacy for 2 and a half years and then apparently they got their supply cut so I no longer have a pharmacy I can depend on.
I called this number on Monday. Bottom line: If the pharmacist doesn't like the color of your shirt, they don't have to fill your rx. Exact words. Don't waste your breath. I am livid. There are 3 walgreens right up the road from me that have the medication but after 2 of them filling for me the past few months, now say they aren't comfortable (next county), and the 3rd was going to but when he called the next morning to verify, it went to voicemail and my 75 year old mother even went to him since i was in too much pain and he gave her back the scripts!! Called my clinic numerous times but to no avail. Oh my gosh....
wow..sorry for you.. i do know that feeling.. it sucks!! try a Kmart RX also try Medicine Shoppe RX.. is there a RX called Trinity Pharmacy?? if so go there it will be more pricey at Trinity but a real good chance of getting them filled. there a couple here in Pinellas Co..
First it has gotten so bad because of our wonderful drug enforcement agency has to much power and doesnt want people who have pain to get buzzed. Legally obtaining a presciption with a legitimate pain issue. triple spinal fusion and they want to mess with me too. I drive around for hours on the days after getting my prescription trying to get them filled.
Chit and anyone else in FL that is legit and having problems. please find me at
Fight for florida pain care action network on facebook. ask to join. I have placed alot of info on there for your needs. It a closed area so privacy is important. I hope to see ya there. The war on pain meds has turned into a war on pain patients. Hugs to you, Donna
The drug stores are picking and choosing who they want to fill for and this is not fair...Its just a way to control us so we no longer have any rights...There seems to be nothing we can do about it...Our goverment just wants to make it hard as possble and if anybody has any ideas on what we can I would love to know
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