Fill Oxycodone In Ga (Page 7)
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I'm in calhoun ga.... i need to fill my rx for 30mg oxycodone 120 count. Any suggestions??
I have several painful conditions and have gotten Roxicodone 30 mg from my doctor for several years. At my visit yesterday, he told me he had to stop writing Roxicodone due to shortages, people robbing pharmacies, etc. (I don't buy that, actually... Perhaps the DEA gave him a warning?) He gave me Oxycontin 60 mg and Morphine IR instead, and they are not helping.
I was hoping we could help each other out. I don't really want to post my pharmacy on a public board; if EVERYONE goes there to fill their Rx, there won't be any left for you anyway. But if you will email me, I will give you the name of the Gwinnett Mom and Pop pharmacy I have used for several years. And in return, if you could furnish the name of your doctor (who still prescribes the Roxicodone) I would be most grateful!
Let me tell you something! If you have not had cronic pain then you need to shut the F$#K UP! Yes alot of people are abusing pills, but there are alot of us who really need them. I have you know that I would scoot on my ass for 10 hours if it meant I would get medication for my back pain!
My father needs help filling his meds in Tn with Ga Script, If you could help I'd really appreciate it.
my name is pam and i live south of atl. can you help me?
I have 168 live in Woodstock I got 168 and I have physically been to 200 pharmacy.u said u new some places.plz help
I need a place in NC with a GA prescription, but the NC board of pharmacies sent out a letter to all the pharmacies in the state telling them it was strongly advised not to fill any schedule II prescriptions (with the chance of being investigated or having their licenses revoked) out of FL or GA . I am a 36 year old working well spoken clean cut male and I've heard every excuse in the book. I lived in GA and now that I live in NC I'm in the process of finding a Dr up here but in the mean time its been over 2 months of torture along with a few weeks of withdrawals on top of constant debilitating pain in my back. I would just like to at least get this last prescription from my GA Dr filled until I can find a new Dr in NC. Any help would be greatly appreciated
Where in north carolina
There is definitely a shortage. However, pharmacies are getting deliveries here and there, and I was able to fill quanitity 120 x 30 mg oxycodone at CVS across from Piedmont Hospital on Peachtree Street in Atlanta. From what I have seen, WALGREENS seems to carrry consistently and will actually be honest over the phone. Like others have said, don't bother with just phone calls. Due to armed robberies and forgeries, 90% of pharmacies are just saying "NO" over the phone, regardless of their inventory. About the shortage:
Kroger, publix and ingles pharmacies are good. But will always tell u no over the phone. Show pharmacy ur rx then they'll say 30 mins will have it ready.
PLEASE help have GA script needing filled in NC.. Any suggestions would Greatly appreciated.
Same situation here. Today, I called at least 50 pharmaces North, South, East, and West of Atlanta, with no luck. Let me know if you find one, please.
i live in georgia near gwinnett, go to my doctor in gwinnett, and for a month now i have not been able to get my 130 30mg oxycodone filled. places i have used for years are just not getting them in. any help would be nice
hey i have a script that i need to get filled. any help would be appreciated. thank you
I know the reasoning on not filling a RX if you live in one state and try to get it filled in another, pharmacies do not want to have a lot of traffic in the stores as it is in the so called pain clinics. Go to a doctor locally, one that is not just writing RX's for Oxycodone, Xanax, Soma. Pharmacies find it strange and suspicious that someone would drive over state lines or hours even to fill RX's or to see pain doctor clinics. Also it is now a requirement to present a government issued I.D. each time an individual brings an RX and a copy to be attached to the RX. The DEA is putting pressure on pharmacies to stay compliant and to dissuade doctor shopping and abuse. It's only going to become more difficult. Find an alternative pain medication and a well established doctor locally.
Why do you not get a prescription in your home state insted of driving for hours to a pop up pain clinic to get yOur rxs. If you are in so much pain, how in the world can u stand to sit in a car to drive for hours. Are there no doctors who u can place your opioid order like a McDonald's and pay them a couple hundred dollars to write them? Doesent make any sence! If you need to see a doctor see a local doc and the pharmacies will fill them. Everyone is always in chronic pain and bs but by god they are more than willing and able to drive 10 hours if word gets around that a new pain doc will write whtever you ask for because he isn't afraid of losing his license and going to jail. Good luck, dea is cracking down and all the pain clinic bill s*** will be a thing of the past. Have a nice day.
Im having trouble finding a pharmacy to fill my perscription of 30 mg 120 oxycodine can you help me.
Yes when will this be fixed? There are so many people suffering loosing their jobs and not able to take care of their families. All because the government wants to prevent abuse. They r making it worse turning sick or hurt people into frantic junkies by having to fear roficule or running out not being able to find their meds anywhere BUT on the street for some ungodly price. Who then is this crackdown helping its making the abusers even more money and hurting legitimate people. Where are our rights? This is unbelievable and no one speaks for us and our rights to be treated by our doctor. Does the dea or fda even know how many people they are hurting
For alternative medicines read this article
(easier to fill prescriptions)
Good luch and G. bless
franklin or plaza
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