Fentynal Withdrawal (Top voted first)


I have been on various pain meds for 20 years after 5 back surgeries, the latest of which is fentynal. I now have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and my pain management doctor said it destroys the body's opiate receptors so I have gone form 100 to 50 then 25 for about 4 months. Dr suggested, since I had 3 25s left to stop for 2 day (no patch) then back on for 3 days, then off for 3 days back on patch for 3 days then I should be ok. I made it 3 days off the first time but shouldn't have stayed off that long, I had a meltdown, crying hysterically besides all the other symptoms, I put the patch back on and then next time went w/o it for 72 hours before I couldn't stand it and then put my last patch on and took it off 4 days ago. Same symptoms, so shaky I can hardly type this. He gave me Tramadol and Baclofen for the days w/o the patch. If 50% of the medicine is gone after 17 hours, how long til it is all out?

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Most medications will remain in your body for approximately 5 to 6 half-lives, so since the half-life for the fentanyl patch ranges from 13 to 22 hours, you're looking at approximately 65 to 132 hours, anywhere from a little over 2 to 5 and half days.

However, the actual symptoms could take even longer than that to wear off, though they should taper off in severity. Even when the drug is out of your system, your body has to go through the process of readjusting itself to not having it.

I was on high doses of various pain medications for approximately 7 years, on pain management, and when I stopped taking them, it took about a month for me to start feeling normal, again.




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Chronic pain patient. Fibro/CFS/Celiac for 25 yrs. On percocet for last 7 yrs. Doc wants me off this med. No suggestions 'how'. Any advice? I do not want to have to suffer with weeks of withdrawal symptons, if I can help it. I know this med isn't usually used for this disease, but I have many food and med allergies, and this was the ONLY med I'd been able to tolerate, and it did work to help manage the pain, somewhat.

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thanks for the info. ihave beenoffthe Fentynal for 10 days now, getting a little better each day, still smell itcomingout of my system and get the shakes, especially in the evening, also unable to getto sleep, as I write this itis 5:27 a.m. and still awake...

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