Fentanyl Withdrawal Experience
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Hi pat and thanks for the input am trying to get as much information before my pain management appointment in 3 weeks, i am interested in how you received pain meds for your hep c and if you have received treatment, any input would be helpful, i am 43 with two grown daughters and a husband who are having a rough time dealing with me so this site is a comfort to me, i am 12 days off the patch and 5 days off the tabs, my sweats are still a problem but not as bad, do you draw ssi for your hep and i really have learned alot from your posts
5 Replies
Talwin is just like Ultram, poison, a mixed antagonist agonist, so that if you use an opioid will put you in withdrawal.
Suboxone is dangerous, the QUACKS writing it make up to 40% profit selling it at the office. No drug to reverse it if you overdose. It does not treat intractable pain.
Talwin? I didn't know they used it any longer...................How does it help? My dad had if for years, it is a strange drug.............
I am so sorry I never saw your question until right now. Verwon is correct about the suboxone. That drug has helped many people, look it up and ask your doctor for help. As for my Hep C, I refuse to take medication for it because it makes everyone I know sick and I just don't want to go through that. The Hep causes me no pain, I just am tired a lot I don't know how long ago you wrote me, and I hope you are doing a lot better.Please write if you need to talk, ok?? Guitar Lady Please don't throw the drug talwin out there because unless a person who is dependent or addicted to opiates is completely off of opiates, they will get very sick, I know this from experience. I have heard Talwin is a wonderful medication, but not for people on opiates who are using them daily, Talwin has naltraxone in it and they will go through instant severe WD's. This is why I ALWAYS advise anyone to do nothing W/O their doctors help. Unless a person has an MD after their name they shouldnt give advice like talwin that was dangerous advice..
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What you are experiencing is completely normal as far as withdrawal effects are concerned, even when you aren't abusing a medication. You can experience chills, fever, diarrhea, nausea and rebound pain.
If you are currently off of all your medications, there is probably not a high chance that a doctor will prescribe Suboxone, since it is another narcotic and is usually used to help someone taper down and avoid the worst withdrawal symptoms.
You can read more about it here:
Is there anything else I can help you with?
GOOD $ U to get off the patch. Ask your Dr. to give you lomotil & levsin..these will counteract & get youthru the irritable bowel that is accompanying this withdrawal. I used demerol to get off that HORRID KILLING patch.
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