Fentermina Axcion 30mg (Page 3) (Top voted first)
UpdatedI have been taking Fentermina/Axcion 30mg faithfully since April 2008 when I was 32 yrs old and weighed in at 185 lbs. I'm 33 yrs old now and to this day I weigh 147 lbs. I haven't been this small since 2005. At the beginning I used to have really bad side effects such as really bad migraines, insomnia and so forth. Now a days, I only have dry mouth and am very thirsty. My headaches aren't as bad as they used to be and my insomnia either. I have no complaints especially because it's helped me suppress my appetite and helped me lose so much weight. I have been taking 30 mg and take it once a day in the morning and by the time I'm ready to go to bed, I'm drained and ready to go to sleep with no problems.
i need the address for axcion 30 mg, i had it but lost it can yoy help me
I just bought 90 of the Disebsin in Cabo 3 weeks ago - didn't need a prescription.
Hello, is there a website I can order this from?
Hi, I purchased a bottle in cabo back in march and loved them! I had a friend bring me two bottles back a week ago and I noticed that the pills were not marked the same. Same exact packaging however there wasn't a stamp or score line on the actual pill. Curious how yours look and if they worked for you
Hi, I was just wondering if you found a place to get them over the counter in the USA? I live in PA and will not be able to go to Mexico any time in my near future.
Did u find a website?
would be eternally grateful for an ordering address for Axcion or Disebin
How do I order some of this pills
Was working with a reputable pharmacy, but they are closed. Please let me know if you have info for Acxion Fentermina. Thanks!
Could I also get that address ?? I'm 48 and weight just doesn't come off anymore ...need something strong to do the trick ...please help
There $26 dollars
Where were you able to find these?
where do you get them?
Where can I find axcion fintermina in Cozumel?
Would you be able to share the information of where you got them?
Are you in canada or USA?
Depending on where you live they're prescription only but they are freely available if you know where to look. Another option is asking a dr honestly.
PLEASE! Help Wanted & needed!! Plz point me in the right direction. I need an order ASAP! Anyone?...
I use to get them in Progresso too, but moved to Dallas and I cant get them no more:(
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