Fentanyl Withdrawal Symptoms (Page 82) (Top voted first)


I'm trying to wean myself off the Fentanyl patch. I went from 75 micro-gms to 50 now I'm on 25. Having a problem and not sure it is related to the decrease in the med. It's been 20 days on the 25 micro-gm and I'm going crazy. I need to keep rocking, moving in any way b/c my body is very restless. Is this a symptom of withdrawal and what do I do? I cannot take it any more.

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I've been using Fentanyl 75mcg for about 5 months. Started at 25mcg as I prepared for cervical discectomy w/ fusion in Sept last year.. then increased to 50mcg, and now at 75mcg. Also have 4 Norco per day prn, and 1 1/2 Soma per day prn for breakthrough pain and muscle spasms. I've had chronic neck and back pain due to DDD and the herniated disc in my neck, and a fall down a staircase in 2005 that injured my back. I'm 35, engaged, and really want to be pregnant in the next few years. I really hate the side effects of the meds, so my fiancee and I decided that I should be titrated off of the Fentanyl as soon as I could tolerate it.

I first tried going from the 75mcg to 50mcg last week, two days before taking a trip to LA. Ok - that was stupid. It didn't go well at all, and I ended up missing a day of work because I was in so much pain after returning home from the trip. I put a second patch on for a brief time, and am now starting over. Last night, I applied a new 50mcg patch. It's been about 17 hours since then - the time that I have read that it takes to really begin feeling the withdrawal. So far I feel like I have a bad flu - achey, muscle fatigue, a little spacey and cloudy-headed. I'm going to treat this as I would a flu.. take it easy, get rest, eat well (no processed crap), drink tea - and hope for the best. I'll keep you all posted on my progress.

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I am really impressed to be reading how many of you have compleated, or are in the process, detoxing off powerful pain medications you've been on for long periods of time. It's really encouraging to see how determined all of you are to get off this drug. I started a discussion under Oxycontin, well over a year ago to discuss dangerous issues I had observed with the pill's delivery system. A full year later, I too came to the same conclusion, as you have, to do what ever I had to do to get off the powerful pain pills that were now messing up my life instead of helping me as intended when I began their use. I began posting what I was going through while detoxing off a daily usage of 180-mg Oxycontin prescribed for sever spine damage and related pain issues. I am now into my 7th month of being Oxycontin free. Additionally, I cut back almost all other pain related drugs I used by 75%, and took myself off two additional prescriptions during this time. I am so happy that I have finally managed to accomplish what I've been wanting to do for so long but kept postponing because I didn't know where to get help, what to expect and because I feared the withdraw side effects. If you are interested in reading about my withdrawal accounts over the months to see how it's helped me and what I went through, please type in Oxycontin Discussions, and read my many postings there. Throughout these difficult months of heavy withdrawals from many strong medications, I was unaware that there were so many others on this site posting under different drug names who were going through similar issues I've dealt with while withdrawing. More power to all of us who are doing this on our own at home and providing information, encouragement and hope for all the others who are seeking the support you guy's are posting here, and as I've done under Oxycontin. Our post's are clearly helping others who are faced with similar issues and fears which many of us have successfully dealt with and overcome while detoxing.

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i have untreated hepatitus c and undiagnosed fibromyalgia. Due to loss of my insurance i am in severe withdrawal from the patch and am interested if anyone has had problems finding treatment with no insurance, since my family will pay for my doctors visits. How do i explain I am on unprescribed pain medication? By saying this will i be turned away for treatment?

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I started using oxycodone for severe nerve damage in my foot , and was told I would be on treatment for the rest of my life . after about a year the doctors introduced me to the fentanyl patch , and about 6 months after that , my insurance lapsed and they cut me off completely . That was the first time I went through withdrawls .. I quickly found the seedy underbelly of the prescription drug world and became a large part of it . not wanted to go through those withdrawls for a single minute . I Ended up buying methadone off the streets . which , anyone who's made their way around the opiate block can tell you , Has worse withdrawls than Herion . After several Years of doing this , I went onto the methadone program , which is not what everyone believe it to be . The Methadone program is meant to keep people hooked to methadone . the increase doses regularly and will even take payment plans .. how nice . The point of my story is . when I finally said enough is enough and let myself go through the withdrawls fullbore .. it was the most unpleasant , horrific debilitating experience of my life . and I wouldnt wish it on a necropheliac pedofile . The hot flashes and restlesness are compounded . you are completely exhausted but you cant sleep . there is no end to it .. and it lasts for weeks

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I'm pretty sure this is a fentanyl withdrawal posting page.... Please keep your shares about actual experience with fentanyl and withdrawing from it. There are other topic posting places on this same site.
Dave, you'll make it through, not easily but surely.
I'm a month drug free and feeling more myself everyday but still having sleeping restlessness.

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C/T off the patch- why?
Whoever put him on the patch has a legal duty to taper him off- going down in mg -maybe with suboxone the last week... Go back to the Dr. Or find a new one! Educate yrself about the detox process, and get medical help ! Blessings for a good outcome.

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Sam, if your BF is being given surgery to deaden the nearves that cause him pain, is it possible that after this surgery he will no longer be in pain? If that is the case, then both of your nightmares are over. But if it doesn't work, what can you do to ask a doctor to help him? I truely wish I didn't have to take opiates either but sometimes we have to do things to have a somewhat normal life. I tip my hat to the people here who are able to live in severe pain W/O opiates, but some of us can;t do it, They are truly the lucky ones,,I tried living opiate free, it just didn't work. Your BF was taking a brutal narcotic (I Have never taken it, but when I hear about it, it makes my skin crawl) I really hope he can live opiate free, but if for some reason he can't don't be upset, there are other opiates that don;t cause the misery that Fentanayl does.. Leave your options open and whatever happens, I wish you all the best

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SAm, What kind of needle surgery did your BF have, and how long has he been in pain. On a scale from 1-10 how bad is the pain? If he is still not better PLEASE take him back to his doctor and let them decide what to do. As for the insomnia, I have had that my whole life and it is Hell. If he hasn;t slept in a long time he will get sick. Tell your BF to listen to his body, he will (with the help of his doctor) know what he needs to do,Why live in constant agony if you dont have to or you just can't?? Only your BF and his doctor can know what will help him. Not any self help books, or eating right is going to help if he is in constant pain wheather it be actcuall pain, or mental pain. Life is too short to live in agony...You and you BF are in my thoughts...


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Hawaiin Born..If you really read what I post, you would see that we don't disagree on a lot of things. I know it sounds that way, and it isn't what you say, or what you did..Heck, I wish I were capable of getting off of opiates, but we all can't and that is what we disagree about.. If someone is able to live opiate free with severe chronic pain, and be able to enjoy their life, I would stand by that person 100%. I just think it is dangerous to let all people whether they be chronic pain sufferers, addicts or both (Like me) think that this will work for them, because it works for you..Some people do die from opiate WD's I am not talking about a man or woman who is in good health in their 20's or 30's, but people like me who have other medical problems that have died from WD's. I only believe in tapered WD's, cold turkey is so hard on anyones body, and I worry about PAWS..A person doesn't have to be an addict to get PAWS. and for some of us the mental torment is deadly. When I am talking to someone here, I don't know if they are an addict or not, I just treat everyone the same. Even if a person isn't an addict, they are dependent and WD's are something I wouldn't wish on anyone. As for NA, I hate that program. NA was what made me want to end my life, so I don't tell anyone to go there, but I also don't tell anyone they have to stay away..All I am trying to say is. I am really happy you are free from opiates, but just remember that not everyone can do what you did and succeed. That is why I always first tell anyone to talk to their doctor before making any kind of desision concerning messing with medication dosing.. I have never taken fentanyl, I don't even know what it looks like, but from what I have read here, I am glad I never had a prescription for it, Sounds worse than pharmacutical heroin for getting addicted. I know people who are chronic pain sufferers who were put on the patch and when they are going through WD's the ER will medicate them because they can and have gone into shock. My friend almost died the day she went to a methadone clinic because of her severe WDs..Just remember that even though some of us are addicts, 99.9% of us started out as chronic pain sufferers..I didn't want to become an addict, but put narcotics in a 14 year olds hands and it is a train wreak waiting to happen. One day I was taking them for pain and B4 I knew what was happening It turned into a full time job. because I had to start supporting a habit that I never knew I had..The reason it is so hard for any person who has ever been dependent on opiates to stay free from them 4 ever is because opiates are one of the only medications that almost every human being will need to take sometime in their life, Sugeries, accidents, cancer. Them boom, they are back where they started and that is why I agree with you that unless someone has to I don't think anyone should take opiates every day of their lives.We sometimes have to take them and hope for the best..I think that is the goal for all of us..I am sure that we can find common ground here if we both just listen to others and each others..Whar do you think??


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Tessie, L5-HTP is a tryptophan analog. You can find it at most vitamin shops & Whole Foods. St. John's Wort can be an effective herbal antidepressant, but it can interact badly with certain Rx meds. So if you're on any, ask your pharmacist about possible interactions before taking it. Valerian tea is calming; I gave it to my kid (now 20) when he was frantic with teething. But valerian root is a narcotic, so don't overdo the tea or capsules. And if you take the caps, again ask your pharmacist about drug interactions.

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If I would have known..The only thing I can tell you is you are going through WD and it is going to be a long road.. If the WD's are that bad why are you suffering? You can go to your doctor and he/she can give you non narcotic medications to help you. I will not kid you, WD's are He**. If you can't handle the WD's call your doctor and let him/her help you. Like I said there are a lot of non narcotic medications that can help you.


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Tessie..If you read my posts you will see the only thing that I disagree with is people saying WD's can't kill you..They can, they have, and that is the truth. I have never said anything to anyone about NEVER TAKING MEDICATION, My only beef is when people say that it isn't dangerous, and just pray about it..My own husband is tapering and TRYING to be drug free and I support him, but I also make sure he only does it under the care of his doctor because when he has tried to do it on his own he goes through hell. so don't even try to accuse me of not wanting people to be drug free if they want to, and as long as they do it with their doctors knowledge and care


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If anyone here doesn't feel better in a Couple of nights Or I should say in a couple of months, then it may be a case of PAWS..That is why I have never lied and told people that I PROMISE IT WILL GET BETTER Chances are it will, but if you don't get better in a few months, feel depressed, feeling of doom, etc, you should get to your doctor ASAP because PAWS is a serious medical condition that for a small group of patients, it just stays on, for me it lasted YEARS. I tried suicide before I got the help I needed..That is why no one should attempt this on their own,,And it doesn't matter if you are a chronic pain patient or an addict or both. Opiates affect us wheather we like it or not. There happen to be forums on this site and other sites that deal with fentanayl and PAWS..My God Tessie you are willing to say anything that would make you look like your way is the only way,,I just hope that no one gets hurt by your one sided so called IT ALL GETS BETTER BS. For those of you that have been able to taper congratulations, just make sure to find a support group while you are going through everything..This board can help you want to taper, but it won't help you stay that way. When people here get over their WD's they just decide to leave (If you look back from just a few months a lot of the women have left because they are over their WD's..You need to talk to people AFTER YOUR WD'S TOO..


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Tygerlily, there are hundreds of people going through the exact thing you are going through. I can't help you because I have no desire to get off of the opiates I need to live a somewhat normal life. I have noticed that when the people here get better they stop posting,. I am not saying Tessie will do that because I dont know her, but you aren't out of the woods yet and you need to talk to some people that are going through what you are. I wish you the best in your taper, and remember, if you do feel PAWS coming on, get to your doctor ASAP..... Happy Holidays.

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Erin, you have been through a huge trauma with your accident. I'm wondering if your pain is subsiding by now. Your dosage was very high, but your doc must have thought you needed it. Didn't you get drowsy and slow?
If your pain is tolerable, ask your doc to wean you down. I did each reduction of 25mcg for 3-4 weeks each. I did have wd symptoms, but they were somewhat tolerable. The sooner you can start it the better (let your back pain dictate when to start lowering dosage).
I'm praying for you, Erin. Keep us posted how it goes for you.
Happygirl and Drug free over 4 months!

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Happygirl, Thank you for replying so soon. I am so very sad about this whole thing. The patch did make me somewhat drowsy, and at time slow. But, it was the only thing that made the pain go away where I wasn't lying in bed all day long. I could actually get up and do things. However, when it wears off, there was lots of pain, especially if I overdid it. Sort of like, I am not sure what my tolerable pain level is right now. Before I changed my patch last night, my pain was at a tolerable level, and it was the first time in about 3 months that I had worn it for almost 72 hours. BUT, I did feel the w/d symptoms come on. It scared me very much, because I haven't ever been addicted to something like this. I know that the medicine was needed for the pain. I was on massive amounts of pain killers while I was hospitalized. I had 6 surgeries in less than 30 days. 2 blood transfusions, and 51 days in the hospital. I have been home since Sept. 11th, recovering. I feel that the patch helps my daily life so much, but I do not want to risk going through severe withdrawls. So I feel that I should just get rid of it. I am so incredibly scared, and I am so very sad. I just want to be a good Mommy to my babies, and get back to our life before this accident. How long did it take you to get off the patch? I am not against taking a different medication for pain, maybe something not as strong as this. I am sure that I would need something for sleep too. How should I present this to my doctor when I see him? Thank you for your prayers. I sure need them right now. Hugs~

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Hello fellow pain people, Ive really gotten alot of info from everyone on this site. This past Sat was my first day of dropping from 125mcg fentanyl to 100 mcg. So far so good on this first 48hrs. Do you think this is the calm before the storm, or am I just blessed. I also take 1 or 2 norco 10/325 a day, which I plan to drop later. The powers that be also have me on 2 anti depressants. I do partake of cannabis when I can afford it. Does anyone think the extra drugs taken can be covering for me? Thanks for any input. Peace to all

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Squwishy, if you lived in Ca no problem. Does your State prosocute people on medical pot?? I have a best friend who was in an accident and he got addicted to every opiate there is, well, he got a prescription for medical pot and he swears it helps him better than any opiate he ever took..If you can't get medical pot there are supposed to be opiates which you won't get a bad reaction on, one being hydrocodeine. It isn't as near as habit forming as the patch and most people can tolerate it with no problem..I wish you well, I know what it is like to have bad reactions to almost every medication out there

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RLS is horrible and yes everyone has their own remedy..Quinine is one medication that seems to help a lot of people, but it has many side effects. It used to be OTC in Ca. but because of the side effects you need a prescription. I have mentioned many times that my husband uses a remedy that he swears by, it is cheap, and it can't hurt. He puts a bar of ivory soap under the sheets where his feet are, and he said the soap really does help his RLS..Other than that, there isn't much you can do. I have suffered from RLS most of my adult life, and since I do take restoril to sleep at night, I am usually not bothered by it when I go to bed. I haven't been to a movie theater in years because I always get an attack when I sit at night for more than a little while..For anyone who doesn't want to take sleeping medication for whatever reason, just try the soap..Acually, I read about it in the newspaper and that is when my husband started using it..Hope this helps


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Hi Squwishy...No sweetie, not hydrocodone. dihydrocodeine, 2 compleatly different things. I would never suggest anyone who is trying to get off of opiates to even take hydrocodone because IMO hydrocodone is the most euphoric of all opiates and I have been prescribed everything except fentynal. Dihydrocodeine is 50-100 times stronger (For pain relief) than morphine without all of the side effects.. Ask your doctor about it, and do a google search..In England they are using dihydrocodeine for heroin addicts trying to get clean and don't want to use methadone..It is non euphoric unless you take an antihistime with it, then it will give you a buzz you don't want, believe me..Hope this helps you..I hate to see you suffer, especially during the Holidays...Also, I forgot to mention, for RLS try an electric blanket it can be 32 degrees in your house, but you will be toasty, We use an electric matress pad, and I don't know what I would do without it..Nothing feels better than being all warm from your head to your toes in the wintertime. Only problem is, I hate to get out of bed..If I were rich I would have a heated floor like the hotels in London...LOL


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