Fill Oxycodone In Ga (Page 6)
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I'm in calhoun ga.... i need to fill my rx for 30mg oxycodone 120 count. Any suggestions??
I need help finding a pharmacy that will fill a prescription for roxi 30 and dilaudid 4mg. I am in Atl and I cannot find a pharmacy that will fill it. Can someone please help.
Hey my name is Renee and ive been looking for a ga pharmacy for three days now to fill my scripts. Ive been from woodstock to dublin no luck yet.
plz email me cant find them anywhere in ga
Oxycodones are NOT the only pain meds. Used for chronic pain....Get an alternative drug, the shortages will only get worse....if you are being treated by a good Dr, they know there is a shortage of meds., and will offer an alternative. The people going through withdrawal, do NOT need to be suffering....
I have been everywhere to try to fill my scrip and all of the pharmacists is telling me they don't have it. I have had no problem until this month. Im out and I don't know where to go. The withdrawals is awful. This is not good
Things to consider: pharmacies more than 10 miles from your doc's office may refuse. Pharmacies may choose to decline to fill if your doctor does not accept insurance (pill mill flag). They will also discriminate based on age, and unfortunately, maybe ethnicity as well. The best you can do is keep driving around and present your rx in-person, as 95% won't tell you they have it over the phone. Try as many pharmacies as you can. If you are a veteran, show them your military ID. That works for me if they are suspicious of my relatively young age (33). Oh, and don't expect anything if you are a fraud, a child, or a doctor shopper. Lastly, there is a big shortage, which is the biggest problem. Try Walgreens and CVS stores next to major hospitals.
I am a resident of Jasper Georgia and i have been having trouble refilling 30s and 15s. I need a pharmacy in the georgia area that can do this for me as I travel a lot. Please respond asap as my appt is tomorrow. RSVP thanks!
GOOD LUCK GETTING ANY OXY 15/30MG FILLED ...these freaking people coming from out of state has wiped us out ... what the hell. !!!!! Now i can not even get the meds i need for my back and pain problems ... i hope the law cautches up with all the shady abusers SOON!!!! You will have to go back to the Dr. And get something else i am taking something that does not work as well and makes me sick ...WOW. !!! Just because people want to abuse meds ... there is alot of people out there like me that have to put up with this crap ..and it pisses me off to NO end ...
Jamie where is Johnson Ferry?
Hey what doc do you see and thanks for the info.
Pharmacy in 960 Ferry Johnson Rd can fill them
I need a script for 180 oxys filled in south Georgia. If some one can just let me know a city where there are pharmacies that will fill it, I can find them. Thanks!
Hey, what are ya looking for or are you needing a script filled?
show me where please
I need a doctor to go to that will take cash and write we a script with no current issues just things from may past and I live in north csrolina any good ideas
What doctor do you go to and did u have a ore existing condition or he just wrote it for cash?
I am also a pain mgt patient at Riverdale Medical near Atlanta. I have had good luck with CVS and Walgreens stores near hospitals. There isn't any single place that always has Roxi's, but some stores near Piedmont Hospital have them sometimes. Would you mind giving me the name of the mom and pop store in Gwinnett (I think Mumfort's closed)?
How can i email you or you email me?
I would be happy to tell you which doctor i see that writes what your looking for and is accepting new patients for the name of your pharmacy.
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