Fibromyalgia Pain
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I have suffered from all over body pains in muscles & joints for over a year. They have me on a cocktail of meds, none of which seem to assist, such as Cynbalta, Lyrica etc. I have also been on Synap-Forte which seems to assist with the pain the best, but now they want to remove it from the market. I'm at my wits end as this is the only med that really helps. The others just make me feel terrible & & cough like a sick dog when I take Lyrica. The doctors have diagnosed Fibromyalgia, but it seems far more. Can you advise me as this pain is belilitating me that all I do is stay in bed all day.
6 Replies
I have Fibromyalgia and I understand how you feel. My pain dr is a jerk and I don't think he believes it's a real illness. I now take a combination of Morphine Sulphate 30 mg 4 x a day with 250 mg Lyrica 2 x. I am still in pain, but it relieves it somewhat. I don't know if you can take the Morphine. I've been told by people that it would knock them out but I don't feel funny or high. My rheumatologist just started me on savella. It's too soon to know if it will help. I am so sorry you have this with a baby. I feel sorry for myself and it's just me. I wish you well.
I live in Phoenix az and I'm looking for a doctor who will be knowledgeable with fibromyalia , neuropathy, rheumatoid arthritis ,ortho arthritis and chronic pain syndrome. The doctor I have now wants to take me off of my pain meds and says that all I need to do is exercise and I will be fine. I'm trying to get Social Security Disability because I cannot work but according to my doctor he says that I can. Please if anyone can help me find a good doctor I would appreciate it.
There is research out there that there is no doubt that fibromyalgia is a real disease related to your body's nerves constantly firing without rest. Check out the parasympathetic nervous system and fibromyalgia. Lyrica is an alternative to Gabapentin but essentially works the same way. I'm on both because I've found that the combo helps me most. Cymbalta is also helpful for it and works on depression as well. Mild stretching, pilates and acupuncture by an experienced acupuncturist has helped as well. Good luck and hope you feel better soon.
I get terrible headaches and the pain goes on for days and add that to the pain in my hands, arms, legs and feeling tired all the time really gets you down. I found a wonderful rheumatologist who diagnosed me with fibromyalgia. One Dr. Said there was nothing wrong with me. You know your own body.
Oh, and as for some advice, do you get headaches? Because most people with Fibro do get head aches, and I also have chronic migraines. Once you reach a certain point in you;re migraine your digestive system just stops completely which is why youll find that medications such as abortive headache meds wont work. Here's what I do: I head into my room close the blinds, shut off the lights, and anything that makes noise. My boyfriend will make me a cup of Peppermint tea, and ill sip on that (Dont drink it all at once, cause it's not the drinking it that helps, it's the scent.) and he rubs the back of my head, my neck, and my shoulders....This usually will get rid of the migraine in less than half an hour, which is AMAZING considering with out all of those things, my migraines last 6-48 hours! You can also get peppermint the aromatherapy kind. Lavendar and chamomille are GREAT for sleep problems, they wont cure you by any means but they will help to relax. There is a medication, over the counter, by BOIRON its a homeopathic company. they have a bunch of meds that are sposed to help with the pain of fibro, but it does get expensive and ive never tried it personally but ive heard that its helped a lot of people. VITAMINS, try even taking prenatals, they are jam packed with nutrients, and my fibro was never better than it was when i was pregnant, and you would think that the extra weight and such would have made it worse but i felt amazing till the end of the pregnancy, obviously =) Maybe try deep breathing excersizes, just keep looking for different ways and things that can help. I know personally how debilitating, and depressing the whole ordeal can be, but don't let it get you down. I believe those of us who have these hard to control diseases and syndromes, are important. we have a purpose. It's our job to be the navigators of this disease, if only to help those in the future have a better quality of life, so when it starts to get you down, just remember that, and remember how important you are. If we dont do our bests to figure it out now, it will just keep running peoples lives years down the road. And if you ever need someone to talk to you can email me @ and that's to anyone who has fibro or migraines, or joint problems, because I know what your going through, and i know that i could use a support system too. no one in my family gets it at all! Hope to hear from you, maybe we can share ideas about what works
I have Fibromyalgia, and most days, it seems as thought there HAS to be something worse going on. The pain is intense, aching, stabbing one minute in my back, the next in my legs, arms, or chest. However, it's the pain that comes all at once, all over my body that really gets to me. It takes me being extremely tired and laying in bed for hours after taking Melatonin just to fall asleep, then I wake a bunch of times through out the night and have to force myself back to sleep. My daughter is 4 months old, and thankfully she sleeps through the night, and her Dad gets up with her in the morning before he goes to work, so that I can take my meds, get a coffee, and wake up a bit.
It is extremely painful dealing with Fibro, and what makes it even worse is the lack of understanding by ANYONE, especially the medical field. Most doctors seem not to care that you have it, because a lot of them still believe it's a "made-up" diagnosis. I know my doctor does. I ask him to explain to me what Fibro is, and all he will ever tell me is that it's "complicated" and that I have no reason for pain meds, that if the lyrica, cymbalta, savella and meds of that nature aren't helping then maybe their just isn't anything wrong with me. Though he keeps putting me on the "GABA" meds, knowing that I am allerigic to them, and I just keep having bad reactions.
With a 4 month old at home, I can't afford to be having reactions to meds, because one of these days I'm afraid it will happen when their's no one else home to take care of her, and the way I stumble and fall when im on them, it's a wonder i haven't dropped her yet. It scares me immensly, and i'm putting my foot down, no more of them. Im going to keep searching until I find a doctor who cares enough to take in my daily life before putting me on a medication like that. I need a doc who will listen to me, because no body knows me better than ME...and no one knows YOU better than you, so YOU tell THEM what you need, and if their not willing to work with you on that, then you need a new doctor. They arent in your body, and they dont llive your life, or feel your pain and only you can tell them what will work best for you.
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