Fentermina And Acxion (Page 18)
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Just wonder what type of medication this was?

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I have not taken 2 Norex or used it with Acxion but I was told that most people take Norex with something else to achieve maximum results, I know the more you take something, it usually just starts to be less effective. This is why most people take Norex with something else. Of all the pills I've tried, I can't find a better one for the price.
The person I got mine from did tell me people will take Norex with others when they become less effective. So if you don't think Norex alone is strong enough, you can take 2/day or you can take it with Acxion or other diet products.

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slimmingdown, so far, is the Norex the best we can still get , in your opinion? Have you ever taken 2 of those Norex or 1 of those and a fentermina? Nothing seems to work for me very well anymore.

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Esbelcaps is what you are referring to. Yes I have tried them. The pills have valium & fenproporex in them. If you google fenproporex you can find lots of information about it. The first time I took it I felt kind of energetic at first, then tired, then normal the rest of the day, not hungry yet not unhungry I guess. I have heard some people take it with Norex for maximum results, like if they need to lose a lot of weight. Personally, I took it alone 1 day and I did that 1 day too, and it wasn't any more effective than when I took just the esbelcaps.
I might try to do each pill for a couple of days, and see how that works, before hand I was just taking each one 1 day to see how it affected me. Apparently if you take esbelcaps everyday, (it metabolizes into amphetamine) then after a week your body will have a very high amount of amphetamine in it. I found this out through online research of Esbelcaps. Stating after 1 week of continuous use, how much amphetamine is in your body, urine, etc...
The day I took both the Esbelcaps & Norex together, I couldn't sleep that night, and woke up over talkative and hyper... After only 3-4 hours of sleep. Therefore I was super cranky the next day.

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of course I meant PINK not pinl as I typed.

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slimmindown have you tried the one that is a pinl capsule. it is a word I don't remember but starts with ec, i think and ends with the letters caps?

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So I tried Obeclox yesterday, and it was not as good as Norex for suppressing my appetite. It did have me going to the bathroom all day. I was sort of hungry in the morning, and then I thought I was hungry in the evening and after I went to bed I realized I didn't even eat dinner. But I did snack during the day and eat more than I did on Norex. The only thing that I liked about the Obeclox is it's time released so later in the day I wasn't too hungry (I never skip dinner) and it kept me regular with going to the bathroom. BUT I like that Norex is much cheaper and makes you lose your appetite from the start to where nothing sounds good. Last night I was craving hot dogs and ice cream... I do feel as though I lost weight since yesterday due to the many trips to the bathroom.
I tried the regular release Asenlix which is the same as Obeclox today and I feel no different than when I woke up...
Right now I'm going through all of the diet pills and seeing how they work, as many people who sell them aren't too honest about how they work. I don't sell them, just trying them out, as I need to lose some weight and I've wasted close to $1,000 this year on diet products that do not work. I don't want others to do the same.

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how did you like thr new pill you took today? Was it as good as Norex?

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Well the Fentermina gives hardly the energy boost of Phentermine. However, I have energy with Norex (not as strong as original phentermine either) as well as complete appetite suppressant which lasts much longer than the fentermina/acxion. In fact, I had wondered if my body had gotten used to the fentermina, but didn't take it for a month, and it still wasn't as strong as the Norex in my opinion. Norex is the first thing I've taken where absolutely nothing sounds good to eat, and you can put my favorite dish in front of me, and I can't even finish half of it. In fact, yesterday I took one (today I tried Obeclox), and yesterday I split a kid's meal with my son, and he ate more of it than I did, and together, we still couldn't finish it. The only thing I noticed is that some pills like Redotex and Obeclox make me really have to go to the bathroom bad as soon as I eat, and Norex does not give me that feeling. But it is the only one I've tried that I just don't ever want to eat anything on. And Norex is only $45/month, I guess most people just overlook it or have not heard of it. The main ingredient is Amfepramone. You can google that and many websites will show up and you can read up on it.

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Does Norex give you the energy boost like phentermine?

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I have a friend who works for the airport, she had to go to a class where they were told not to bring back pills from anywhere. She didn't listen though and put them in her bra. But she did say they warned them about buying diet pills in places like Mexico. I buy mine for $70/month but have started Norex and it's only $45 and I really like that. It controls my hunger a lot.

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Barney, It is not worth the risk, unless you fly to McAllen and then drive across and do the same back. That way you are only flying inside the US. But it is easier and less risky to just order from someone.Like the lady above that sells it for $65 a month.

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If I go to Mexico, I have to fly. The customs agents at the Denver airport are pretty thorough. It is not the ones at the border or in Mexican airports that are the problem. It is American customs at DIA. Much scarier and more risky. At Mexican checkpoints, they usually just take anything they find that you should not have. It isn't so lenient at a major US airport. !

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Barney... All of the times I went to Mexico, they did not check my purse. I just took them out of the bag I purchased them in and put them at the bottom of my purse. They will ask you questions of why you came to mexico and if you did purchase anything. I think they mainly look to see if you bought any liquor (which if you live in Texas they allow you one bottle). If your really worried, I would take a prescription bottle that I already have and bring it empty, but its really not that serious. Just put your pills in your bag and leave them there and if your bag happens to get searched (which I seriously don't think it will) just say, oh and I got those too.

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Barney... there is no quantity allowed without a prescription... all you can do is put the pills in a purse or a tote bag, they don't look there, if they ask just telll the truth.. Good luck.

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Houston is quite a long ways from Mexico (6 1/2 hours - 375 mi). McAllen is right on the Mexican border across from Matamoros.

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Meetoo, thanks for the info and yes I did tlk to nelly and she did help me out.
Nelly thank you very much for your help.

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Jesse, email and she may can help you. ( I tried to post before but they edit out email adddresses when in the proper form., so I wanted to post for you again) She says she lives near the border, so she must be in or near TX. She can get the Fentermina for you.

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Jessica, yiu have to get it in Mexico, on a website in Mexico or on a site from someone that livesin TX near Mexico. Google FENTERMINA again and also ACXION. Look at a site like ebay that has ACXION listed. That is where it is cheapest from people living near the TX/Mexico bourder. I do not know how far McAllen if from Houston but near there, people have it. If you mean you have someone that can go to MX for you,then after they cross the border, go to a pahmacy anywhere and ask. They will sell it ot tell you a doctor that will prsecribe it, I am told. But getting it through customs noe may be the problem. So if you can buy from people in TX, that makes it much easier but a little more expensive. But you can get a month's worth for $75 if you google ACXION.

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Meetoo, I looked at google and it gave me this website. I was looking for someone in Texas who might or knows where to buy Acxion since I don't have my passport yet.

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Paula, What I meant to type above and mistyped a lot of words was:
I would say No fifteen is too young to take the meds. I know you think you are grown and are in many ways, but you are still growing and your body will change. If you are truly overweight and if you can tell me where you live, I will try and find a doctor that deals with weight loss there. Plus, if you get and take internet pills of any kind, it can get you kicked out of school in these Zero tolerance days. So the real doctor at a real clinic is the only way for you.

I hope it made sense this time.

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