Fentermina Axcion 30mg (Page 7)


I have been taking Fentermina/Axcion 30mg faithfully since April 2008 when I was 32 yrs old and weighed in at 185 lbs. I'm 33 yrs old now and to this day I weigh 147 lbs. I haven't been this small since 2005. At the beginning I used to have really bad side effects such as really bad migraines, insomnia and so forth. Now a days, I only have dry mouth and am very thirsty. My headaches aren't as bad as they used to be and my insomnia either. I have no complaints especially because it's helped me suppress my appetite and helped me lose so much weight. I have been taking 30 mg and take it once a day in the morning and by the time I'm ready to go to bed, I'm drained and ready to go to sleep with no problems.

128 Replies (7 Pages)

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I take 15mg is that good to start with and will i lose weight or should i have started with 30mg

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Re: Sam (# 32) Expand Referenced Message

Yes you can. Tijuana had it everywhere, available over-the-counter.

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Re: Rina (# 108) Expand Referenced Message

In Puerto Vallarta it costs 30.00 dollars for 30 pills

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Re: Amanda (# 105) Expand Referenced Message

Hey. Where do you find these pills in Piedras? Do you possibly have the address? I live in Eagle pass & I need to loose weight, I'm over weight.

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I was living in the UK but am currently living in Ireland. I was getting phentermine prescriptions and I can't get through to a clinic anymore. I want to get a month's supply prescribed to me as these were the only dieting pills that were helping my body to lose weight. I was on a high dose. {edited for privacy}. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

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For those of you who get the white paper box acxion 30mg...quick question. There are 2 bubble packs in the box. The back has the brand in big letters crossed the foil. Can anyone confirm they have seen the blister pack like that? Last time i had axcion the blister pack had perforations to pull a pill off the pack without opening it. The foil had 15 squares with axcion and a lot number. I dont know why someone would go through such lengths to fake a pill you can find everywhere... but the packaging difference made me a little nervous. Thanks

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Re: Stacie (# 16) Expand Referenced Message

Can you still get this???

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Re: Twinkle (# 13) Expand Referenced Message

Would you send me the info please? I live in Saluda, SC. {edited for privacy}. Thank you sooooo much.

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