Fentanyl Withdrawal Symptoms (Page 2)
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I'm trying to wean myself off the Fentanyl patch. I went from 75 micro-gms to 50 now I'm on 25. Having a problem and not sure it is related to the decrease in the med. It's been 20 days on the 25 micro-gm and I'm going crazy. I need to keep rocking, moving in any way b/c my body is very restless. Is this a symptom of withdrawal and what do I do? I cannot take it any more.
I've spent years being a non volunteer for medications, therapies, exercises, etc to relieve pain. It seems that as soon as I get to a point where I can be productive a change is made. Be it a new MD, government or insurance this has gone on too long. Presently it's a combination of the DOA, another couple of alphabet agencies, Congress (Federal and State), Insurance companies and a few MD's (comparatively) speaking. Letters to our Representative's, insurance companies, media services along with calls to the above and talk radio need to be made. I am well aware that addiction is a disease and needs to be treated with compassion, but not funding at the Federal level. Rehabilitation from any drug should come via an insurance, private or public, plan. The war on drugs shouldn't be specifically against opiates and God given trees and plants. Prohibition of alcohol didn't work, why is there a prohibition on marijuana that has medical uses? It was insanity to make marijuana illegal in the first place. Although, for me personally marijuana isn't the answer, but for some it is and for other's may be. Where are their Rights to be Free of their affliction and able to be productive in our Country? For myself, I'm on contract with a Pain clinic after being treated by a neurologist for 10 years so I could continue a career in the 2000s started in the 70s.
Then here come the Pain clinic requirements and it's, even with medical records, like starting almost all over. Last year finally I was on a regime of fentanyl patch, breakthrough opiates 10/325 if needed, acupuncture, physical and medical exercises I'd learned over the years and I was back to work part-time. A couple weeks before planning a full time return I broke a hip. One month later I return to the doctor and he's got this plan to wean me from pain meds. What, I hurt worse then before the hip? It's not just the doctor though. He's getting pressure from the government and insurance companies. Tomorrow, with a too small group I'll be at our State Capitol visiting the offices of House members and Senators. I may be limping and have a cane, but up close and personal is important if we want government to stop strong arming insurance and insurance to start covering what the doctor orders. I congratulate everyone who wants to and is able to wean off their pain medication. There are many who physically can't get out of bed without true pain relief. If opiates are hard core restricted I foresee terrible outcomes for those who need them. Why are the needs put into the little box with the recreational users?
How long does fentanyl work after taking off patch? I stopped using fentanyl patch two weeks ago. I initially felt fine, no withdrawal symptoms. But now as of the past two days I am starting to feel sick in my stomach with nausea. Is this a withdrawal symptom? How long will it last?
hello i have back pay,i want fentanyl pathes ,wer i cane by this?
It's my understanding that in some States accupuncture is now covered as well as some herbal supplements for medical purposes. My State/insurance company doesn't cover accupuncture or herbal scripts unfortunately. It does get expensive.
If you can find a school treatments are more reasonable, financially.
I really don't want the government to control medical options but for now that's the way it is so contacting our State and Federal Legislators is the way to get change. Letters and calls to insurance companies showing that they'd actually save money covering alternative medicine.
Acupuncture can be an effective pain management treatment. Unfortunately most insurances will not cover the cost. If you have chronic pain, the acupuncture treatments will be necessary several times a week. I think insurance needs to cover alternative treatments. Acupuncture can also help patients reduce or get off other pain meds including opioids. Sadly I have a plan that is considered excellent by most. Accupuncture is not covered and can become costly if you need regular treatments. I had the same problem with chiropractic medicine. I was only allowed 16 weeks of treatment. I was doing well; the chiropractor was even able to stop a migraine if I went for an adjustment early in the development of the headache.
I am indebted to the pain management PA who introduced me to accupuncture. At 61 I have multiple pain issues. Even with pain medication I was terribly uncomfortable much of the time. When I'm going to the accupunturist on a weekly or bi monthly basis there are times when my pain level is 0.
Hi I as on the fentanyl patch for years in the last few months I went from 100 to 75 than 50 & this last month 25 but I only use the 25 2x but it's so funny that you said something about a odor because since I stopped the patch 3 days ago I've had this odor that smells awful I was wondering also if it was because of the fentanyl that my body was getting rid of please tell me if your still having this problem because the smell is AWFUL
First and foremost congratulations. I am also trying to get off fentanyl. At the highest point I was on 3x 100mcg patches. I worked my way down to 2. I am currently using one and praying that I dont go through withdrawal. I found the best way is to supplement with a breakthrough medication like hydrocodone to keep withdrawal from occurring. I know that hydrocodone every 6 hours is much much less than wearing the damn patches. PLEASE FOLKS PRAY FOR ME THAT I CAN CONTINUE TO GO LOWER.
I want to get off the fentanyl patch. Can you tell me how you got off?
Since you have not been using for a long time, you may escape severe side effects. The time to do it is now. I tried after several years and failed. I will need a lot of support, maybe even rehab to get off fentanyl. I will get off in the summer because even when using a medication to suppress the withdrawal; after a week I was still getting worse rather than better. (I said summer because I don't work in the summer.)
I started fentanyl patches, 25 mg, and used 5 patches...I do not like them and do not want to get addicted. Can I just stop without any withdrawal effects? Actually I've taken four with one remaining.
Yes it is hard I was lucky to get off them the way I did
I much rather put up with the pain but just because I went cold turkey and I was on high dosage I do not recommended it i recommened strongly lost of vitamin C and lots of water when you do
My dad is on 75 mcg of the Fentanyl Patch. He only has a few left in his box and can't afford to buy anymore. He has Spinal Stenosis and has had a few back surgeries. His discs are herniated and also has bulging discs. If he just stops taking the 75 mcg of Fentanyl, will this kill him? I know the withdrawals can be fatal.
Yes very much so although I went cold turkey it took weeks almostlike pneumonia symptoms
Please check out the "Thompson Recipe- for opiate withdrawal. IT WORKS
Life Saver- you are correct that Fentanyl was the medication named in Prince's autopsy report. However, legally only one drug is listed when an autopsy reveals multiple drugs in an autopsy. Fentanyl was a prescribed drug. It's much more "appropriate" to blame the OD death of a talented and loved musician on prescription meds than other drugs or a mix of drugs. The death of Prince and the surgeon general have made the war on drugs specifically a war on fentanyl. For a small number of patients that have explored many options fentanyl is the only pain med that works. This is even after DNA cheek swab evaluations for alternatives. Everyone's liver breaks down medications at different levels. Some people cannot take other medications. Sadly there is no one size fits all pain medication plan. Maybe medical marijuana should be a solution in all 50 states. I just need to work full time and care for my family. I wasn't able to do so on any other medication. I will suffer pain of detox as soon as I retire. I have fought pain for 20 years, with 2 left to go I will fight to stay on my current meds.
Hi I just saw your post and know the agony you are going through personally. I was on 125meq of Fentanyl for almost 10 yrs. I had horrible constipation and still very high pain levels of 6-10.
The doctors told me there was nothing left to do to relieve my pain. I
t was not good time for me. I was in a terrrible state of mind. I did not know what to do and had no hope. I was sent to several specialists who kept referring me to another specialist. The last one I saw said the only thing left was brain surgery-- remove part of my brain that received the pain signals. WHAT?? no way.
I prayed and God supplied the answer. I had tried to wean my self off of the Fentanyl and when I got to nothing, the pain was unbearable and the side effects were horrible. Death would have been a welcome friend.
My son found a doctor in our town who could write for the drug Suboxone. It was a miracle! !!! The Side Effects stoppled immediately. I am now on suboxone full time. I use it as directed and actually receive more pain relief than when I was on Fentanyl. So my dear fellow sufferer with doctors who tell you... Sorry! Nothing left to do. Change doctors and get on suboxone.
You should count yourself very lucky you got out of it the way you did and be thankful it sounds like you are making us to sound wooses for telling our story. Believe me withdrawal from this horrendous drug is not to be taken lightly. Be glad you escaped from it and don't come over as if you are gloating.
Has your doctor prescribed medication such as clonodine to block the withdrawal symptoms. You have come so far already. You should be very proud of yourself.
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