Fill Dilaudid In Florida (Page 2)
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I live in Daytona beach Florida and i deal with three types of cancer...i get 8 mg dilauidid and 4 mg as well for the break threw pain. And yet i still have this terrible problem when i have to fill ...still i haven't filled almost 8 days into getting my scripts and still hve not filled ...CAN ANYONE TELL ME ANYWHERE I MIGHT GO I LIVE IN VOULISA COUNTY AND I CAN GET MY FILL DONE IN ORLANDO AS WELL ANY IDEAS

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All of them, go in person. Do not call first.
MELBOURNE-- Brownings, Sam's Club, Blue sky
ST. CLOUD--- St. Cloud discount and wellness pharmacy, Super Saver

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What mail order pharm? could I email u? if so, what's your email?

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Can u please get me ds I live in south florida as well fort myers to be exact...please let me kno

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how do i contact you about this in NY? I have had my script written on July 32rd and as of today Sept 14th I still haven't been able to get it filled?
my name {edited for privacy}

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where in nyc can you get your mail order dilaudids? I have insurance but don't necessarily need to use it. if you can pass help me, thanks

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I need help i have hemophilia please email me back

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GOD BLESS YOU!!!!!!!! I can ONLY imagine the horrific pain you're suffering with cancer. I DON"T UNDERSTAND WHY we are paying with more suffering because of what some pharmacists did or did not do.. I too have severe chronic disabling pain from a life-altering injury I had over 7 yrs ago. It made me have to undergo cervical (neck) fusion and I'm told I still need multiple levels done in my neck; 4 to be exact. That is until my body can no longer hold myself up (so I'm told) and then I will require to have more and more fusions until there is nothing left to fuse in my body (up and down my neck, back and lower lumbar). I am quite young and live with chronic pain and severe migraines every single day of my life. I have this constant stabbing pain in my neck and by my brainstem, like an axe type stabbing, and have also regained use of my right hand, after it had been curled up for months. I was told that I would never have use of my hand again and THANK GOD it came back. I still have issues with the nerves in my hands and arms, etc., however, I do my absolute very best to not give in, but to also not over do, because it would harm my injuries even worse. I was told if I'm in an accident or fall or something of like, that I could very well be paralyzed. I am having the same problems everyone else is having with getting my pain medicine filled and said medicine has been the only thing that lets me get out of bed and atleast try my best to function at some level. This is NOT a pitty party; No, not at all; I just want others to know that they're NOT alone! Others that is that truly have medical problems and truly suffer in terrible, life-ruling pain. I've always been a fighter, one whom fights the good fight, and I still am, however, it is truly difficult to even try to function with everything going on inside me, like a war zone. I forgot to mention I also got MRSA from my neck surgery. That also dictates my life and almost killed me last year. So, I ask again, "WHY DO WE HAVE TO SUFFER MORE BECAUSE OF WHAT PHARMACISTS DID OR DID NOT DO?"... We shouldn't be having to suffer more beause of their inadequacies of their filling too many scripts when they should've been contacting the doctor's office IF there was a question about same. It's NOT right that the DEA is making our worlds much more difficult when God knows we already had it difficult! If it were themselves or one of their own kids, it would be much different. They wouldn't make them suffer more because of this nonsense. I was just informed yesterday that "some others are getting their pain medications filled".. as the conversation went on, I realized that they were talking about the "elite, the rich" that were these "others".. I was also told that they could not tell me how they're getting theirs filled either. Seems like the ways of this world :( I'm VERY VERY SORRY for YOU and EVERYONE that's suffering from life-altering, disabling pain. I TRULY AM!!!!!!! We WILL get relief one day! IF not here in this lifetime, we WILL in Heaven!!!!!!! GOD BLESS!!!!!!!

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walgreens in deltona on providence rd. has them I have no insurance and they want $240

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I live in South Florida and have the worst back damage you can imagine! I was hit by a unlicensed driver driving a huge U-haul.and have needed pain medication server since. originally I was taking roxycodone but because I was getting the runaround with those my doctor switched me to dilaudid 8 mg and the 4 mg for breakthrough. now I am having trouble filling these prescriptions. my regular pharmacy no longer will be receiving them an I din..kniw what to do. I have drove all day for two days trying at different pharmacys and just don't have it in me anymore to keep on going from place to place. I do have insurance, it's creepy instinct but they ho through cvs caremsrk for mail order...does anybody know if sending my scripts in to them is an option for the dilaudid? please please help if you can. even if I have to drive across the state I will do it lol. thanks for your time and looking forward to hearing back soon as I've been holding these scripts for quite a bit of time now (2 weeks) and can't afford to loose them. thanks again!

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I have insurance and used to have no trouble getting my Dilaudid 8mg prescriptions filled. I have a legitimate pain specialist and he is also an addictionologist. Does anyone know a pharmacy mail order? I was using Avella, they got investigated and were being audited when the illegal steriods killed people in the New England states and the DEA cracked down on all the compounding pharmacies! I can't find another sour ce and my Bluecross Blue shield Part D mailorder as well as Walgreens sucks! Please someone help. used to drive Formula cars, been in sevral bad wrecks 50 and lucky to be alive. Have 3 new serious injuries, and have reduced quantities. Need two serious surgeries and a knee prelacement HELP!!!!!

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I live in trinity florida having trouble finding a Pharmacy that carries dilaudid. Can someone tell me where to go? Help!!!

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i have the same problems in florida therefore i get them from my pharmacy in nyc, contact me and i might be able to help. do you have insurance or are you paying in cash.

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For a link, in case anyone wants details on the medication. Very sorry!

Learn more Dilaudid details here.

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Wow! That's awful! I am so sorry!

There are actually 2 reasons for these issues.

The first is due to the fact that pharmacies in Florida were found to be filling prescriptions for over the maximum amounts that someone can take and be prescribed in a month. Instead of contacting doctors and adjusting the prescriptions to the proper amounts, they just filled them anyway.

As a result, they were also ordering in more than the amounts they are permitted to carry and process each month and the FDA and DEA are cracking down to make them obey the laws.

And the second factor is that there are also mandatory manufacturing limits each year to try to help control the supply better and prevent so much theft and diversion.

So, the actions of the pharmacies and the shortages have made it very difficult for anyone in Florida to get their narcotic prescriptions filled right now.

Do you have insurance?

if so, then the best suggestion I can make is to contact them and see if they have a preferred mail order provider that you can use. They don't usually do as much business and some people have found that they still had narcotics in stock.

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