Fentanyl For Chronic Pain
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Is this fentanyl medicine dangerous or safe? Please advise me immediately.
6 Replies
Fentanyl is 1000 times more powerful than morphine. It comes in a patch that is usually worn for 7 days. It's only dangerous if you abuse it. Like using more than 1 at a time, or drawing out the medicine with a syringe. The vast majority of OD's and deaths from fentanyl occur from doing this THE FIRST TIME because there is no way to calculate that first dose. Once you start abusing this drug, you will have no where else to go when you develop a tolerance. And there is no way in Hades that your Dr will give you an early refill, (which the pharmacy would not fill anyway). With med. records widely available to Dr's and hospitals, you will be blacklisted in a heartbeat.
Is there a liquid demerol that anyone can take instead of pills that are hard on the stomach?
Hi Pema, if you can use other pain meds instead of the Fentanyl, please do!! This is a dangerous medication to be on and your body needs to opiate tolerant first, so be careful when using the first patch if you decide to use them. My suggestion would be to take whatever pills they can give due to they are much easier to get off of in the end. If you don't have a condition that REALLY needs opiates, then stay with taking Aleve and Tylenol each day, that will help with the pain and you don't run the risk of addiction. Good luck to you and feel free to contact me with questions.
If you are talking to me I would like to thank you. I don't want to take something that will get me knocked out. I just want my chronic pain to ease up. It did work with the oc's but when they changed them I was surprised how I was going through withdrawals. I thought that it was all in my head. Then the throbbing pain started to come back again. What about another pain reliever like Demeral* (I don't know how to spell it). Or Dilaudid?
Whether or not any mediation helps anyone can only be discovered by trying.
When speaking of Fentanyl, it is a very strong narcotic pain medication, as such, yes, it can be dangerous.
It can also cause side effects such as nausea, drowsiness, dizziness and constipation.
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Do you have any other questions?
It would be helpful to you I believe to read the other discussions on fentanyl. Especially the fentanyl withdrawal post. Good luck to you.
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